Black Humor
Markuz said on February 6, 2004 04:07:
**NOTE: People with a sense of humor failure should NOT continue reading this post**
In literature, drama, and film, grotesque or morbid humor is used to express the absurdity, insensitivity, paradox, and cruelty of the modern world. Black humor uses devices often associated with tragedy and is sometimes equated with tragic farce.
This thread was started so we can post our favourite black humor jokes.
Ok, here’s one I remember from the Challenger days:
-What colour where Christa McAuliffe’s eyes?
-Blue. One eye blue this way, the other blue that way...
Vixzter said on February 9, 2004 20:50:
2 sharks swimming in the Irish says....damn I’m so fed up with eating makerel, the other says....lets go to morecombe bay and have a chinese then.
Markuz said on February 12, 2004 15:40:
There was this guy selling hot dogs to a bunch of people outside the World Trade Center. And in the exact moment the first plane crashed in one of the towers he asked: “ok, who ordered the jumbo?”
Jackeill said on February 12, 2004 21:42:
here is a really awful one:
- what’s the uneatable part of the vegetable?
- a wheel-chair
Jackeill said on February 13, 2004 12:32:
maybe you don’t get my joke as it is made to sound good in polish...
vegetable - carrot or st like that or... in polish we call people who are ill and paralysed as a vegetable. they use wheel-chair as their only way to move...
so take a look at this again.
this joke is really awful and it made me rolling over the floor laughing... very rude joke though ;]
Jackeill said on February 13, 2004 12:43:
- mom, johnny is biting grandma’s nails!
- johnny, stop it please!
- mom, johnny is biting grandma’s nails again!
- johnny, i told you to stop!
- mom, he is doing it again!
- johnny, stop biting grandma’s nails or i will close the coffin!
Vixzter said on February 13, 2004 17:40:
The tragedy in Morecombe bay was the guy in charge’s fault....he told them to finish when the water was up to knee high.....only trouble was....knee high was sitting in the van on the shore.
LittleSpooky said on February 14, 2004 02:02:
Jackeill: Finally got it. But here in the US, vegetable = in a coma. Basically brain dead.
Jackeill said on February 15, 2004 13:24:
@Spooky: so you can change it a bit to fit your language. instead of wheel-chair you’ll get wheel-bed or hosptial bed or st like that ;)
Jud (moderator) said on February 15, 2004 13:48:
I think one thing is black humor and the other is disgusting humor.. but well, if it makes you laugh, good for you.
LittleSpooky said on February 6, 2004 06:06:
What was the preferred drink of the Challenger Astronauts?
I’m familiar with these jokes.