Emergency-Need help very soon
lawyer said on September 15, 2003 06:10:
Comment removed by author
coyboyusa said on September 17, 2003 17:06:
if your that shy i don’t think your ready for any form of committed relationship just yet
Roxlander said on September 18, 2003 20:05:
I understand you very well lawyer. I was like you before, I was very shy, I didn’t know how to reach to people, and I really wanted a very closed friend (or maybe more than a friend). I started to stop thinking about what people would think about me, and started to act just like I am. And they did like me. So I’m not that shy anymore, and thanks God I’ve got very good friends. They accept me for who and what I am. I won’t say this is easy, it’s hard, and probably you’ll be disappointed a lot of times. There are nice people and there are awful people, but you must try, if you don’t you will never know if that friendship could work.
Five years ago I met a guy, and I felt like you do know. He was very kind, but I didn’t know if he really liked me. Anyway I went for it. Now he’s my best friend, he’s the one I love most in this life, and he knows it and accepts it even when he isn’t gay. Thanks God we are very closed, and I hope it lasts forever. Deep in my heart I hope one day he loves me like I love him, but if that don’t happen at least I’m happy for all we’ve lived.
Just try, don’t think that much, and live for the moment.
Jud (moderator) said on September 18, 2003 20:54:
this last sentence reminds me of something that Eva Dahlgren - and Efva Attling said in 2 different places.
Eva introduced a song “innan kärleken kom” (a piece of art!) like “just one thing, don’t be afraid! Dare to move, because you can always move back, dare to say I love you to the one you love, it is always beautiful to express one’s feelings”..
Attling said on an interview not long ago that she recommends CARPE DIEM, to live the moment and to catch the things as they come to you. That it is YOU who has to live YOUR life, that neither ur friends, parents... can live it for you, to be openly awaiting for the right moment and.. ZASSS!! Take it as it comes!
regn said on September 18, 2003 21:20:
Just talk to Him - you know “small talk that makes it all happens”
wendy said on September 20, 2003 15:01:
You’re obvious in Love ;)
I think he’s also in Love,so,why don’t you just give it a shot?! ;)
Tell him what you feel,but,take it easy,cuz,you might scare him and that’s not so good :p
Maybe you should start with giving some little hints(like,talking about how your dream BF looks like,how he should be,...),and,if he answer these,you just tell him,if he doesn’t answer,you have to take it easy,and be patient ;)
I wish you very good luck,all the luck in the world,Go for it ;) :)
purplemedusa said on September 22, 2003 10:51:
Lawyer, when u truly mean it. THen no response (however negative) would be overwellming. Best of luck, buddy!
wendy said on September 22, 2003 14:58:
When you feel you’re ready for it,and when you think it’s the right time ;)
wendy said on September 23, 2003 09:41:
Mmmm,i think he’s giving you hints,it’s obvious,he’s maybe shy,but......naah,i think it’s clear :p
Roxlander said on September 23, 2003 19:52:
Hi lawyer. I see you’re starting to move with this guy, and that’s very good. Don’t ask that much, don’t think that much. Like the Roxsong...listen to your heart. Maybe he’s sincere, maybe he’s not, but keep getting to know him. However, I recomend you not to give your heart away at once, go for it, don’t be scared, but slowly.
Everything’s gonna be alright, you’ll see.
purplemedusa said on September 25, 2003 21:24:
Just hang in there... these things doesn’t happen overnight. Things do seem positive... no need to be discouraged!
Roxlander said on October 2, 2003 22:42:
I’ve known guys like your friend before. They must take their time to develop a friendship, if they ever do it. In my case I often don’t give up, and I try to show them friendship and love really exist; sometimes it works, sometimes it doen’t.
Roxlander said on October 3, 2003 13:42:
Well lawyer, what can I tell you? All I’ve done is being myself. I like to be a good friend, I care about my friends, I talk to them, I listen and pay attention their problems and try to help them. I think all you must do is being a friend, friendship is always the best first step. Gifts and that kind of things is good way to show you care, but don’t go to the extremes, because people often take avance of that and then they are with you because of what you can give them and not because of who you are.
wendy said on October 7, 2003 20:16:
Hmmm,well,i think you should not rush things,don’t “bother” him with it,cuz,that way he’s gonna love you less and less....
purplemedusa said on September 15, 2003 12:21:
Lawyer... there’s a couple of things I don’t understand... Why is this an emergency? What is your intentions (ie. romance)? And why specifically this person?
Once these questions are adressed we may be able to help you.