The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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What is he saying?

24 replies

HI! What’s the guy saying at the very beginning of JOYRIDE song? or at the end of PERFECT DAY!

How can you not know????

come on join the joyride everybody get your tickets here
Step right this way

closing time closing time ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for coming, make your way out through the exits

I just love that scouse accent! makes the album!! ;)

its staffan öfwerman

If it is him, he sounds more english than I am! fool.ý love you come on join the joyride.

Staffan? Doesn’t it say “(who knows what): Dave Edwards” somewhere in the Joyride booklet? *confused*

Yeah, if you look at the stuff with that Dave Edwards on, it could well be him... but na, it isn’t staffan... that’s a scouser if ever I heard one.

what’s a scouser??

Hehehe. It’s a Liverpudlian, a person from Liverpool=Scouser. :D

It’s even in the dictionary. ;)

Yup, indeed... in Joyride booklet: Narrator: Dave Edwards

Staffan???? NOT really.

It is DAVE EDWARDS... was the tour manager during the Joyride era... also a true born scouse all the way from Liverpool!... you can see him in the Joyride documentry!!!

ally77 = Half Scouse.... (awful thought)!!!

Yep, I’d already established that. ;)

lol.. you takken the piss love?

Would I?? ;)
Eh, eh, eh? Calm down. ;) Gizz’a a job. ;)

Don’t tell me to calm down, you daft mare!

Daft mare??? What’s happened to moo. Awwww, been downgraded to mare? :(


You girls are really two FUNNY GOATS... hehe :) *LOL*

AWWW, now i’m a goat. :( I WANNA BE A MOO COW! :’-(

And what noise does a goat make! I don’t have a clue! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

A goat kind of baas’... like a high pitched baa. :)


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