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POP hits and etc are not CD's !!

9 replies

I just noticed that neither POP hits , mazarin , nox single have CD logo on them. It is cause of licensing issues with holder of cd trademark Philips
who prohibited copyprotected “cd’s” to bear official
Compact Disc logo. This is beacause those “cd’s” don’t play in all Compact Disc designated players.
So technically new roxette material is not released on CD’s.
just f.y.i ...

i never noticed that!

who cares ?

AFAIK it is because the copy protection used on the CD. All copy-protected “CDs” actually are no CDs!


cds are not cds..... well, as long as the companies know what they’re doin...

yeah wasn’t the CD “brand” from Sony? And since EMI is using this copy-protected Cds, they complained and asked them not to put the CD label on their albums? ;)

The CD was invented by Phillips. Copy-protection doesn’t follow CD-standards, so they don’t allow to use the logo.

I think philips is doing the right thing. Copyprotection is stupid idea, that causes cd’s to not play at all cd drives , hence why they can’t be called CD.

It was a consortium of Phillips AND Sony that invented the compact disc standard.

Yes , but philips is primary holder of the license,
that’s why they can prohibit use of the cd logo.


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