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Roxette Fan and Game

5 replies

i’mjust wondering does anybody here love playing game just like me?? from many various console..PS2? X-Box? PC?, what kind of game do you usually play? RPG? Action? Sport?

My console is PS2, and i love RPG kind of game so much!! how about you?

Hey... hello. kirain kamu udah hilang di telan bumi :) welcome back! :)

We have The original Nintendo and Sega, PS 1, PS 2, NES 64 and for X-mas I got a Gamecube.

My fav things to play would be Grand Theft Auto 2 on PS2 and The Sims on Gamecube. It’s a sick addiction thou! LOL! Every once in a while I have to let it go for a few days. The games now a days, so cool as they are, tend to make me a bit dizzy after a while.

I luv Formula 1 games!!

I know all the tracks centimetre by centimetre included in the games:

- F1 One Grand Prix 1
- F1 One Grand Prix 2
- F1 One Grand Prix 3
- F1 One Grand Prix 4
by Geoff Crammond


My ex-boyfriend had Nintendo - he loved it but he never wanted to play against me because I was so horrible at it. I loved playing it as well but I was really bad at it. Hmmm....maybe that is the real reason we broke up.

Doo yg udah selesai ujian, jgn suka miskol2 aja donk..!!! Kemaren tuh yg pas liburan 3 hari gw lagi ada di Bandung tau..!!!
Gw suka game Petualangan deh mungkin namanya RPG ya??


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