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German “Ballad Hits” will differ from others; bonus tracks to appear on same CD

Written by Lars-Erik_Olson on October 1, 2002 to .

STOCKHOLM - Previous reports about the tracklisting for the upcoming collection of slower-tempo songs, “Roxette: The Ballad Hits,” have created a certain amount of confusion, especially when EMI Germany published a tracklisting on their site (now determined to be partially inaccurate) indicating they would be releasing the “limited edition” as a single CD, and TDR used that as the basis for an article.

  Seeking to clarify the facts, The Daily Roxette has learned that in order to keep the retail cost down in an increasingly price sensitive market, EMI Germany has indeed decided to put the “limited edition” version of the album out on a single CD.

  The “Ballad Hits” album itself, to be released November 4th, will contain the following songs:

1. A Thing About You (2002)
2. It Must Have Been Love (1987)
3. Listen To Your Heart (1988)
4. Fading Like A Flower (1991)
5. Spending My Time (1991)
6. Queen Of Rain (1992)
7. Almost Unreal (1993)
8. Crash! Boom! Bang! (1994)
9. Vulnerable (1994)
10. You Don´t Understand Me (1995)
11. Wish I Could Fly (1999)
12. Anyone (1999)
13. Salvation (1999)
14. Milk And Toast And Honey (2001)
15. Breathe (2002)

Bonus EP

  It’s the bonus tracks that have created confusion. On the EP, which will be bundled with the “Ballad Hits” CD everywhere but Germany, these four tracks will appear:

1. The Weight Of The World - Bonus Track (previously unreleased)

2. It Hurts - Bonus Track (previously unreleased)

3. See Me - Bonus Track (B-side)

4. Every Day - Bonus Track (previously unreleased).

   In Germany, EMI will be releasing a limited edition album that has 17 tracks on the same CD. This German release will include the 15 tracks listed above and two bonus tracks: “The Weight Of The World” and “It Hurts.”

  After the limited edition/first pressing albums are gone (limited edition, in this case, will equate to the first pressing of the CDs made in EMI’s various manufacturing plants), the second pressing of the album will contain the core 15 tracks (in Germany and everywhere else).

Other articles with the same topic


hmmm, it’s really strange that Germany, one of the biggest Rox countries will completely miss out on one new song plus “see me”. Not sure what they’re thinking there... I guess German Rox fans will have to order their copies from Skivhugget, just like us in the USA:)

I must be thick! I’ve read this twice now and I’m still confused.

EDITOR’S NOTE: We took note, and re-edited the article to make everything a little more clear and obvious. Thanks. - LEO

Cheers Lars - Much better now. Not an easy one to write that one eh?

Well, “Every Day” could be used as the single b-side for “Breathe” then since it´s left out from the German version of the album... (quite boring...)

couldn´t they make it more confusing?!
What does this mean, that now collectors (good I am not one ;)) will have to buy not 2 but 3(!!) samples of the same item?

- German limited edition with the 17 tracks
- Everywhere else limited ed. cd with 15 tracks + EP
- Normal edition with 15 songs

EDITOR’S NOTE: Well, the “normal edition” will be the same as the “everywhere else” limited edition... (that is... 15 tracks), it just will no longer be bundled with the EP. So it’s not really three (except for perhaps the REALLY obsessed collectors who even care where the CD was pressed). - LEO

Well, there have been albums with more than three different issues... *smile*

On EMI Germany´s website, the album is still listed with 18 tracks, “Every Day” amongst them:

We´ll see what happens...

EDITOR’S NOTE: Our information is correct. Their site should be updated by the end of the day tomorrow. - LEO

What the.... are they doing with the album!
I want the EP..and not ONE album!
I was looking forward to the EP and now we don’t get it here in germany?
*gettingangry*..yes it sounds that we have to buye THREE Cds... QUITE STUPID!

mm what other albums have been released differently? I can just recall the Dont bore us that was released with the “cristal” box with signatures in Germany (and Austria?), the cristal box without signs and the Spanish one.

Any other album like this?

“Don´t Bore Us” also had a DigiPack release...

“Crash!Boom!Bang” had “Almost Unreal” as a bonus track in Japan, while “Room Service” had “Entering Your Heart” as track 13 there...

“Look Sharp!” has at least three different versions of the print on the cd (a silver one, a black one and a golden one), and has been released as a picture cd as well...

“Joyride” had only 14 tracks in the US, leaving out “I Remember You”...

PS. Yes, the box with imprinted signatures was available in Austria as well (and it still is, in some stores, I think). comment will be in german...therefor that the drunken people from EMI Germany will understand....

eY...Loide..seid ihr nüchtern??? Soll ich erst die erste Pressung gesamt aufkaufen, damit ich mit der zweiten Pressung das kriege, was alle haben???
Wir deutschen Fansen sind vielleicht leicht meschugge....aber nicht so....echt nicht!!! Elendige Geldschneiderei!!!!

in english....: censored.........

Let´s see what we get in AT then.

First up - if you want the CD+EP release, just don´t buy the 17 (or 18) track release and order the international release somewhere.

About the .at release, my guess is there will be the German version of the album, even though EMI Austria still doesn´t list the album on their website.

Some huge cd retailers might have the international version available though, depending on what they can buy cheaper. ;-)

Can anyone tell me, what it is about “Breath”? When will/was that released?
Sorry, I´m a little bit confused, because of working and my 2 children I don´t have so much time to be best informated!
Ihr könnt auch gern auf Deutsch antworten! Vielen Dank

confusing...very confusing...I’ll buy it anyway...

I hope that Evry Day will be the bonus track on ’ATAY’ or ’B’...

@NinaS - “Breathe” is the 2nd track recorded in 2002 and is expected to be a single soon.
“Breathe” ist der zweite neu aufgenommene Titel und wird vermutlich die nächste Single.

If I don’t get See Me, it’s not that bad, but I really want to have Evryday, so I hpoe it will be a B-Side...

How fortunate of me to be living in Canada. At least they’ll be releasing something here in the furture, right?? HMV Canada does not have the new album in their list yet. That’s bad! Virgin did not have the album in the list either. That’s awkward. I just hope we get it. Bonus Monus I don’t care. I just want the album with its beautiful cover.

I can’t spend 100 argentinian pesos to import the CD... damn dolar to peso relationship!!!! >|
*wants to cry*


Ich habe eine Mail an EMI-Germany gesendet und darauf hingewiesen, daß es wenig sinnvoll ist, den Titel “Every Day” wegzulassen. Meine Idee wäre, besser auf “Weight of the World” zu verzichten, da es bereits auf der Single erhältlich ist. Falls noch jemand dort hinmailen will:

Now it’ll really be werid what editions will flow the market. I have bought all my Roxette CDs here in Hungary, however, almost all of them were made in different countries. I have Hungarian, German, Italian, Dutch and British-made CDs. So I really don’t know what edition I will find here in the stores. I was thinking of calling EMI but I’m sure they haven’t even heard a thing about this new release...

@Lennon - you won´t achieve anything NOW. It´s one month before the actual release date. Most probably the production of the album has already started. Also, the missing track might still appear on the second single...

Well, David Bowie´s new Greatest Hits-album will be released in 23(!) different versions, so keep cool...

EMI Germany´s website has been updated. TV dates have been removed, and there are links to *two* pages - one with the limited edition album and one with the “normal” album.

The track listing of the album has *not* been updated (still 18 tracks).

Sorry, the above was mine.

As for “See Me” – maybe they want to leave it for a third compilation “Roxette - the Unrealized Hits” (a.k.a. “Rarities 2”) ? :p ....Nah, that would be tooo good to be true!

What about Brazil? I want the 18 songs in one cd because EMI Brazil certainly will not release the EP disc.

Hej Luiz Fernando, it’s me Fê =D

Well hope we could have the complete cd. I really HOPE because do you know how Emi Brazil is =/

Ixtlaner, probably we will be able to order it from (or however it was), but I suppose it won’t be so cheap...
Nah. what means worldwide?? come on , we never get such things... here won’t be CD at all.

it’s all strange. why some fans are going to be left without some songs (what has to happen as itis limited edition) there should be one version of CD with all 19 songs. god! so simple. or maybe not, sa we can see.mhmhmhm. bad, very bad.

EMI Austria finally put the tracklisting of “The Ballad Hits” on their website and it´s the 18 (yes) track version, like the German one.

Can that be true?
I just were on the EMI Germany-website and read the tracking-list of “Ballad Hits”.
There were 18 tracks !! All tracks (NEW tracks) but “See me”.
That differs from that what we knew last week!? Does it? I´m confused.

wrong name in the posting before! It was me!


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