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Is a world war 3 coming?

30 replies

This may not be true , but some think so !!

With mounting world conflict in the wake of the September 11 attacks on the United States, will this be a trigger for a world war 3, were nobody is safe ?

Reading this and similar things, really makes me shiver and feel sick to the bone, do people really think a world war 3 is around a corner ? If they is, im not fighting for no bugger leave me out of it :-S
what do you all think ??
Me i think Not , just becouse real people wont want to fight anymore , Look how many people had peace marches around the world for Iraq ? Loads people dont want war, its the leaders of the world that want war not the common people of the world. Gone of on one there for a sec sorry , what do you think ?

Coming? I think it’s already here... it’s just taking it’s time to get around is all.
And I don’t mind admitting, I’m scared!

If world war 3 is around the corner it won’t last long and not many ppls will have the chance to fight or know much about it.

I read this on AOL news , is this true of people alot of people ? how they get there ideas ,cant people think for themselves in these days ?

THE suicide attackers who killed more than 3,000 people on September 11, 2001, are being hailed by a UK-based Islamist group as the ’Magnificent 19’.

Just days before the second anniversary of the outrages in New York and Washington, the radical Al-Muhajiroun group has put up posters carrying the slogan under pictures of the hijackers.

A spokesman for the group claimed the actions of the 19 hijackers were “quite splendid” and were completely justified by Sharia law.

But his comments were dismissed by Muslim peer Baroness Uddin as a “gross violation” of Islamic teaching that would be rejected by the vast majority of Britain’s Muslim community.

She condemned the posters, which advertise a conference of Al-Muhajiroun at an undisclosed location in the UK.

Lady Uddin told the BBC: “I find it totally unpalatable. If I was having a discussion here, I would make sure that young people who are thinking of going there are made to be aware that that is not Islam.”

But Al-Muhajiroun spokesman Abu Omar said Muslims who condemned the September 11 attacks were “apostates” whose opinions should carry no weight.

“In regard to 9/11, the action of these 19 with regard to Sharia are completely justified,” he said.

“I don’t believe any Muslim who believes in Islam, and believes in his Lord, would disagree with that.

“I believe that the Muslim community around the world believes those 19 were magnificent. They believe their actions were quite splendid and they believe that many of the activities that have taken place since 9/11 are completely justified in the light of Sharia.”

this is a good link , it explained alot for me, made me feel better aswell, as sometimes i get abit to worried about the world :-S, really its juat a handful of stupid people.

I am a muslim and everybody knows that. I live in Pakistan and trust me we DO NOT support the 9/11 and if you have visited the above link you’ll know that our religion doesn’t teach us to kill anyone at ALL and I mean AT ALL. Even if you seak revenge of any murder then u must go to fair trials and NOT shoot or kill the person yourself without justifying it.



catholic religion doesn’t tell to kill anybody either, and as far as I know, Bush is a(n extreme) Catholic?

Zeeshan I very pleased to hear that from you :-), i have loads of asian friends , as i live in a city with a large asian population in it (Bradford) they are the same here, its just hard to know what really happens in a country these days with media hype :-S .

ps im catholic , i dont even eat animals :) .

is world war 3 going to happen ?yes.and where will it be ?the middle east. that region is a hot bed for war just look through out the ages. hundreds of yrs a constant conflict. hot tempers .one muslim faction against the other and if you look through history most wars have began with religion and politics some times i wish that religion was never invented because of all the millions of deaths it has caused .

i know that in this world we have a vast moslim community very very many just want to live in peace with each other but you have these fanatical fuck heads that are trying to fuck everything up for everybody just because they have read the holy karan wrongly but while ordinary people listen to the bullshit that these fanatics love to throw around you will allways have problems there should be no place in this world that let these people get away with what they are doing .but while the world cannot live together in peace then we as human beings are doomed thats my opinion right or wrong

I don’t think Bush is Catholic.

Me neither

He is an idiot.

i think that all politicians and fanatical religerous leaders who spread around hate and distruction are much more than idiots. their is no place in this world that should be a free haven for terrorists it should be stamped out and that could only happen if the world unites and fights this problem together

i agree :)

derek: I agree that terrorism should be countered.

the essential qn is *HOW* tho.

do u agree with bush’s way?
do u feel safer now than two years ago from the terrorist threat?

for every foiled terrorist, there are 100 others. terrorism is like a cancer on society. do you honestly think that capturing Osama or saddam will solve the problem?

no i dont believe in bushes way but its a start. and as to *how*that is difficult to answer but i do believe that it will die out by itself because the world is realy getting tired of these terrorists and fanactics and religeous fuck heads it wont be to long before the world wakes up and gets its act together i hope im still around when it does.but it is a big problem

I’ve sat back and gave this topic a couple of days worth of thought. Whether or not it matters, who knows.

Ever since I could remember, there’s always been the threat of World War III. First, it was “Them”... you know... *evil whisper* “Them damned Russians... Communist bastards...” Of course, when I lived in England for a couple of years, I got a chance to discover that “They” are just like “us”. The kids my age were afraid of the same thing. That some wacko in office would “push the button”, just to “nuke them bastards off the map”.
Lotta quotation marks in that above statement, because I never quite felt that way. Sure, I’d heard all the rhetoric. I grew up with it for Pete’s sake, but I never fully believed it, nor accepted it. Move forward, the Fall of the Iron Curtain. The world is quite literally in turmoil. For the former Soviet Union and all the countries it controlled or that were declared Communist: Life was utter chaos because all of a sudden, no one is telling them how to live, think, eat, drink, sleep, who to marry, and so on.
For the rest of us (the US, NATO, and other “free countries”), it signalled a shift in things. No more of “them” to be afraid of. No more “Communist bastards” to hate and so on. So the focus dwindled for a while. Soon, the Middle East grabbed our attentions. More like Isreal, Kuwait’s and others cries for help. For anyone one to help... the US just happened to be set, ready to go at a moment’s notice. As it were. Not to mention the vested interests of those in power. But I digress for the moment there.

Gulf War came and went... and that was a royal fuster cluck of the Seventh kind. Should have gone in and done it right the first time. Thank you Bush Sr, YOU SUCK MONKEY NUTS!!! Unrest is still occuring in the Middle East, and we have a NEW enemy to dick with. This time, they’re “Muslim”... or “radicals”. I hear too much garbage to decipher what it is these folks claim to be. And right now, THAT is the least of my worries.

Then the day came that no one will forget: September 11, 2001. I STILL have a hard time wrapping my mind around that one. Since I’m already there, and the time is upon us, this is what I was doing that fateful day:

6:46am MDT, I was on my bus, by the Children’s Museum heading up for Ogden, Utah. Ogden is some 30+ miles north of Salt Lake City, and I was taking the scenic route: Going through the cities and picking people up (as opposed to the Express via the Freeway). I first HEARD about it when I was up in Clearfield, Utah by Hill Airforce Base. I had my window open, enjoying the mild weather when a guy pulled up next to me in his truck, with the radio going. At first, I thought it was a small commuter plane. He leaned over and looked at me and said: “It was a jumbo that hit the tower. A 767.”
An all call came across the air to all busses to pick up their handsets for an announcement in 30 seconds. I picked mine up (it looks like a telephone handset) and listened. My heart plummeted and beat my stomach to the ground as the words came across the air: “Attention all operators in the System. Two planes have hit the World Trade Centre Towers in an act of terrorism. More will follow as the reports are clear.” I got into Ogden, parked my bus at the garage and raced inside. I slid to a stop next to several other operators and supervisors and we held each other as we watched the towers come down on television. I couldn’t believe it. Somewhere in the interim, the Pentagon had been hit and we were FLOORED. I had to return to duty and maintain professionalism and to the credit of myself and my co-workers, we did an excellent job. Passengers kept us up to date with their radios.
I went home and turned on my stereo, then took a nap. When I woke and it was time to go, my heart plummeted once again as I thought of my friend in NYC that worked at the WTC, Lars-Erik. I prayed SO HARD that day that he’d still been working nights, like he had the week before. Unfortunately, that Monday, he returned to days, and was at work when this happened. LUCKILY for all of us, and ESPECIALLY for him, he made it out of the office and to New Jersey where his sister (in-law?) resides. I didn’t sleep for the 72+ hours that I had no idea where he was. Then the mailing list was hit with the email from him saying that he was in New Jersey, and relatively okay.
** continued in another section**

**continued from previous post**

Then the call to arms came to find the people responsible and bring them to justice. To be honest, I still feel like I missed that whole Afghanistan thing. I was still flattened by 9-11. Time rolls on, and now we’re BACK in Iraq, this time to depose Saddam Hussien.

Folks, we’ve MISSED the last couple of times. Rumour has it that Osama bin Laden is still alive, as well as Saddam Hussien. Although the latter is missing MOST of his family and direct decendents. It’s scary the direction the world has taken, and it’s taken a turn for the worst. World War III WILL happen... but I don’t think it will go nuclear for several more years. I think it’s going on right now as a matter of fact. The war on terrorism is just the warm up. I think that more attacks will happen, where, when and to who is speculative, although the US is set for another ass-whuppin. Just not on the grand scale of 9-11.

Am I afraid? No. Honestly, I am not afraid to die. I know that when it’s time to Punch my Card of Life, that that is it, and it’s time for me to go. Where and when is not up to me.

Sorry for the long post, but... this is how I see it.

Derek: how will terrorism “die out by itself” ? Do you have any idea of the extent of hate these people have?

Spooky: Nice post, altho I’d like to be able to decide where and when I die.
Qn: how are americans reacting to the $67 billion Bush wants for Iraq?

I’ve not heard how the rest of the US is reacting, but MY initial reaction—yelled at the television—was something like “What! F**K NO!” It’s bad enough the deficit’s spiralling out of control, now THIS?


All the religions were made for US. People like you, people like me and people in TDR and people in the rest of the world. Religions were sent to us so that we will have a few principals in life. Man had NO sense of living on this planet. They would barry girls alive when they were infants ONLY because they were girls and NOT guys which if you ask me is SICK! I am glad I wasn’t born in that age when I had to be proud of being a guy and kill anyone, anywhere I want to.

God (yes I believe on god) sent Messengers. Just like we have CLASS C.Rs or Prefects to manage the whole class. They came and told us to follow rules. Now you see these RULES were meant for our best so that we could live like humans and not animals.

To my knowledge, no religion allows one to kill someone else. There was a trend in Hindus of sacrificing virgins to save themselves from some KALI MAA (black mother) who is a Godess. Do you think that it was their religion which taught them to kill women and innocent little girls? No, it was MAN who made all this and the same Kali Maa is still out there yet the hindus do not sacrifice the girls anymore. Why because they got educated (It happened after Muslims came in this Sub Continent).

It is EASY to blame religions/god and messengers but it it amazes me how we do not accept our mistakes. It is easy to call Muslims/Catholics as conservatives only because they follow some rules or start calling someone as a TERRORIST if he is a muslim or something but the fact is that when it comes to TRUE Terrorism then the RELIGION has NOTHING to do with it. Be it Christians, Jews, Muslims blah blah. None of them are instructed to go out and kill someone.

Let us not blames Jews, Christians and Muslims. Let us blame MEN. Men need a REASON to have SUPERIORITY on an individual/group/race/nation or even WORLD. They need a REASON. It can be a LAME one like BUSH had for SADDAM.

You said that Middle is going to tbe start or the flash point of a WORLD WAR 3 then yeah maybe. Maybe Middle east or maybe India/Pakistan affair. No party is ready to just let it go. The WORLD WAR can start from ANYWHERE and that is why I preach love and friendship. I once tried to talk to a Jewish guy and he refused to talk to me only because I was a Muslim and he thought that I deserve to DIE for that. I mean HUH? what do I have to do if I was born in a muslim family? or why should he die if he was born in a Jewish family? Can we NOT be humans and let go of fighting like animals.

We are going in the a very wrong direction thanks to people like BB (Bush and puppy Blair). The world is NOT safe and let us not make it even more dangerous by blaming each other for being Muslims/Christians or jews.

Love, PEACE to you all.

Hindus got “educated” after the muslims came and stopped sacrifices? I’m sorry, what??!

1st: Why all the catastrophology?
2nd:one word-jihad

after reading the last posts I feel like sb should press the atomic bombs button and make a favour to the Earth and get rid of all human beings! Too bad this would also kill the poor animals.. hm.. what other solution would you find?

I still think human beings are the biggest mistake ever made by Mother Nature.

well if you combin the theories of many philosopers , sci fi writers, nostradamus, the third world war will arise from conflict in the middle east and spread throught the world. according to gene roddenberry of star trek the third world war will happen i beieve its around 2018-2025 when the un is abolished and a nuclear war occurs

oh and after reading zeeshans ignorant posting asgain i tend to asgree we need to stat over man is a cancer of the earth


All the religions were made for US. People like you, people like me and people in TDR and people in the rest of the world. Religions were sent to us so that we will have a few principals in life. Man had NO sense of living on this planet. They would barry girls alive when they were infants ONLY because they were girls and NOT guys which if you ask me is SICK! I am glad I wasn’t born in that age when I had to be proud of being a guy and kill anyone, anywhere I want to....relifgion was set up and the roginal form of government in the world it is a political establishemnt bent on controling peopel it always has been and always will be...

God (yes I believe on god) sent Messengers. Just like we have CLASS C.Rs or Prefects to manage the whole class. They came and told us to follow rules. Now you see these RULES were meant for our best so that we could live like humans and not animals./ is an animal and we still live like animals so how have these ” rules” guided man at all?

To my knowledge, no religion allows one to kill someone else. There was a trend in Hindus of sacrificing virgins to save themselves from some KALI MAA (black mother) who is a Godess. Do you think that it was their religion which taught them to kill women and innocent little girls? No, it was MAN who made all this and the same Kali Maa is still out there yet the hindus do not sacrifice the girls anymore. Why because they got educated (It happened after Muslims came in this Sub Continent). religion has endorsed murder and genocide since the beginning of time...the catholics had the crusades, the muslims have jihad lets not be naive

It is EASY to blame religions/god and messengers but it it amazes me how we do not accept our mistakes. It is easy to call Muslims/Catholics as conservatives only because they follow some rules or start calling someone as a TERRORIST if he is a muslim or something but the fact is that when it comes to TRUE Terrorism then the RELIGION has NOTHING to do with it. Be it Christians, Jews, Muslims blah blah. None of them are instructed to go out and kill someone. your obviously not that educated look around u we just executed a fanatical christian that went and murdered an abortion doctor, muslims murder women and children every day, jews bomb palestininas...wake up

Let us not blames Jews, Christians and Muslims. Let us blame MEN. Men need a REASON to have SUPERIORITY on an individual/group/race/nation or even WORLD. They need a REASON. It can be a LAME one like BUSH had for SADDAM....was the saddam thing really that lame...i dont think you’d be saying that if lets say he bombed your country with serin gas

You said that Middle is going to tbe start or the flash point of a WORLD WAR 3 then yeah maybe. Maybe Middle east or maybe India/Pakistan affair. No party is ready to just let it go. The WORLD WAR can start from ANYWHERE and that is why I preach love and friendship. I once tried to talk to a Jewish guy and he refused to talk to me only because I was a Muslim and he thought that I deserve to DIE for that. I mean HUH? what do I have to do if I was born in a muslim family? or why should he die if he was born in a Jewish family? Can we NOT be humans and let go of fighting like animals......well think of all the history between jews muslim christans...christans think jews killed jesus, muslims and arabs can’t live 10 feet from each other without killing....doesn’t he have a point?

We are going in the a very wrong direction thanks to people like BB (Bush and puppy Blair). The world is NOT safe and let us not make it even more dangerous by blaming each other for being Muslims/Christians or jews....the world never was safe...all bush and blair didi was open the worlds eyes to a new threat, there were the communists, and now there r the radical mulsim terrorist groups that should like all diseases be irradicated

Love, PEACE to you all.

What was the point of cutting and pasting that?
am I missing something?

Hmmm, I really like frogs.
It would be such a shame if one day humans inadvertently killed all the frogs as well as themselves.

well people we all have our own point of view dont we and it should be listend to right or wrong .their is only one god who goes by many names and has been blamed for everything .some religions have just gotten out of hand by the people that are preaching them .and yes no religion tells its follows to go out and kill other people but how many times through out history have you heard or read these words *we will fight and kill our enermys in the name of all mighty god we will destroy them*doesnt that sound formilier ????from the mouths of terrorists who dont give a damn about anybody but them selves and i might add that are mostly moslims that is why i say that terrorism will die out because this sort of thing is giving all the peace full moslem communities a bad name .believe me folks there is no place for these people *terrorists *on this world its just a matter of time untill they get the message from the worlds population *we dont need you *.

nice letter spooky

Thanks Derek.

Now it’s September 12, and you know what? I still have a tight feeling in my chest from all of this.


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