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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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From January 2004 I will be spending 6 months of my life in a hojskole in Skive, near Aalborg.

I was hoping that all you danes around here could tell me a bit more about Danmark. I already know a few facts but am mostly interested in learning about what kind of people I will meet, what the weather’s like, that sort of things. Since I am from southern Europe, I suppose I will find some interesting differences between the danish and the portuguese way of life.

I’ve been trying to learn some dansk from a “Teach Yourself Danish” book (and cassete) and so far I know how to say this:

Jeg hedder Frederico og jeg kommer fra Portugal. Jeg bor i Lissabon.

I can also ask you if you come from Portugal as well ehehe

And the first think I really learned was “Hvor er banken” which I find a very important sentence to know ehehe.

Tell me everything you know!

Mange tak ;-)

# edit
Oooops, I just realised I created this thread on the wrong forum.



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