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Recalling "My World My Love My Life"

35 replies

This is has been one if not the ONE most impressive track off the RS album for me. A classic Roxette balad at least in the vibe felt by the drum beats and the bass playing which is similar to what u can hear from many other Rox ballads. I love the intensity of this song in both the melody and the personal and emotional lyrics... the magic cross over between the synth echoed with the strings in that middle eight intrumental towards the end of the song gives it a wonderful but sad feeling. I think of a sunset when I hear this song ...

It’s just a shame that due to this wish of having smaller songs into the album that this one was affected and edited taking away it’s proper magnificiency ... cause other Roxette balads made all sence the way they were presented to the audience in the 1 st place either big or small...

Can u still remember ur first impressions regards to this song?

In my opinion...

This ballad is synthetic and dramatic, which is a combination I don’t like that much. The song and the vocal performance are good, but although I love many of the tracks on Room Service, it’s the only Roxette album-ender that rarely implores me to play the CD again. Just my thoughts... Rich ;-)

This is absolutely the BEST Roxette-ballad!
In my opinion it is also the best song from RS, although I usually like the uptempo-songs more than ballads.
This song is so good, that in this case I like this ballad more then any other song on the RS-album.

to rich: u said something quite relevant - the song is dramatic one reason why i love it but tastes are tastes of course - the song being synthetic - yeah we both agree on that - a bad combination - dramatic songs should be expressed with its own natural way - usually big songs either remarkable and brillant for some but also boring for others ... and if MWMLML had been like that then that would be a point to consinder - but as u said it’s too synthetic!

I love this song but I didn’t know it was edited to a shorter version. Where did you read that?

edited per never said that my world was edited, he said it was written in the same style as wish i coudl fly tho

He mentioned that all the songs were made to be shorter and not so big .... I believe that such has happened to MWMLML I don’t see how can this song just be those 4 minutes it’s too strong and emotional to be reduced to such a time running and remember that songs like RS and MTH were really edited not to be so extended ... at least some vocals parts were not included on MTH as the shooting star version prooves.... It does not make any sence that the 12 songs on RS were all made as they are now ... just 3 or 4 minutes long and that’s it some songs sound so incomplete to me and too short but this is my personal view and not an official stamente

Even EYH was edited in its bside as for the japonese album it came all complete ...

Well, most of Roxette songs are 3-4 minutes long...

Speaking about My World, My Love, My Life, I like this song, though I haven’t listened to Room Service for a quite a long time.

per said the goal of room servie was to make an album with songs that didn’t clock past 4 minutes or so, not that they recorded extended versions then edited them

i actually have roomservice in my cd player at owrk though i have to sya its really annoyingly short for a rox album, i need to buy a replacement copy of have a nice day to torture my coworkers lol

“annoyingly short” that is perhaps the best description to RS ... then if the songs are ot aren’t good quality songs i’ll leave that to the criteria of each one of us... but using HAND to annoy workmates even more? LOL Begin with Stars that would make go insane LOL (just kiding)

But I still have this feeling that a few songs on RS ended up being edited for the purpouse Per explained. Especially the ballads but this is just my belief anyway ...

this was the song I liked the most in my first listening

but it lacks something in the corus

It does lacks something (probably because of boring synthetic drums) to be GREAT although has an amazing playing of Marie’s and Per’s voices, that’s what I love.

Have to listen to RS again.

The drums or should I say “drum machine” or something like that ... has been used in several other rox ballads like IDWTGH or WICF just to say a few ... but seriously it’s does not bother me ...

You are all right it does lack something ... that is what I would like to read from all you u just to make sure that my impressions on the song do make some sence at least

In my opinion, the drum machines on IDWTGH & WICF are light, unobtrusive & classy; in MWMLML they are particularly noticeable and artifical.

My first impression was that I loved it and I remember listening to that song on repeat during my 40 minute trip to school... :o)

A detail in the production: the way WICF and IDWTGH were worked and produced seemed and seems to be still a very well achieved work that does not allow any sort of less appreciative comment in that sence I trully agree with you. In MWMLML the same failed ... the drums are more noticable but the strings, the melody the echoing synth and the whole magic touch are there that’s why this song impresses me ... but i wish it wasn’t so small it needed to be even longer to make that magic even stronger and better understood ...

i love this song , but could of been a wee better i didnt like the production to much, seems artifical abit ! would of been great big occestral version. I edited the song and took pers part out , and i like it better now. sounds more flowing with just marie’s vocals same style as LTYH SMT.

to rox: did u really do that? u edited Per vocals? I though always that one of the most beautiful parts in it was that dialogue remembering a bit of what was like in DFS but in this case within a ballad and with such a intimite and confiding moment ... the dialogue makes all sence to me ...

The key: the production could have been better absolutely! Yet: strings and synth echoing toegether I would never change that and also the dialogue I would never take it out ... plus: extend the song too short LOL :)

It is just perfect the way it is on the album.
If it comes to the ballads, this one is the best roxette have ever done.

My list:

Top 5 ballads by Roxette:
- My World, My Love, My Life
- Breathe
- I don’t want to get hurt
- Listen To Your Heart
- It Must Have Been Love

Top 5 Roxette overall:
- Surrender
- Dangerous
- My World, My Love, My Life
- Silver Blue
- Breath

@ rox-kuryliw: i’d really like to have a listen to your edited version of MWMLML, any chance you could send a copy??

yeah that would be awsome just to hear tha edited version!

My TOP 16 Ballads:
1. Queen Of Rain (always have always be)
2. You Don’t Understand Me (it’s been 10 years and lots of memories)
2. The Rain
3. I don’t want to get hurt
5. Watercolours in the rain
6. Perfect Day
7. A Thing About You
8. My World My Love My Life
9. Breathe
10. Love Is All (Shine a Light)
11. Crash Boom Bang
12. Wish I Could Fly
13. Speding My Time
14. Listen To Your Heart
15. So Far Away (1986)
16. Milk and Toast And Honey

... and here is my top 10 (the top 5 don’t change):

1. Crash! Boom! Bang!
2. Spending My Time
3. Beautiful Things
4. Every Day
5. Wish You The Best
6. I Don’t Want To Get Hurt
7. Love Doesn’t Live Here
8. So Far Away (1992)
9. Makin’ Love To You
10. Call Of The Wild

And here is mine:

01. Queen Of Rain (a masterpiece)
02. The Weight Of The World (I love this kind of duet; the first time I heard it, I though it was just Per that sings this song, but when Marie started to sing, I thought it coudn’t be better...)
03. From One Heart To Another (the music beat is great!)
04. The First Girl On The Moon (it looks like a 50’s song as “My Girl”...)
05. Listen To Your Heart (powerful)
06. See Me (it reminds me Enya...)
07. Watercolours In The Rain (it reminds me my daily grind...)
08. Perfect Day (perfect melody)
09. Vulnerable (the sound of violins is great!)
10. Crash! Boom! Bang! ( as its name says, it causes a big impact...)

My Top 10 Rox ballads (first wanted to pick only 5 songs but couldn’t stop...)

0. Listen to your heart
1. A thing about you
2. Spending my time
3. Wish I could fly
4. The weight of the world
5. Beautiful things
6. Love is all
7. Do you get excited
8. Crash!Boom!Bang!
9. Queen of rain

comment: #0 is the best of the best, the others are in particular order as I was recalling them.

>In my opinion, the drum machines on IDWTGH & WICF are light, unobtrusive & classy; in MWMLML they are particularly noticeable and artifical.>

I agree. I think “My World, My Love, My Life” is a beautiful song, yet the production could have been better. It sounds a bit dry and distorted. It’s not as clear and crisp as many of their previous recordings. Nonetheless, the melody and lyrics are what makes the song work. Perhaps some day Roxette will perform the song with a different arrangement, such as an acoustic version, which I think would have worked better. *dreams*

The dialogue part is definetely the best part in My World, My Love, My Life.

TheRain1981 & AURYTE: You said it all! :)
A acoustic version of MWMLML? Why not?
Bye the way cool nick Rain - one of my fav songs and my absolute fav year (when I was born LOL)

Yep, I was born in 1981 as well. :p As for acoustic recordings, am I the only one who thinks Roxette should do more acoustic recordings? They have so many strong songs that they would hold up well as acoustic recordings. Take the Abbey Road Acoustic Sessions, for example. Maybe it’s just because I love acoustic recordings. :p

Me too indead ... guitars and pianos do the whole magic for me within a song :)

The guitar intro chords: the same used in a Joyride Live Tour Concerts in 91-92 for the SMT song intro.... beautiful ... Jonas u rock ...:)

The acoustics are always great in the concerts... Then everyone just start singing.

yeah that is classic rox live all right! there is no rox gig without those acoustic in the set...

The back and forth of “Do you wanna talk about it. . .” reminds me of Dressed For Success’s “What ya gonna tell your. . .” It always struck me as an interesting bookend for the group should Room Service be the last Roxette album. A more thoughtful, mature echo to a more youthful, angrier questioning.

And I’ve also thought it might be an interesting nod to another Swedish group: My Love, My Life by ABBA.

The dialogue part does obvioulsy reminds us all of the same funny part in DFS though the tone here is more serious of course.

But I have to 2 questions for u: why did u feel that RS was to be Rox’s last album? and why that strange connections to Abba’s “My Love My Life” it’s only because of the title?

SHOULD Room Service be the last. . . IF it ends up being the last. Not that I wish that at all. Unfortunately, for the forseeable future it is. I hope not. I’ve been a fan since Look Sharp!

As far as the ABBA connection: aside from both groups being Sewdish, and both songs being ballads about missing love (ABBA, the end of a relationship; Roxette, obsessing over a love she doesn’t have or a relationship she wishes was more than it is.) Yes, it’s the title that connects them in my mind. Agreed, they’re different songs, and I like the Roxette better. . .

yes one great ballad! One of my favourites, Marie’s amazing in this one :D


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