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Anti-Roxette DVD Petition

32 replies

DenStandigaResan suggested to make a petition! It maybe won’t change anything, as the DVD will be released in a month, but anyway: if you don’t want this DVD to be released as it is now, feel free to sign here:

Just don’t buy it for heavens sake !
Thats the best reaction. ++sigh++

Did anybody ever start a petition against all these stupid expensive senseless Roxette-bootlegs around?

Yeah, you’re right!
I am not going to buy it (-;

Now what is the point in starting such a petition? Yes, for us, Europeans, the first Roxette DVD is enough, we are happy because we can watch it without problems using our desktop DVD player and home TV. But people living in areas where the TV-system is not PAL but NTSC are happy that they can finally do the same cause the new DVD will have an NTSC version! I think some people should find better ways to spend their spare time...

Well, I guess most of us, especially the ones from the NTSC-countries, want a DVD, don’t we? Actually it’s not about the DVD itself, but about the idea to let five videos out and different other things that people complained about.
Wouldn’t it be better if they worked a bit longer on the DVD and presented some updated content? This DVD is just a joke!

About the spare time: you’re right! I’ve got definitely too much of it, though it wasn’t me who started the petition (-;

It’s too late now.
Maybe instead turn the petition into what’s to be released next.

I’ve got the PAL DVD, even when I didn’t have a DVD that read in PAL format. I bought a DVD that read PAL later, and now I don’t have any problem with it. But what I hate about this new version is that I won’t have the two new videos, only if I buy something I already have.

The best they can do is change the old version for the new one to those who want it. But that won’t happen :-(

Ok, I was wrong.. as usual.

@ denstandigaresan
what has the mazarin-tour to do with the roxette-dvd??
sorry, cant get the point
if i go to a concert, and i was on the premiere in halmstad, its not the same as buying an updated dvd i already have
the mazarin-tour was something new, with new songs of per, as i remember right it was the first solo-tour of per, aint im right.
but the updated dvd is not something new, its something stupid, at least for them who have the first edition.

LOL :D Good one :P

Won’t say another word.

When did people complain about Per’s tour or even his DVD? Everybody wanted him to go on tour because it was something most of the fans had never lived before. Sure he played too much Gyllene, but the tour wouldn’t have been that successful if he hadn’t sang those songs, after all, most Svenssons know Per because of Gyllene.

What does one thing have to do with the other and with this DVD?

I even started a petition for him to go on tour even if I am not thaaat fond of his music and I knew I couldn’t see any of the shows ;)

Just to make it clear I am Anti-DVD not Anti-Roxette. (despite some of the comments I have made recently)

Agree its too late to get DVD changed. But I will sign this and state that I will not be buying the new DVD.

I´d like to start a petition against senseless petitions. Get a life suckers!

Starting a petition against a release? And you call yourselves devoted fans! This is a very sad day.

I’d like to sign the petition against petitions.

I completely understand the disappointment of the others who bought the first: I was really disappointed that the original wasn’t realeased in the US, and even if I got it as an expensive import, it may not even play in the equipment I already own.

Despite my reservations, I’d been planning to get the original, and happily now I don’t have worry about it, and I don’t have to buy ANOTHER DVD player.

If you own it and don’t wanna buy it, don’t buy it, but this is a great thing for those fans like me who haven’t been enjoying what you’ve had for a few years now.

This thread is the proof that the thread “Per: the fans are not stupids ” should be renamed..... (There’s a “not” bothering)

you might as well name this thread Anti-North Americans Petition. Why is it so wrong to release a DVD that can be playable in North America?

He He Hej

Sure the petition is pointless cause the DVD WILL be released soon, but I do understand why people are so upset about this DVD.

And it’s not only the european fans, you see, I’m from Brazil and the DVD in NTSC version will be released here (FINALLY) buuuuutttttt... missing 5 rare videos !! End of the history : If I want to have ALL Roxette videos, I’ll have to buy both DVDs, “Ballad & Pop Hits” and “All The Videos”... c’mon... it’s really stupid... I’m so angry that I won’t buy the new DVD and I’ll import the old one cause to me it’s more important to have the 5 rare videos from “All The Videos” DVD than to have the 2 new ones ( A Thing About You and Opportunity Nox) from “Ballad & Pop Hits”.

This new DVD is the worst idea EVER... even for us, NTSC countries fans !!!! >:(

Go to hell EMI !!!
Sometimes is VERY hard to be a Roxette fan !!! >:(

The petition ist NOT against the release itself, it’s still about the CONTENT!


The end of what? ;-)

I tried to make an end to this endless discussion, which is going on in at least 5 smalltalk-topics.

Second attempt:



What a stupid petition!

How I love this forum! :-)

Kiwein1 : Who are you to start a petition against the release of a DVD we NTSC-fans have been waiting for? I bought the first DVD and have never been able to watch it due to the whole pal-ntsc thing. How selfish could you be?????
Pietro I am totally with you.
Again if you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Stop complaining you selfish people who think the whole world should revolve around you. I am sick and tired of this stupid attitude.

Again: How I love this forum!

And as I mentioned before: I didn’t start it! ;-)


And as you mabe have ALSO NOT read. The petition is NOT against the release itself.

ts ts calm down! :)

This is just a way of complaining for the *way* they release this DVD, not against the release, of course it is great the NTSC countries get this dvd now, but it would have been perfect if you would have got it in 2001 AND with all the videos, or??

just breathe deep, count 1,2.. 10 .. no need to call anybody stupid :P

Just don’t buy it!! Where is the problem? As many people already said: there are Roxette-Fans in countries, where NTSC is a standard videoformat. As we all know AVEMAM wasn’t released as NTSC! so let those people just get what they deserve! Where’s the problem?

Agree with Judith!
It’s ok to call other people stupid but it’s not ok to say NO to something? I don’t think the petition will change anything, but it’s a nice way to say something against the way of how it’s released! That’s it!

**AGREES** this thread is getting stupid and making some people look like fools!

Wouldn’t it be better to petition EMI to release a DVD single containing the videos missing from “All The Videos & More” ? It would be cheaper for the owners of the previous compilation to complete their collection.

I’m sure most North American fans will be quite satisfied with the compilation. It may be missing several rare clips and television performances but it will include all of the videos that aired in North America ; All of the videos featured on the “Roxette - The Videos” and “Don’t Bore Us” video compilations.


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