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In an Alternate Universe, Roxette would be...?

28 replies

Answers? (Funny and serious welcome)

Masters of the Universe?

Not a ’Who’(?) in the UK. :(

...selling 1 million albums a week.. :-)

@ Kiwein1: ...A DAY, you mean!!! ;o)

A half-second?

@big-little-girl: Ah, sure :-) Sorry! *g*

Performing live on Germany’s Top of The Pops concerts...

...and singing Breath, Milk&Toast&Honey and Wish I Could Fly with a full orchestral backing.

...the only musicians on the planet)))
and also would be able to be in different places in the same time, so there would be a thousand concerts in a day)))

Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson... I will not change one thing! (Only Marie’s illness)

... the artist most nominated on the American Grammy’s Awards, American Music Awards ... every year....

touring the UK

(in venues like carling apollos... smaller more intimate.... with me in the front row, LOL!) no crappy arenas where theres no standing. just crappy seats. grrrrrrr.

My parents:)

well, at the top of the charts everywhere and also my
(edited for content),
ooops, sorry, THAT fantasy doesn’t belong on a nice board like this !

...respected not laughed at.

the first people on mars!
There they would produce a video to their new single “Mission Back (Here We Come, Again)”.
Marie on leadvocals:
“Mission Baaack, here we come baaack, agaaain, once agaaaain.
Way home is hard to find through all the lights
Crashed by the moon, round the sun, do you see?
3,2,1, landed where the flowers growin’ so wild!”

In the video Marie would stand on Mars in a field of yellow tulps on orange sand which she breeds and in the backround you would see Per dancing the marswalk with some aliens, looking like a kind of
muppets with big noses like gonzo!
In the end they would land on a big arena with fans in america and all the little gonzos would jumping around!



U have quite an imagination, RoXoR!

I always wished they would do a video ’in space’ or on a planet.

RoXoR that’s great! LOL
write a proposal to EMI, see if they consider it ;)

Hmm, i think it would be to expensiv for emi to make a journey to the mars dont you think? but if they do, it will be Roxette’s comeback, in case of the aliens dont start a war when they hear make my head go pop

RoXoR: Drop acid lately? *phew* Interesting.

I wouldn’t change a thing. INCLUDING Marie’s illness. This is why Geordi LaForge (from Star Trek: The Next Generation) made the claim: Time travel always gives me nosebleeds. There are MANY things that we wish we could go back into history and “fix”, but if we did, we could inadvertantly “kill” the man who discovers the cure to AIDS, or enable another Adolf Hitler to come into power unchecked.....

Let’s leave the time travel alone, shall we?

But Spook...

We’re not taking about time travel per sa...

We’re speculating on alternative universes, which exist in infinite combinations, along side our very own.

For example... you’re faced with 2 choices...

You select choice (A), but at that same moment where you made that choice... you create an alterantive universe where you also exist where you choose choice (B) etc etc.

My head hurts now...

I think there is a misunderstanding ;-) , the subject of the discussion is:

Subject: In an Alternate Universe, Roxette would be...?

I don’t drop acid ;-)

Be holding a special competition for people of TDR to enter and it will be hosted in Halmstad, with free travel, accommodation and booze! (and of course I would win) :)

Roxette - on #1 of every chart, millions waiting for Roxette’s shows etc, etc.

And someone made a great option about parents, Per & Marie would both be my parents:)

@the above, disturbing........ :-)

RoXor: You shouldn’t have made up that Mars song - Per visits here and now you’ve given him the idea for the lyrics and the video!!!!!

Hmmm, when he really release a song like this, there wouldn’t be any hope for Roxette, because when they come back from mars they will be really old and nobody would believe per dancing the marswalk. Maybe he stamps on the nose of one of the gonzos and would cause a war with the aliens!?

By the way when talking about alternate universes: if he really wants to release the song: Per feel free to ask me for the rights on the song.......

Marie had the opportunity to be the first girl on the moon (and the first non-American) and they did not make the video :( :P

@RoXor: But if the Gonzos start buying Roxette albums, they will be top of the charts again!!!!!


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