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Moving domiciles

7 replies

Okay, here we go. I am in the process of moving this weekend. I already have my new home address and what not, and TDR was the only place I can think of to post:

Those of you that have my home address (with the apartment), email me and I can get you my current one. Vix, I think it was just you and Mands. So, yall email me and I’ll send you my new addy and phone #.

Luv yas


I though you moved last weekend?
Anyway I hope you´re happy.



Congrats on moving to your new place! Hope you get a lot of housewarming gifts!


Storm: Wanted to be, but everything got pushed back a week when I got sick. Still not up to speed after I injured my hand, but I WANT OUT, so I’m movin anyway.

littlespooky i hope that the house moving goes well have fun in your new place

So, I am mostly moved, and feelin a bit weirded out by it all. I’m scared that something will happen to screw this all up. I’m afraid that *I* will do something and mess it all up.....


Oh, I bought myself a new computer desk and hopefully will have room to put my TV on it.. if not... I’ll think of something

hey spooky babe take it easy ok everything will just be ok take your time and dont worry and think positive


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