The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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big touradvertise in expressen

10 replies

there is a big touradvertise in the Bruce Springsteen paper who is following with expressen today one page

can someone scan it?

domt have a scanner but i.m sure it will be in ther papers too

hope it will be in DN tomorrow

there is one in DN today... in color... it’s about 10x15 cm

here is a smaller from DN today:

woohoo! thats too cool!

can’t anyone scan the big one from expressen please!!!!

Will look into it.

no one? can anyone scan one from another magazine? would be fun to see how they look with a different text...

I’ll bet EMI/EMA regrets spending money on these ads... three of the shows were nearly sold out before anyone even saw these ads!!!!


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