For autograph hunters outside of Sweden
dizzydaleks said on October 10, 2003 22:25:
As a UK chap, for years I yearned to have Marie and Per’s autographs .... but where should I write? What postage should I include? Etc etc
Then I joined ebay ....
I am now the very proud owner of a lovely signed photo of the duo .... and knowing their signatures from other places, I am delighted to say it is genuine!
dizzydaleks said on October 10, 2003 22:36:
lol - of course I can’t be 110% certain, but if it is a forgery it would fool their parents!
Thanks for the congrats - I know what youmean, to own something that has been, however briefly, in the hands of people you admire is a very special feeling!
Denstandigaresan said on October 10, 2003 22:51:
The latest additions to my collection. :) Got these signed in Oslo. :)
Also had a handful of rox and solo albums signed when i’ve met them in the past. :)
ally77 said on October 12, 2003 08:37:
@ Dizzy... did you buy from that person that claims to be geniune on ebay... dogey me thinks...
I’ve got my signed Mazarin CD/DVD.... Mazarin promo card given to me by Per! and a Crash! Boom! Bang! picture card from 94 tours!
xarrrr said on October 12, 2003 15:17:
i hope its real Dizzy :D thats so cool for you!
i had looooads signed by per this summer... my 2 mazarin album sleeves + 1 CD, HKAK sleeve, 2 posters, 3 photos of me and Per... all my other album sleeves.... tour ad, mazarin promo card.... LOL. and also my halmstad ticket :D
dizzydaleks said on October 12, 2003 21:41:
The person never claimed anything, just a photo to sell from a signing he attended ....
ps - congrats to all other Rox fans who have replied to me post! We’ll keep painting those windows, inside and out ;)
Denstandigaresan said on October 12, 2003 21:46:
D’oh, just cottoned on you’re from UK! Hello from fellow brit. :D
mdekort said on October 13, 2003 18:19:
I got my copy of “e.p.” from GT signed at the release party of Mazarin by all (former) members of GT! Furtheron I got most of my signed stuff signed at special occassions (Room Service promo tour, Mazarin releaseparty).
Congratz on your newly item including autographs!!
ally77 said on October 14, 2003 08:24:
@ Dizzy... congrats on the item... but you have to be aware on ebay of the fakes.. sounds like your is a geniune one!
Denstandigaresan said on October 10, 2003 22:32:
How do you know it’s genuine. ;)
Certificate of authenticity needs an certificate of authenticity on those places. ;)
Na just kidding... congratulations. :)
I’ve got some of my stuff signed, always adds that extra little bit of specialness. (Is that even a word? :D)