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South African news on 'The Change'

10 replies

Hey guys, this is rather newsworthy but it’s upto the moderators to decide if they wanna publish it on the frontpage.
I had some contact with EMI South Africa and this was What was said...

Firstly, there will be No MF single released in South Africa... this should be no suprise!

Secondly (and this is the good news), the album will be released on Friday next week... in the shops by Monday!

Now this is where it’s getting disturbing; this album won’t see ANY promotion in South Africa and is not considered a priotity for EMI South Africa.

The single track “2nd chance” was rejected by all South African radio stations so it will not be heard locally... it’s upto fans to request it and then hopefully gain some momentum for the song.

This is truly sad!

shame :-( . At least you get the album.

PM: mailed you :)

too bad.. I guess this will be the case in most EU countries too, the song is good but it’s not commercial at all, nothing radio stations are dying to play.

I wonder what will happen in Germany or Spain - as Rox is rather big there.

I would think that because of Marie’s illness that were widely covered, this album would have had some interest to the music business... but i guess not!!

The positive thing is that the album will be released in S-A. Too bad that it’s the only thing EMI will do...
I also think it’s because of the fact that the song is not commercial. But most Marie stuff isn’t commercial either.

Anyway, here in Holland EMI Netherlands STILL don’t know whether the album will be released (’funny’, ’cause most cd’s will be pressed in their plant here in Holland). I phoned them yesterday so EMI NL is very slow...but hey, that’s nohing new under the sun :-)

ye not major commercial marie isnt. , but they must be one track that can hit the ”commercial radio ” spot needed.

@Judith: It looks like there’ll be no single in Germany either, at least not one that’s commercially available! And I pretty much doubt they’d release 2nd chance to radio stations only - not only cos that’s very unusual, but also cos the song’s not exactly “radio friendly”...


Sometimes I can’t understand why European people is so worried about local releases. You are in Europe, you can easily order them from Sweden for a very cheap price and get them very quickly, maybe in a couple of days. You mustn’t pay anything to customs (God bless you, UE!)...
I’m from Argentina. Nothing is released here, we pay a lot of money for imported items (1 € = 3.6 Argentine pesos) and sometimes (more than often) they become lost in the postal office (or someone steals them). And we must pay more money to customs. It sounds like a nightmare, but it’s true, believe or not.
Who cares about local releases??? You must be grateful!!!

I’m not criticizing anyone, I just want people to know how the situation is here.


Well on of the biggest belgian online store has both single and cd in there db now: (my fav, i don’t need a creditcard yeah)

2:nd chance available at 25/10/2004
the change available at 22/11/2004

i dunno if these are the belgian releasedates since proxis also sells the marie boxet and äntligen (no swedish per stuff though)

Purplemedusa, sorry for you and the South African fans :(
But it is to be expected i suppose. Even if the album gets a release, and record shops stock a few copies, will people even know who MF is? Its a shame, but i can see the same happening in the UK.
Do you know if they have even sent out promos to the radio least if this is the case we could help request the song, but really it isnt commercial at all, so i’m not surprised that radio stations arent playing it. I understand why 2:nd chance is the first single, because its very personal and Marie wanted to express her feelings about her joy and strength at coming back after her illness, but purely commercially speaking, there are at least 3 other tracks of the clips ive heard that would be more suitable singles.

i can tell you I am absolutely NOT worried about local releases as my cds will come from Sweden and.. Asia? ;)

but of course it is nice to see Marie’s album in the stores when one goes shopping.

Regarding the single in Austria/Germany.. for what I heard the single should have airplay (at least AT?) end of this month, next week I suppose, so the 25/10 Belgian date doesn’t sound that rare.. we will have to wait and see. Curious, will Ö3 play Marie or not.. amazingly they played Melissa E. so who knows :D


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