UK people... How did you do on Test the Nation?
ally77 said on September 6, 2003 20:09:
Daft thread me thinks... but just wondering how others in the UK did on the BBC TEST THE NATION QUIZ....???
ally77 said on September 6, 2003 21:34:
Well I got 90 when I did it... but then I cheated and got 147!!
rox-kuryliw said on September 7, 2003 10:21:
Im always doing horriable on that show, everytime im below average lol.
MiracleMan said on September 7, 2003 20:38:
Like other of UK gameshows—Who Want’s To Be A Millionaire? anyone? or the one with Anne Robinson I can’t think of at the moment where you end up screaming at the idiots on the TV and wait for her to cut them to the quick. . Chain something? Link something? Weakest Link! That’s the one. Loved Annie’s nastiness. Is she still hosting that over there? The one they had on prime time disappeared and now some smart-ass American guy is hosting a half-hour version of the show in mid-afternoon.
Wait, I lost track here. . .
They did a series of Test the Nation here in the US over the summer, but I was travelling for work so much I missed ’em. I know enough about it to undersand it was quite popular. (?) Here, I’m not sure if it caught on, so I may never get a chance to see how miserable my knowledge base is.
(I like to think I’m a smart boy and those programs tend to make me feel not so bright. )
PS—On a side note to US/UK programming, Coupling is about to debut here in its US version. Will they show that one there or only the UK version (which I hear is either great, or a raunchier, paler version of Friends)? They keep saying here how good the original is and how good this one may be. Remains to be seen. Just a tangential thought.
xarrrr said on September 7, 2003 21:15:
i did it (well kinda) but i didnt keep my score.... when they did they answers tho, most of mine were right!
Jud (moderator) said on September 7, 2003 21:22:
I did the IQ test on the BBC site (not the nation test - have no clue about UK!).. 120 was the result :O
on_a_mission said on September 11, 2003 21:13:
top 1% of the population. The age scale thingy denoted this. I know too much crap. Hey Everybody :)
Denstandigaresan said on September 6, 2003 20:55:
Don’t ask. :(:(:( I did bad last year also. I just don’t remember things!