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Per Interview on E- Mule

10 replies

I use E - Mule to download cool stuff....

well..i found an interview of this year on TV4 on wmv format in 2 archives (104 & 84 mb), if u use e - mule or e - donkey try to share it!! there´s only one guy that have it!!

happy download!


I have a Swedish report about per gessle (101 & 87MB) If this is the same one as yours (where Marie Dimberg repeats herself over & over).
I thought it was an old interview ? maybe I’m wrong.

what kinnd of interwiew. havent heard of that one

From which year is this interview?

- Swedish.Report.About.Per.Gessle.(Tv4.Part.1).wmv(87.30 mb)

- Swedish.Report.About.Per.Gessle.(Tv4.Part.2).wmv (101.17 MB)

i´m still downloading it...can´t preview what is all about...


Depending on in which server are you connected.
I’m using emule but searching “Per Gessle” I have only found three items (mazarin x 2, and TWATG x 1)
In which server are you connected?

try e-donkey or globel server

The documentary is titled “Fran vaggan till Wembley - ett portratt av Per Gessle”

1994 - 4 halland

It’s all about Per Gessle’s life which also includes these people talking of him:

Clarence ofverman
Marie Fredriksson
Marie Dimberg
Anders Herrlin
Dave Edwards
Mats MP Persson
Las Lindbom
& more

The documentary ends with the fireworks video.


Is there someone that can upload it in somewhere else ? Roxbytes ? It sounds like a really wonderfull interview.

Thanks in advance
All the best



The server where all the ones are sharing is: (well..nice name)

try to turn your e-donkey / e-mule to high ID....
i´m sharing a lot..the first part..but the one seems to have it..



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