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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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Do you like the dvd?

19 replies

I like it a lot.
Little Gabriel is SO cute.
He is very sweet when he lost his first tooth and he shows it proudly to everone then he and Per is watching each others teeth.
He really looks like a little Per.
I like when he says rolig rolig ( funny funny).
And it´s so great too, when Per plays a violin.... :)
Which is your fave part?

I waiting for the CD+DVD Mazarin. I cann‘t say anything about it!

It’s great yeah!

LOVE the ’smaker på ett regn’ dance from the guys! ;)

I LOVE the DVD! It’s like watching a Gessle-Home-Video! VERY FUNNY, those guys must’ve had REAL FUN while recording the album!!! But I hate, that it’s so short ( all GREAT things in life...)!!! ;o)

I liked it too!! Many funny moments! Looks like they were having a lot of fun.

Don’t have it yet!!
Somebody knows when the fanclub will send it?

I haven’t received my package yet. Hope I do pretty soon!

It’s quite good. Espacially cuz it feels very homemade.

@frodi, yeah it does doesn’t it?! it’s really per’s own videomaterial, do we know any other artist who does that?! :)
bit of a pity though that he films most of it himself...:P

I bought mine through the fanclub shop. Got it today....

i love the DVD! the whole thing!

for those of you who dont have it yet, i made 90+ screengrabs from it - they’re all on my website :)

What also makes me happy is that the DVD can be played in America!! Oh yeah!

Got the whole package yesterday.
It is good!

Is it 30. minutes now ??

@Royalball: Do you mean it has no region coding, or that the PAL DVD plays on NTSC DVD players?

i think the DVD is kinda boring, but hey, it was just an extra. The album is way cool!!!

roxtexanet, that is correct!! The DVD plays on NTSC format here in North Amercia!! I play it on my JVC DVD player!

I am still waiting for the album and the DVD as well :-(((
A big hand to EMI Sweden...!

I really like it! The behind the scenes stuff is always good fun to watch, recording seperate guitar tracks etc is great cause Im a musician myself, thanks to Per :P He did a great editing job on his pc :) , and to add the photoshoot at the end is like another little extra.

I got the CD +dvd today :D

DVD is fun and nice - had great laughs with it..

I just have one complain: the paper used for the booklet SUCKS big time, it breakes easily where it is folded grrr this happened with other cds already, can´t they learn from the mistakes???

well i printed out the lyrics so I dont have to use the booklet anymore, or I will end up with one sheet here and one there.


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