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"Mazarin" review

6 replies

Glenn MacDonald has finally reviewed “Mazarin” on his website, “The War Against Silence” ( For those of you who enjoy reading Glenn’s thoughts on Roxette, this will be a bit of a disappointment as he gives “Mazarin” a less-than-stellar review and I think he’s wrong (there’s a first time for everything!). I believe this is only the second review I’ve read of “Mazarin” that said it wasn’t brilliant (-: Here it is:

Last I checked, the monster didn’t get Marie, and a brain tumor didn’t, either, but the tumor did take her out of commission for a while, and whatever the actual sequence of events, Per’s solo album is now doomed to seem to me like what he did while Marie was recovering. This is one dopey thought, but now I doubt I’ll ever shake it. The deliberately superficial lilt of these frilly pop songs makes sense as the sort of borderline-patronizing convalescent cheer that seeing adults reduced to dependents often inspires, and singing them in Swedish, despite Marie’s fluent English, would also be a reversion to something more basic for her.

Or maybe I’m willing to feel like I’m intruding because even if this isn’t Mazarin’s text, Gessle is still reconnecting to something that I don’t share. Stripped to strummy acoustic-guitar cores, these thin songs fall out of the bottom of the underlying simplicity of his songwriting, for me, like a great chef working without his few essential spices or his favorite spatula. I didn’t live through the Sixties, and I didn’t grow up on anything this sunny. I like these songs best when they break out of their jello molds and act more like people than peace-sign bobblehead dolls, when they stop worrying about agitating the bedridden. “Födelsedag” gnashes and bounds and struts, an airy choir ahhing accompaniment. “Sakta Mina Steg” hangs in helium falsetto. “Spegelboll” sounds like Blondie’s “Atomic” rewritten as a robot-western theme. “För Bra För Att Vara Sant” warms to its chiming choruses. “Här Kommer Alla Känslorna (På En Och Samma Gång)” twitters and whistles like music from a children’s show I might actually have liked. “Jag Tror Du Bär På En Stor Hemlighet” sounds like an acoustic demo for a Roxette song. But too often, on the rest of this album, Per has gone back to a base he and I don’t share.


He’s entitled to his opinion, I suppose. At least there are plenty of other ppl who LOVE Mazarin (inc me). I think Per DID have his favourite spices & spatula out for this album ;)

Mazarin = Gessle at his best

It’s sure the author doesn’t like the album. but 300.000 swedes and alot of people outside sweden do.

It’s obvious Glenn never heard or liked GT, his whole review is built on hearing just Roxette. Sad, but who can blame him then. My personal feeling is that he is wrong, but it’s his thoughts.

That’s the funny thing! He actually *has* heard GT AND Per’s early solo stuff... it’s all reviewed on his website! I was quite surprised that he didn’t like it, given that I seem to remember that he liked “Per Gessle” and “Scener!”

Wait... just checked... seems he didn’t like “Per Gessle” at all for the same reason he didn’t like “Mazarin”... too stripped-down, acousic-folky for him...

Ahh well, I’m glad Gessle does songs like “Om Du Bara Vill” in addition to “Opportunity Nox” (same year even!)... it’s what makes him great.

Here’s the direct link to where he reviews Per/Marie/GT/MaMas Barn in one shot:

Damn, that sort of totally killed my theory... :) I’ll read his stuff.

well I prefer his old stuff up to “World according to G” and anything GT *hidding* nah.. this is no secret here :P


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