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Best songs, Marie or Per?

19 replies

Both are great!

Depends on the style of music you like.
If you are more into the powerpop/rock, then Gyllene Tider/Per is the best choice.
But if you like ballads or “soft” music more, then Marie is much better.

I like them both and dependable on my mood, I play either Per, Marie, Gyllene Tider or Roxette (or other music).

This topic just seems like a sad excuse to bash Marie again and stir up a flame war. Marie doesn’t have to do anything to “match” Per, it’s not a competition. I personally don’t give a damn who is more successful or who sold more albums, if I did then I’d follow Madonna cos she’s sold more than both of em put together.

I also don’t like these comparisons, some people are just trying to be sh!t-disturbers. It’s apples and oranges.

And just because Marie is not as prolific as Per, or writes catchy pop tunes that appeal to a broader audience, doesn’t make her a lesser artist or songwriter. Can’t we just move past these petty “my artist is better than your artist” kindergarten tauntings?

i agree how can a Roxette fan talk so bad about one of the artists if you dislike Per or Marie remember the songs wouldnt exist without both of them.

EmEx: you are 100% right!!!

Oh, I’m sorry.. I like roxette very much and didn’t mean to make it as a competition. If you like powerpop then Pers the man, if you like ballads, then Marie is great.. So, sorry.. every one and good luke to MArie..

Anarem: Totally agree!!! It’s so kindergarten when the Per fans think they are better than Marie fans just because he has sold more albums or whatever! They are two totally different artists who happen to be in a band together. I am a Marie fan but I don’t see how attacking Per proves anything.
I really don’t understand the people who feel like insulting Marie will somehow make Per look better. I don’t think Per would even appreciate it if he came here and read stuff like “Marie has done nothing for Roxette”, she is his friend and Roxette would be nothing without EITHER of them!

I don’t like your thread. I like Per’s music when I am ’up’ and happy and Marie’s when I want to think about things a bit deeper.

I find your grammar an interesting turn of phrase, on your profile you say from Sweden, really? As a native speaker I don’t identify with your mistakes. Strange, you think?

Maybe he’s a recent immigrant! :-)

With “The change”, Marie has proved that she is very much into blues and rock music, obviously the pop music that Per writes will always sell more because it´s often more catchy. But Marie is really great!.

Besides, “The rockest Roxette moment” (sleeping in my car) was sang by Marie!

Well, I wouldn’t say Marie is only a good voice (a really very good voice)... Marie has done herself excellent songs, for example “Tro”, “2nd chance”, “Little girl”, “Det som var nu”, “Äntligen”, “Beatiful things”, “Efter stormen” (and a lot with Lasse)... And Marie can play a lot of instruments, specially piano. It’s not only a voice.
And compare Per’s style and Marie’s style, it’s not useful... I like two styles, only they are different
And Roxette is Per and Marie, mixed, that’s the power,

Va? Jag inte svensk?! Jag är så mycket svensk det går att va...!

Please, swedish is not my language... english or spanish. It’s a beatiful language but my brain knows nothing about swedish... That’s a pity, I wish I could learn a lot of languages easily... :(

Roxette äger! Vet någon något om “Better of on her own”.. Fanns med på Pop hits 2:disc.. Den är grym.. Roxette rules.. Does anyone knowes something about “Better On Her Own”? Or “Bla bla bla bla bla (you broke my heart)? Dem är skitbra bäggetvå iaf..

I think one of the best songs is “Go to sleep”, which curiously was composed by both Per and Marie...

Better off on her own var b-sida till Stars single. Vad vill du veta om det?

Inget.. bara undra.. den e bra iaf..


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