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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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oww something I never knew

3 replies

ok so this might get bounced to off topic but its a bit of facinating info that may help with our six degrees of separation of roxette

today I was watchign a locla movie channel and caught a movie called The Unknown Cyclist about a group of peopel who bike ride across the united states to raise aids awareness. It starred lea thompson. In one scene they go to a hotel to stay the night in a rain storm and low and behold it was the MADONNA INN> Yes, the very same one where they shot the TCOTH video. I almost died. There were 2 great exterior shots and one of a coll decorated room. Dunno if its available on video hope others can check it out


I will look out for it at my local video store. Is it a good movie or should I fast forward to the hotel part?

its an ok movie not too bad


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