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VH1 - Top 10

9 replies

Roxette was Friday on VH1 and they played viewers choice, the top 10 it was:

10. Wish I could fly
9. Sleeping in my car
8. Crash! Boom! Bang!
7. Milk and Toast and Honey
6. Dressed for success
5. Joyride
4. Opportunity Nox
3. The Look
2. A Thing About You
1. Listen to your heart

which vh1 was this? what country?

VH1 Europe

why doesnt UK get it, its stupid why we dont !!!

Every weekend on VH1 the UK gets either....the top 100 female artists (of which Marie isn’t on!) the top 100 Male artists (of which Per isn’t on!) or the top 70’s, 80’s or 90’s songs (of which Roxette isn’t on!!)

So all we get is bollox really!!!

MTV UK and VH1 are the same thing...they both suck and they both play a load of shite!

Nah Vix... you should look out for the new Kylie video... it kept me busy all w/end!! So much beef & so little time!!

mmmmm saw it over the weekend ;) i don’t fancy kylie so it has nothing of intrest to me ;)

No, honey I’m talking about the back-up dancers... play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>play>rewind>

oh them LOL ;) sorry wasn’t paying alot of attention ;)


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