emilio said on June 19, 2003 01:24:
i live in ARgentina, here the if you want to buy the imoprted version mazarin you have to pay almost 50Euros, and each Euro cost for us $3.5ARS. you’ll see. in earn $500ARS p/motnh, so my wife kills me if I spend almost $175ARS on a Cd.
So it will be nice if someone make a rip from the DVD... don’t you think the same.
I’d love to buy the original but first of all i have to eat.
steven said on June 19, 2003 07:13:
And I live in the UK and if you want to buy an imported version of a particular car you have to pay several thousand pounds. Really expensive. Since my monthly salary doesn’t even remotely cover this (I must eat and pay bills etc), perhapes someone would be kind enough to steal one for me and sneak it pass customs?
Seriously though... is the state of a country’s economy justification for what essentially amounts to theft?
camillarox said on June 19, 2003 07:52:
do we have to laugh now?
I am sure these fans will buy the CD sooner or later and they just ask for the DVD rip to see it now because they cannot wait. And following your “logic” and example: you wouldn’t purchase the car later on even if you could. And you cannot compare the situation in UK and in Argentina, for heavens sake!
Anyway, I hope somebody does the rip for those who cannot afford the album now and that you can also save for it to get it in the future!
steven said on June 19, 2003 08:34:
@ Camillarox:
Chill dude... My example was a lighthearted attempt to highlight the highly suspect legality of the original user’s posting.
We know from experience that Per is a visitor of this website and that TDR has a good standing with the related record compaines and management.
I’m sure Visa, Lars-Erik & Co would not wish for their hard efforts to be in any way associated with a plea from a fan to obtain illegal recordings, especially a new release.
Yes it’s a shame that CD’s are expensive...
Yes it’s a shame that Argentina’s economy is having some issues at the moment...
Yes it’s a shame that a fan cannot afford to buy an album...
But theft is theft...
i_jera said on June 19, 2003 09:50:
theft is theft. (I strongly underline it, BUT...)
...it’s a shame that one should shout “I DO STEAL, BUT I SIMPLY CAN’T PAY” to be heard (and still not understood) . I’m sure no-one of you wants to steal. NO-ONE.
but..... such is the life, and it’s unfair. theft is theft.
(but... if there wasn’t such thing as music piracy invented, I wouldn’t have discovered Roxette by now.)
arnie said on June 19, 2003 15:47:
hey steven, how dare you compare a car with a normal cd? you must be kidding, and it is not funny.
The fact is there is “no way” to get that cd/dvd/whatever. We can’t afford to buy import items, that’s it.
So I suggest you to “think” before posting, most of the argentinian fans can’t afford to buy it. We are not stealing, and if we do, who do you think you are to judge our attitude?
I guess you “have never downloaded” any mp3 from internet. Haven’t you?
There is a homeless who got sick and can’t go to an hospital, because he must pay the service and he has no money....Will you let him die because he’s poor?
steven said on June 19, 2003 21:51:
@ Arnie:
Get a grip. You’re becoming emotional and your arguments have become non-sensical ramblings.
I’ll try and respond to your points one by one...
You said: “hey steven, how dare you compare a car with a normal cd? you must be kidding, and it is not funny.”
You’re right on two counts here, I was kidding and theft isn’t funny.
You said: “The fact is there is “no way” to get that cd/dvd/whatever. We can’t afford to buy import items, that’s it.”
Do you mean no way in the sense that you can’t afford it? Tough! If you can’t pay then you shouldn’t get. And poverty is no defense for theft.
You said: “So I suggest you to “think” before posting, most of the argentinian fans can’t afford to buy it. We are not stealing, and if we do, who do you think you are to judge our attitude?
I guess you “have never downloaded” any mp3 from internet. Haven’t you?”
Lost of points there... I wasn’t refering to all Argentinian fans. I was referring to the one who foolishly jepodised the good name of this website by asking for someone to break the law in a public forum. I wasn’t judging, I was contributing to a message board, which is the basic concept of such a facility.
You said “There is a homeless who got sick and can’t go to an hospital, because he must pay the service and he has no money....Will you let him die because he’s poor?”
Clearly you are so desperate to justify theft that you have incredulously used this awful metaphor to highlight your cause. We are talking about a thing. A CD/DVD. An item that is considerd a luxury - NOT an essential item for life. You cannot compare a piece of plastic to health care. Stupid argument - just stupid.
Arnie... If you can think of a valid comment on the topic of theft, please come back to me, I would love to discuss with you. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time and more importantly mine too.
Santi said on June 19, 2003 22:04:
I wonder how you call CD’s being so expensive with a word different than theft...
But it’s their own problem, anyone who has studied economy history knows that crisis cycles come because businessmen wanted to increase their surplus value at any cost (like today music companies do). So much that their customers, who were also their employees couldn’t afford buying the products produced by those businessmen... and the economy enters a crisis of overproduction...
Music industry is about to fall in their own trap, and the crise in the beginning of the seventies is gonna look like a joke. And we won’t hear about Roxette or Per again not because of pirates, but because the economy will “kill” them... like it “killed” many bands in the beginning of the 70’s...
Santi said on June 19, 2003 22:13:
Oh, and more... This is JUST a question.
How does it affect that 4 people make an illegal copy of a CD not released in a country 8000 km away, a CD that is not known by 99,99% of people living in that country, to the sales of Sweden? Because I guess the sales in Argentina won’t count...
LoneGunman said on June 19, 2003 23:45:
About all this talk...
1. I completly understand Per when he’s against mp3s, bootlegs, etc... but let’s face it... no one can stop it. And honestly I REALLY CAN’T BELIEVE that you guys actually believe that sharing files HERE is something that will affect sales. C’mon, let’s face it, if is there any place on Earth where people support Per and where people would all buy the official Cd, the place is HERE. We are all fans, we all love his music, if we all lived in Sweden or had a credit card, I’m sure everyone would get the album. So please, we are not the enemies.
2. I live in Brazil, and I’m trying to do all I can to buy “Mazarin”+DVD... cause it’s like a dream to me to have this Cd+DVD cause I LOVE every little song very much and Per was always my idol (and always will be). But it’s going to be a miracle if I get someway to buy it (specially with the DVD). Some people should understand how hard it’s for us to get some itens and how much we want it. It’s very easy to say to us to “get a life” or call us “thieves” or whatever when you got yourself a copy in the store in front of your house.
3. I would like to meet someone that NEVER got a illegal mp3 file from any artist.
4. To solve the problem... why do you guys do a RIP of the DVD after the special edition get sold out ?
All the best
ChrisWilliams said on June 20, 2003 00:40:
I fully agree with Steven.
Sadly, the internet generation has almost been taught that downloading music illegally is nothing to be ashamed of. There aren’t many of us left who have morals in that area :-|
If you can’t afford the DVD version, then you shouldn’t have it.
@ emilio: Just save up your money and buy the album, just like the rest of us are doing.
camillarox said on June 20, 2003 00:46:
it is funny to see that since Per called downloading albums was “theft” now you Steven start to use this term. Looks like your speech is more aimed to please Per than anything else, now that we know he reads this site.
For your information, Per’s words were taken out of contest on that Expressen article and he has downloaded loads of Mp3s himself. Btw, you haven’t answered to the question about how many you have downloaded yourself ;)
I don’t think that sharing a 30 minutes film of a LIMITED EDITION of 5000 items is really affecting the benefits. These 5000 items are already pre-ordered and will be all sold in Sweden and sharing it with a guy who cannot afford it won’t cause any sales decrease. What’s more, when you think about how many fans Per has, there is not enough copies of this limited edition for everybody, so when there is no more copies to buy from this limited edition, what then? I would call it SHARING ;) I consider it very strong to call somebody a criminal just because he wants to enjoy seeing a film made by his biggest idol!
If I remember well, your last version of your site was linking to some sites with “illegal” and using your terms “stolen” stuff. Suddenly a tabloid uses the word “theft” as if it was Per’s words and you use it too? ;)
camillarox said on June 20, 2003 00:49:
who is telling you that he won’t buy the album? many of us have downloaded the songs when they were online because we couldn’t wait anymore to listen to them, we couldn’t wait till the CD we had ordered arrived in our postbox. That he wants to see the video now doesn’t mean that he won’t save to buy it in the future!
And I don’t think that any of you who are critisising piracy have never ever downloaded and mp3 or a film. Nobody has hands clean here ;)
What’s more, the piracy has been there for ages, remember when we used to make copies of albums on tape? or later on a cd? I am sure there is no one around who doesnt have a copied tape from that album you couldnt buy when you were a teen and depended on the weekly pocket money from the parents!
emilio said on June 20, 2003 01:09:
well, i undestad what many people say, fe. steven, pietro, and so many more. so i have a question. nobody here has downloaded music fro minternet, or movies.. its just a question. we are not market for mr gessle, i’d be very happy if i cuold buy the cd, i’d save up the money.. but that its not the question, sadly here in this world the rules changed. We are all living on a different generation. the fact is that im a huge fan, but i can’t stop paying the phone, or eatin potatoes every day to see a 35m video, even im a real fan. that’s the question.
My country is going down, and i’m here, not there.. sorry it just this.
If nobody want to rip the dvd, my life won’t change, so i’ve have to wait a little more... and then let’s see.
emilio said on June 20, 2003 01:16:
but im not a thief...
bahh we are all thiefs...
we use kazaa, we used napster, we used agalaxy, and many many more.. am i wrong.
and finally i totally agree with camillarox. totally!
im just wondering how many copies of microsoft windows are original here in this forum......
sorry for my english
steven said on June 20, 2003 11:19:
I think many of you are still missing the main point of all this.
The original post publically asked the community to help obtain an illegal copy of a new recording. A recording that is bearly in the shops yet.
1. This places The Daily Roxette in a compromising situation and could be wrongly interpreted by Roxette’s record company and management. We need the current relationship between TDR and Roxette to thrive and prosper. It’s greatly in all our interests as it means we get a steady supply of news and information. I would be guted if TDR lost this relationship.
2. Roxette and their record comapny lose potential royalty payments on lost sales in an industry which is already going through some rough times. Anything, no matter how small, that jepodises Roxette’s will and ability to write, release and perform new material in the future should be discouraged.
camillarox said on June 20, 2003 11:34:
I think the people at TDR are good enough to know when to put an end to something: if somebody posts a link to any illegal file, it will be deleted and that’s all. Talking about mp3s has been done here before, why is it such a big deal now after Per mentioned “theft” (or better, Expressen put it in his mouth) and some fans started to qualify mp3 sharing with that word? What will come next? we won’t be able to critisise Roxette anymore because Expressen says that Per gets too hurt? ;) IF TDR was to loose such relationship with EMI & co because the people here TALK about mp3s, they would have lost it LONG ago.
And as I said before, sharing a film that will be included in 5000 copies that are already pre-ordered and will be sold in a flash won’t make Per loose money, just some fans happier.
We have read here many fans who have ordered the album straight away after listening to some snippets, that is the other (positive) side of the file sharing.
PS: nice way of scaping to our questions S ;)
rolf_blub said on June 20, 2003 15:32:
Ripping is stealing, i agree on that... but i don’t think anyone has to worry wether there’s gonna be a rip or not. There always is. There’s always someone who puts everyhting online, it’s so predictable it’s almost boring. AND the copy protections are easy to break through (so I’ve heard) so I guess EMI is just not smart enough...
BTW I’ve seen the DVD and it IS SUPER COOL. Sorry, I can’t rip it. (No DVD player, no idea how, just don’t wanna. You choose ;))
swedish-dvd said on June 20, 2003 15:35:
Yeah, it’s cool isn’t it?! :D :D :D
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can’t rip it either, although I totally understand that people want a rip...it’s only about 5 000 who have this version with the dvd anyway right?!
arnie said on June 20, 2003 20:19:
Steven from UK:
Sorry, I don’t agree with you, maybe you think that a stupid “rip” for a dozen of fans (I think there won’t be more than 12 fans interested on that documentary) will “damage” the sales of Mazarin, an album that will never come out in a country so far away from europe. EMI Argentina has no plans to promote/release/import/whatever Mazarin ...
You did not answer my question: Have you never downloaded any kind of file of music from internet? (mp3’s, mpg, avi’s)? So roxette.co.uk has paid the rights to publish these roxette pictures? I guess you did it.
If so, then we should make “Roxbytes” to close up... “We offer a wide range of commercially unavailable files for Roxette fans”. Of course they’re avaliable! Just type “roxette” at Ebay/Energy and you’ll find a lot of bootlegs/singles/videos. The Live-ism video and Crash Boom Live are still avaliable in the swedish shops and they’re at Roxbytes for downloading, just to name a few.
When I said: “there is no way to get “, it means “there is no way to get it” among we can’t afford for it and so...
And finally: When and where did I say/suggest/justify theft? Please tell me in what paragraph??? Where did I write that? Did I mention anything about uploading and sharing that documentary?
And I am really sorry if I made you spent your time, I may think that I’m nobody and you’re supreme, please ignore this comment my lord.
SkyDrum said on June 20, 2003 20:33:
Hey Steven! Are you the Per’s secretary or what? Or you count his money? Remember: “[...] the money is on the oven [...]”
PS: I didn’t want to get against the law puting this phrase from my idol Per, my dear anti-piracy boy Steven...
And Arnie, Could you ripped me the Marie’s DVD? Jejeje... :-)
steven said on June 20, 2003 21:08:
I’m not going to contribute to this thred any further. There’s just no point.
Most of the uninformed, negative comments are coming from South American fans, whos minds are both young and sadly closed (worst combination).
Enjoy your pirated CDs/DVDs.
arnie said on June 20, 2003 21:21:
I believe that Steven needs to understand the notion of respect for each other’s opinion and learn from them. Sometimes you agree, sometimes you don’t ... Anyway, I wonder where did he get that I was for piracy?
Ferdan said on June 20, 2003 21:50:
By steven “Most of the uninformed, negative comments are coming from South American fans, whos minds are both young and sadly closed (worst combination).”
haha, now he’s “insulting” people from south america...
That just shows the sort of mind steven has....
anyway, generalization is the perfect example of a closed mind thought....
and your new stand on this kind of issues, using “borrowed” words from a taken out of context Per declaration shows how young is your mind steven.
Maybe you’ve become your worst nightmare yourself.... not for anything you didn’t answer the questions arnie asked.
camillarox said on June 20, 2003 23:24:
so when we all don’t agree, the kid is going like “so now I don’t play”.. oh well, many questions weren’t answered, and I guess because we were right: Steven has downloaded MP3s so he is no saint and he used pictures without permission and linked to illegal stuff/sites from his roxette.net
I am not religious but the sentence “that one of you who is without sin may throw the first stone” fits in here quite well eh? ;)
LoneGunman said on June 21, 2003 01:02:
“Most of the uninformed, negative comments are coming from South American fans, whos minds are both young and sadly closed (worst combination).”
What ? Who you think you are ? Don’t talk about the south american fans like that... if you don’t have arguments to talk with us, then go back to your “Steven Land”, where there’s no mp3 and piracy, and leave us alone... but don’t insult us, you... well, nevermind.
Good to know you have/had a site, Steven, cause other south american fans will know about what you just said (I’ll post your message on our foruns and mailing lists) and your site/future projects are going to be banned from our browsers.
Since you don’t waste your time getting mp3s, why don’t you go read a book about “respect for other people” !!!
Unbelievable !!! >:(
emilio said on June 21, 2003 01:54:
Well it’s time to put and end... we all make mistakes. Sad topic for me. An unnecessary argue.
I just deliver a wish about watch the dvd... that’s all. Bye bye .
Sorry for my english, i’ll try to improove it .. je!
Emilio prodly who i am
Anarem said on June 21, 2003 02:49:
If I had the Mazarin DVD, I would totally make a copy for you. It’s not unlike making mixed tapes or mixed CDs for friends– as long as I don’t profit from it! The pirates are the guys who *sell* the bootlegs.
And Steve-o, it’s very easy to be on your moral high horse (and being Per Gessle’s pseudo-spokesperson/wannabe-bumwiper) when you’re living in the UK, in relative affluence. Emilio is not asking us to steal a car– he just wants a copy of a silly DVD that he could never be able to obtain *for his own personal use*. If making a copy for one’s own personal use is a crime, then you may as well arrest all those University students and professors who photocopy whole chapters from textbooks, everyone who’s downloaded mp3s from the ’Net, and the little old ladies who sample the food in the bulk bins before buying it. Stuff your bigotry and self-righteousness.
camillarox said on June 21, 2003 05:51:
counting the seconds till Stev will go crying to somebody and some of our messages will be edited ;))
LoneGunman said on June 21, 2003 07:09:
Yeah, and Steven’s message should be the first one to be edited.
>:( Grrrrrr !!!
minoga said on June 21, 2003 19:22:
Hi guys and dolls,
Premise: I’m 33 and I’m a record collector (Abba-Roxette-Ace Of Base-Alcazar among others).
1) Do you know the price of a cd? Well it’s about 21 euro. A teenager gets about 10-15 euro per week (at least the richest), do you think they waste it on a cd? Wrong, they spend it having fun with friends.
2) The taxes are very high? Wrong again cos if you take them away the cd will always costs about 15-16 euro and that’s too much.
3) Moreover, there’s a new fashion among the record companies: re-releasing the same album 2-3-4 times not after 10 years but during the same year putting 1 or two new songs on it (Ace Of Base released 2 different versions of their first cd -Alcazar released 4 different versions of their first cd). And what if I bought the first version? Do I have to buy them all to have all their songs? Is this right for you?
4) Same for the releasing of a cd: Ace Of Base released their last album (Da capo) 1 year ago but it’s not yet out in my country nor in many others, same for Alcazar. Is this right for you?
5) I buy every cd Roxette release (also the swedish ones) but the latest don’t work in stereo-car, why? Cos Emi protected it against piracy, but they are already on the net so why do I have to buy a cd that doesn’t work in my stereo car? Moreover if I buy a cd I have (not I should) the right to do my own compilation (with tapes you can do that, which is the difference?) but it’s impossible.
6) Emi released Roxette’s greatest hits video on DVD, and I was so happy but it doesn’t work on all Dvd Players (mine too) so why do I have to buy an original while I could have a copy that works better?
7) I always wanted original cds cos the booklets with its lyrics and the package etc but lately also these part is away. Take Madonna or Kylie for example: their cd’s booklets have only photos (Madonna’s one has awful photos). I have to admit: Roxette never deluded me (Dvd and stereo car apart) all your cds are great but 4 greatest hits in 8 years....
8) Also the singles have their part, to tell you the truth more parts: cd 1-cd 2-cd 3, while they shoud be sold with only a song or with an unreleased one but not with 85 remixes of the same song, at max 1 euro.
9) If I don’t find a cd cos it’s not released in my country I download it with no problem even if it’s “illegal” but it’s not my fault if it’s not out, isn’ t it?
The companies must stop to steal money from the people selling non sense cd or dvd.
Ciao Ciao
arnie said on June 22, 2003 19:03:
I do agree too. I have bought so many original roxette albums and if the limited editions were avaliable in my country I would buy them, of course, but the thing is that the dvd is no longer avaliable anywhere and I don’t think that Per’s company will re-release that limited edition again.
And I’m sure some people bought it, just to re-sell it after some months/years and make a profit of it.
arnie said on June 22, 2003 19:07:
And finally:
Steven had been re-selling the domain name “roxette.net” on Ebay (a very high price) ...
It is all said.
robmc said on June 23, 2003 16:06:
Hi. Just thought you’d like to know you can order the “All The Videos” dvd from Australia for 60 Argentine Pesos. You can also try Ebay. I’ve seen a few at around 42 Argentine Pesos. But stay away from those VCDs.
Eloy said on June 23, 2003 17:41:
hi all:
Well, I live in Argentina and I can understand to Emilio. It´s terribly expensive to import one cd here. However, I´m a great fan and I always try to get the new material. Well, I´m waiting for mazarin+dvd on next days. I had to import it from Sweden and pay for that cd a lot of money! :)
Emilio, don´t worry, if you want a copy you will get it from me Ok? I will ask you no money for that, so you just contact to me to [email protected], Ok? if I can help to another fan then I will do it :) LOL
Eloy from Argentina
arnie said on June 24, 2003 00:03:
Where are you from Eloy? Buenos Aires?
Please rip the Mazarin DVD and upload it somewhere, asap—
emilio said on June 24, 2003 04:03:
arnie i don’t wanna be sarcastic, but don’t put this things here on the forum... what do you think it’d happen if someone involved on music biz read this... Per will punish us? I don’t think becouse he will understand that we are argentinan. and we enojy making things on the wrong way.. jaja
(i’m jocking of course)
roxcyn said on June 24, 2003 14:31:
The if people want to complain about it...then you need to send the DVD to him personally via airmail. Anyone up for it?
Just send it to him... :P
Eloy said on June 24, 2003 18:08:
Dear arnie:
I´m from Rosario.
Well, I can´t do that! :) and that is because Per will get terribly angry with me! I think :) LOL
punxnotdead said on June 25, 2003 00:56:
Steve.....how could you put all of us in the same bag’?
are you a nazi or something??...
i don‘t get how ppl could be so stupid....
// young minds....southamericans....
That offends me...i wonder if you are better than me?
why don‘t u get a life before offend us?....
stupid rox-related junkie....
A Pissed Off Southamerican better than you!
Hèctor Faune
CEO Broken Records
Mr_Titus said on June 25, 2003 04:19:
@Punxnotdead: hello, I give by your commentary 5 dolars and a candy, otherwise it absorbs those that hang!!!!!!!!!!!!! sh*t ?&%$#”/)=?
tinytim said on June 25, 2003 15:45:
steven, I just want to let you know that your site is being boycotted by the R2R Portuguese forum site...if that’s not big deal for you, at least shows how a big mouth, acting under a small mind can screw a lot of things...
Yeah...maybe it can be ashameful asking for a DVD rip...maybe it’s a ’theft’ or a crime...but...you must admit and know that it’s harder, lot harder for us, the ’closed-mind’ south americans, get imported stuff, specially swedish...btw...I define ’theft’ as something you steal (in this case, specifically) and get profit from it...let’s be serious, who, besides us, the very us, would like to get Per Gessle’s new stuff? Only swedish people (and scandinavian, too...)...I guess that burned ’Mazarin’ copies won’t be seen in the streets of Taiwan or Paraguay...or maybe in Rio de Janeiro’s street vendor tents...
Your comment was unpolite, ignorant, rough and fool. I once posted something sort of like that to that Gary guy, and I got a warnig from LEO in my mail box...the ’new’ TDR is reigned by the ’peace’ policy...remember, since 2001...so, I’d like to request from admin to retire that comment...it’s my right, and south american TDR members, too...this is offensive.
I felt a certain...I mean, a big...nasty european accent in your statement...I believe...no...I’m totally sure that your point of view it isn’t shared by the other UK members here. You want to look Mr. Righteous only cause you have a web site dedicated to Roxette.
Sometimes I wonder what foreign people think about us...specially Brazil...or maybe what steven think about us...maybe...we’re all teenie indians who access TDR from public computers that the missionary man brought?? That’s laughable...
I blame The Simpsons for that!
And LoneGunMan...thanx for your always presence here and everywhere...thanx for the warning...
After all, the closed-young-poor-iliterate-south-american-mind were born in a land discovered by them clarified-honest-clever-polited-european–mostly brittish–minds...well...
Oh mon dieu! La bourgeoisie est si merveilleuse!
steven said on June 25, 2003 18:24:
I wasn’t going to get drawn back into this thread, but I need to clairfy something.
My original comment about the young, closed minds etc were directed to the South American users of THIS thread UP TO THE POINT when I posted my comments.
That included: Emilio, Arnie, LoneGunman, and SkyDrum.
That’s 4 people, NOT the entire South American continant.
If you’ve joined this thread since and thought that I was on some form of mission to alienate an entire continant then you misread my intentions.
arnie said on June 25, 2003 19:06:
- “South americans” are “South Americans”,
- “Emilio, Arnie, LoneGunman, and SkyDrum” are “Emilio, Arnie, LoneGunman, and SkyDrum”
And you haven’t answered our questions yet ...
Vixzter said on June 25, 2003 19:11:
@tiny: Ummmm are you dragging all us Brits into this? I might get annoyed ;)
Lanzie said on June 25, 2003 19:35:
Don’t make Vixie angry. You wouldn’t like her when she’s angry.
tinytim said on June 25, 2003 20:02:
of course not, Vixzie, you’d be the last one I could input this kind of intention...I only said that to show steven, and you all, his country mates, how serious this is...offending a whole category of people sounds like if the offensor talked for the entire part he is in...in this case, UK...so...don’t let somebody be so harsh with the opinons, when they relate to nationality, carachteristics, homeplace, etc...
no matter if he was referring only to 4 south americans, then he should only mention them 4...it wasn’t easy to list them now he had to justify it...so, why he didn’t do that since the beginning?
This is so nasty! I’m south american and I feel offended...not offended, for some homelove feeling...it’s like if every kind of wrong thing should be expected from us, down here...after all, there’s a lot of crime, of drugs, of favelas, of piracy...we’re ’used’ then....offend, they won’t feel, their skin is already hard....OK!!!
Vixzter said on June 25, 2003 20:10:
@tiny: I can understand how you feel....but just so you know I could have also get very easily offended by some of your comments about ppls from the UK.... but I’m willing to let it go coz I enjoy our discussions about football :)
steven said on June 25, 2003 20:13:
@ Arnie:
Who’s aggressive? I’m not and have never been aggressive.
I’ve simply contributed my thoughts on what was an original topic about music piracy.
I’ve questioned the legality and wisdom of this thread’s original post and those that support that particular view that music piracy is ok.
In return, LoneGunman has lovingly created a thread about little ole me and wrongly accused me of inciting racial hatred against South Americans.
What an incredibly mean spirited and immoral thing to do. (Didn’t realise it was so easy to get under your skin LoneGunman. Oh and I possess no website for you to boycott. Oh and my nationality isn’t English.
As I’ve said previously Arnie, my comments were directed at you and the other 3 South American users whose comments were posted before mine.
@ Tinytim:
I refer you to my previous explanation where I explained how my comments were directed at 4 people. I have no grievance with you, despite your insulting comments.
camillarox said on June 25, 2003 20:55:
oh poor Steven “he simply contributed on an original topic” and the bad one is LG sniff..
I think it was you and only you Stev who started to critisise or judge the ways of some people, call them robbers just because u have seen Expressen put this word on Per´s mouth (when - I repeat - in the past you have supported and linked to such sites with “illegal” stuff) etc etc.
Anyway, I read somewhere that the dvd was available at kazaa or winmx - so have a happy download, it´s worth it :)
steven said on June 25, 2003 21:23:
Yes it was me that questioned the actions of some people. Eh.. that’s not in dispute... duh?
Nope... All words ARE my own. Don’t read, can’t read Expressen (it’s in Swedish). I’ve never had a problem expressing myself and choosing my own sentences.
Yes I have linked to other websites in the past. However, I have never linked to material that is commerically available or new. I’m not justifying this, but I don’t think it’s fair to compare this to someone who is blantantly trying to elicit a copy of a commerical recording that has bearly reached the stores. Your point here was weak.
And no I will not be downloading a copy of Per’s new album. Thanks for the offer though.
LoneGunman said on June 25, 2003 23:30:
@Steven : “In return, LoneGunman has lovingly created a thread about little ole me and wrongly accused me of inciting racial hatred against South Americans.”
Wrongly ? Oh my, sorry... so probably all the south american fans offended here (and the others in the thread I created on R2R forum and Brazillian Mailing List) are the bad ones once again. Probably our young and closed minds are making us write these unfair words against you *Sarcasm* !!! Please, get a life, no one here seems to agree with you !!! You said a horrible thing about us from South America and you’re so sadly arrogant that you didn’t said you’re sorry, at all !!
Sad to see this kind of thing here !! :(
steven said on June 26, 2003 09:30:
And the Brazilian Mailling list? Guess I REALLY did get under your skin eh Marcos? (Have you considered buying a domain name and making me your pet project?)
When you’re a little more mature you’ll look back on all this and realise that in the grand scheme of things, all your pent up emotion didn’t really matter.
LoneGunman said on June 26, 2003 13:25:
@Steven : “(Have you considered buying a domain name and making me your pet project?)”
You’re not worth as a project... not even as a pet!!
It’s so funny the way you try to make ME look bad and imature, when you were the one who offended me and the others south american fans. But you know what... don’t worry about us anymore... we all are going to keep a great distance from you and any kind of thing you’ll do, from now on. That’s what people with young and closed minds normally do, right ?
PS: Another thing... do not call me Marcos, I really don’t like it !!
Ferdan said on June 19, 2003 04:59:
And there’s a lot of people earning 350$ monthly.....
so dvd would cost half of their earning.
.... oh well...
i´ll keep trying to find more importers anyway...