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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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On the next tour Roxette should NOT ...

24 replies

Okay, let’s first wait until Marie is fully recovered, which is most important for now, but now I am already dreaming about a possible next tour, when everything’s back to normal...

What should Roxette NOT do then? And, what would you like them to do?

Well, I think it’s time they stop playing ALL the hits and that they start playing more old/unknown material like maybe some Pearls of Passion songs! Maybe they could make one big hitmedley and then go on with some big surprises!

* end of dream *

What do you think?

(should not)...

...exclude the UK and other Roxette deprived countries.

OOoooooh, i’m totally for that^^^. Even if they play one small lil’venue... And I have to stand outside ear up to the wall to hear... i’ll be happy. :D

NOT... play more than 8 venues in Germany. It’s too much, play the other countries as well!

Sascha, german

agreed - Roxette should NOT forget about the UK

UK is still Europe. You guys can walk to another country if you want to :(. They should definitely consider North America. I’d be pissed off if they don’t.

@ DaminehGessle

The last time I looked Britain was an Island...

...Only Moses was able to seperate the oceans and walk through ;)

even marie tried to walk on water in the Anyone video...she drowned!

I agree with Speedo :-)) Less big hits more, unkown songs!This would be great!
When RS Tour came out I was dreaming about hearing Jefferson live. And I really don’t understand why they skipped this song, it’s so simple song and very good to play live. I just love it and I can imagine how good it would in a live version.

@steven: some people might cross under the water...don’t know if you received a news already that a tunnel has been built

and @StillFar - they have also invented big winged metal birds which let people sit on them and take them to different countries.

he he - sorry, just being a cheeky boi!


@ StiiFar

Well duh... of course I am aware of the Channel Tunnel, but the previous claim was made that you could walk from Britain to Europe.

You can’t

Any attempt to do so will result in a free ride to the nearest police station.

big winged metal birds, eh? you know since I’m in Canada it might take a bit longer until we get them

yesssssssssssss!!! UK! UK!!!

They should not forget about the Netherlands either!

first Steven and then Steven and others... I laughed :D. Hahaha funny.

LOL. The reasson why they exclude Netherland have nobody understand I guess. :P
That was a disscusion in a german speaking radio yet. ;D

Should Tour Australia...

@ LittleGirl78

The reason why they didn’t get to Holland was the fact that although Have a Nice Day & its singles did okay over there, Room Service alongside with The Centre of the Heart were a major major flop!

On the next tour Roxette should NOT ...

- only think about commercial aspects when planning the tour
- only play in countries where the recently Roxette materials did well in the charts.
- not only play in big venues

On the next tour Roxette should ...

- play smaller concerts with a kind of club atmosphere
- concentrate more on music than on show effects
- create a warmer and better sound (not sounding like the loudspeakers are turned to loud and the accoustic of the venue creates an indefinate mixture of sound)
- be more like a GT, Gessle or Marie Fredriksson concert. These concert have been better than the Roxette concerts in the recent years.
- have a lot of fun


On the next tour Roxette should ...

- visit Argentina after recording a great album (a new crash boom bang or tourism)
- play more new songs

should not play indoors,but,in open air :p

They should skip the balloons. We’ve all seen that now. Time for something different!

jetjet: “They should skip the balloons. We’ve all seen that now.”

Well not all... :P I mean :/ *sigh*

What are we? Their parents?

I think they can make these decisions on their own, don’t you?


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