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Second letter for Per (Gessle of course!)

17 replies

Dear Per,
it’s the second time I’m writing you and always concerning your affirmation that cds are not very expensive.
1) They are not expensive as your son’s cd games: that’s ok with me but cd games are a lux while music cds are art like a book and they should have a popular cost;
2) You are not a teenager with a low budget
3) You are full of money and with all my respect, my admiration and my love for you: it’ s better you shut up!
Your loyaliest fan who bought everything you released.

minoga... Do you honestly think Per gives a rats behind what you think about him?? So WHAT if you’ve bought everything... that’s up to you, Per wasn’t standing over your shoulder forcing you!
If you can’t afford to buy the albums, then don’t. Maybe get it on ebay sometime, it’ll be far cheaper.
As is said, if you have to question the price, you can’t afford it.

Per has the right to treat his son with games etc. He’s worked damn hard for the money! He can use it as he pleases.

Come on, lighten up. If you want to mank and moan, complain to EMI... they’re the ones charging the prices charged, not Per!

I think it’s better *you* shut up, Minoga.

Hey Minoga, are you crazy? Why are you talking this things? If you have problemas go to psychologist. Per doens’t deserve your bad humor. He work hard for us and you say so stupid things like that?
Please, he don’t need people like you.
About his money... he do what he want with this. He worked all life to get it, he didn’t steal, it’s his money. If he want to buy a golden videogame cd for his son what’s the problem? It’s not your money.

Shut up you Minoga and try to be polite next time

Fernanda- Brazil

Minoga I think we can all understand how you feel but this is not the place to go on about it, like the others said look at Per, think how hard he has earned his money and he is allowed to spend it like he wants.

Look at Posh and Becks from the UK, they are crazy over money but at the end of there day it is there and they can spend it how they like.

I know if I had millions in the bank I would spend it daft and be crazy with it, but there is an old saying, you can only have what you can afford. AMEN to that.

Please next time vent your rage out somewhere else and not on Per, Take it up with EMI see if they give a toss.

Minoga is so right. Face it.

Minoga has all the right to talk, if you people don’t like it.... start crying

Yes, she does... but shes aiming her anger in the wrong direction. Per isn’t to blame for the high prices of albums etc. So why is she manking and moaning, and being downright evil towards him???
If she wants to complain, she should aim them at the right people, EMI etc.

Hello hey, I guess minoga meant that Per just said that he doesn’t think that the record-prizes are too high.
Nothing about his money or how he spends money.

And minoga thinks that CDs are too expensive.

Oh my God, don´t flame Minoga that way. I´m not agree with the way she said it, but aswell I think that what Per said about money and how expensive are videogames is not his best quote exactly. For me, to buy a videogame, means 3 days of hard work, 9 hours per day. I guess some of you knows what I mean...

If I may interfere:
Really, I don’t understand why some of you always have to be so furyous and sometimes even cruel to each other. It’s a phenomenon I’ve noticed more than once here in this forum unfortunately. Why can’t we discuss like adults? Even if this might sound a bit like a flower-power-theory: Aren’t all of us Roxers members of the same great family?

Interesting to see that flaming is a standard ingredient in all forums.

As I believe “minoga” was refering to an intervev that Per gave on the topic of music piracy on the Internet by peer-to-peer programs (like kazaa).

Pers aim (as i understood it) was to defend his stand point; that it is sad that so many people believe that music is free nowadays and if this keeps going it will drain the quality of the music that will be produced because the artists will get less and less royalty and will have a lot harder time to earn a living on the music. And he exemplifyed it with comparing prices with computergames and that the diference is quite small.

How ever he wasn´t defending the actual price of albums but the principle of that the artists have to get payed to be able to give us music. There is little he can do about how the musicbuisness as an institution work, and in the end what an album costs for the consumer.

In my opinion “minoga” has all right to get upset on the price of records, for many people it is quite a high cost. On the other hand Per has all the right to state that music piracy drains the artist and musicbuissness.

To be honest, wouldnt it be faboulus if the price of records went down to for an example a third of the current price? but sincerly would the music piracy come to an end to? I for one doubt that.

Keep on poping!

It’s impossible to stop music piracy...
but, reducing the price of a CD to a third would, at least, double the sale numbers.... and would make music piracy less of a choice for the people that cant afford music but loves music..

anyway, presumptions are just that

Hi everybody,
it’s nice to see so devote fans to Per, I’m one of you and I was referring to the first letter (in the off topic section) I wrote some days ago.
I love Per and his music but. even if I understand he’s against piracy, I don’t understand why he has to tell that the cds are not so expensive.
Being full of money he can do what he wants with it but he has to understand the people/cd buyers who haven’t got that cash.
I’m not rich but I have enough money to buy almost all the cds I want but not all the people have it, so I was inviting Per to think about them. Probably I didn’t use polite words and I’m sorry (I beg you pardon Per and to all of you) but I was a bit upset (also for the things I wrote in the first letter).
That’s all.

By the way I’m a guy

a little off-topic but...
I have my theory that if the price of the CDs was lower, the total gain of the music business would be much higher. IF it was lower, let’s say, 1/2 of the price now, more people would be able to afford buying a CD, even if there is peer to peer sharing programs on the internet. after all, who doean’t prefer having the original CD, with the sleeve and stuff, than bunch of mp3s? PLUS, important point is that music should be widely avaliable EVERYWHERE. and plus, if the music companies bother to make playable CDs (if they are copy-protected, to use better copy-protection that enables you to listen to all your CDs, on whatever player you want) and also bother to put some videos in the CD (making of, etc)... then, I think, the whole music business would be much more successful.

hej! i just read one of you said we roxers are all part of a big family. Okay, but then tell me why special people think they are something better. You always find people at concerts, releasepartys etc. who think they are better than others because they travel to Sweden each yera, know every corner of leifs lounge, sleep at hotel tylosand and have met per and marie a million times. They are a lot of people like that. Too bad, but thats the truth. So tell me which kind of family this is! I wish it was like that. But if you have ever been to Halmstad in summer and have seen some fans there who come there over and over again, you probably know what i mean.

minoga I agree with you (exeept leave out the bad words)
I relly like Per . I think when people who have money and dont need to count what every little thing cost Forget how hard it is to for the rest of us who have to :(

This thing Per said (its from the TDR front news)
makes me a bit sad becuse this shows Per have
become a snob.
“And if you compare the prices to the ones I pay for my son’s computer games, CDs aren’t that expensive.”

Per Get a reality check not everyone are as rich as you :-(

Dear Marre,
that was exactly what I meant but you know I was angry so that...Anyway I agree with you.


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