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For Swedes only, against media tax.

5 replies

Okay I am not a swede! **shame**.... but the world is going crazy!

As you may know there is a proposition to raise the tax of empty media, (CDR and DVDR plus all digital media) with up to 800%. Please sign this if you are against it.

we got this in Spain too.. all blank cds + dvds are now I thikn 25% or sth more expensive, this extra money goes to the Authors (composers) Association for the money they loose everytime sb makes an illegal copy of their work.. yeah well, forgetting MANY ppl use thse blank cds to make copies of their own programmed software, backups etc etc etc.. so now you pay a fee for saving YOUR work to that Association....

So fight against it!!!! In Spain so far we couldn’t :(

Although I am not a swede, I signed the petition.

I signed it for you tevensso, that is terrible. Sorry I’m not a swede mate ;-)

crazy people-what next ??
why not raise the prices of CD burners too..
maybe 800 % or 1000% why not 8000000%


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