big touradvertise in expressen
ATLTK said on June 22, 2003 12:49:
there is a big touradvertise in the Bruce Springsteen paper who is following with expressen today one page
daniel_alv said on June 23, 2003 07:22:
here is a smaller from DN today:
daniel_alv said on June 25, 2003 00:07:
no one? can anyone scan one from another magazine? would be fun to see how they look with a different text...
roxtexanet said on June 25, 2003 01:49:
I’ll bet EMI/EMA regrets spending money on these ads... three of the shows were nearly sold out before anyone even saw these ads!!!!
daniel_alv said on June 22, 2003 14:39:
can someone scan it?