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which one is more gorgeous?

34 replies

Per or Marie?

I can’t decide,both.

marie is the best i think per is way to font of money
marie is nicer!!!

Good God, what a question! I can’t decide if I like it or not...

I think I admire Per a little bit more than Marie. But this is such a subjective feeling that I can’t even explain it...Let me try though: It must be because of his creative nature...and a certain kind of well hidden sensitiveness...(even susceptibility - which is not really a quality, but I still find it interesting within his personality)...and his great sense of humour and of course, anyone here should admire his loiality to Åsa.
Marie is the best as an artist, but Per looks to me more interesting as a human being. And of course, I am not going to judge them from the angle of their relationships with fans, but with people they are closed to.

But of course, these are only shades...I admire both very much and most of all I like ROXETTE.

But I’m in love with Per, so okay, both!


Per- GORGEOUS GENIOUS GESSLE!!!! But Marie rules too:)

For me Marie...she’s soo beautiful..:-)

Marie! Marie! Per is that fellow who performs with her, right? ;-)
he’s not really my type

Wendy ;)



Keep answering, keep answering and at the end we’ll count how many “Marie”s and how many “Per”s we have. He-he-he...we’ll see who’s most wanted around...(it’s not a death match of course, but it will be fun to know what will be the Per’s and Marie’s percentage)...(hope I won’t get flamed for this add)

Love them both, but if I must choose I go for Per.

The Big M.

Marie always :)

I like Marie a lot. She’s great, she’s astonishing and she has that amazing voice that freaks me out sometimes... But I would have to say I admire PER more; I just think he is a genius. He has it all. He is a terrific songwriter first of all and then there’s that voice I love. Besides his artistic genius, I also think he is a very interesting person to know.
Of course, when Per and Marie are together, there’s that something about them I couldn’t give up. I would say they complete each other, in a way.
Bringing them together was a brilliant thing to do


Both :D But I have to say that my heart beats a little more för Marie.

Well, Marie is always the sweetest person on Earth, but Per is the one who keeps my stereo playing. I go for Mr G. :-)

The king of pop!


Santi ;;)

Xuxa, TinyBubbles, Wendy, Aschrum, Santi, Harriej, Aaso, Apple in the mud, sparrow eye ;;;)))


zee, that Apple in the mud there for me, or am I just being big-headed?! muahaha
I say Per most gorgeous from the 2, but I think only because I don’t know enough if Marie. I only known her while she been sick, so that’s an unfair disadvantage I think.

Zaine: lol yeah it was for you silly :P


muahahaha, thanks dude :D
you sweet too ;)


they are one in the million,they both are of that kind ;-)

I think Per is the perfect artist and he has a great personality. Per=King!!!!!

Am I countig correctly here? By now Marie won: 11 votes. Per has only 8. I didn’t count the posts with “can’t decide; both”, even if these are probably the only “real reality” within a forum like TDR...But still, try to pick only one of them.
Keep answering. As I said, it seems that Marie wins. What happened with all those girls keeping alive a certain kind of thread here on TDR (hehehe)? You don’t want Gessle anymore?
...even though I voted for Per, I think Marie should win this...
Vote on.

I’ve already voted for Per as a sexy babe, haha :)


Ok, count me in for Per too!!!

(Can’t let him loose, can we??? (((-; )

it’s marie, of course! can i say that twice and be counted? she is so much more than just what she looks like,( but that’s plenty gorgeous enough) - so much talent and so much wonderful music and all the years of fantastic entertainment she has given us.


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