TDR users in today's Dagens Nyheter
Santi said on June 17, 2003 09:06:
The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter publishes today a very long article about Per Gessle and his releaseparty last week and some users of TDR like Liesebieke or Felicity-Brown are “interviewed” and they talk about them :D
Here is the link to anyone who wants to read it (in Swedish, of course):
Lurirox said on June 17, 2003 09:59:
I’ve read this article...
And I have to say, that they say completly wrong and bad things about german “fans”!
I’m German, too - but I would never do anything like that!
Maybe there are a few people that do such things - okay, but that aren’t “fans”! Fans have respect for the private life of Per or whoever! At least I have respect!
If you say such stupid things everyone gets the wrong information about us - the Germans in general!! You can’t talk about us all as if we all steal the mail or look through windows or whatever! I haven’t done anything like that and I would never do such things!! And I’m sure most of us think and behave the same!
I think it’s time for an excuse now. And in future: First think - then talk!
Thank you for reading.
felicity-brown said on June 17, 2003 12:11:
Okay, maybe we should first think and then talk when speaking to such people as things do get a little mixed up. We were talking in general about how crazy some fans get... and this is some of the extremes to which the fans have gone. As far as we know, it was Germans ...not sure who though, which is why no names are mentioned, but if it wasn’t you, you have no need to worry. Get over it! ...or is it a guilty conscience???
Denstandigaresan said on June 17, 2003 12:20:
I think that is why Per and Marie stayed with us all that time in ’99 and ’01 Fliss, because we weren’t screaming at them, didn’t get in their faces, left when they asked, and also asked if we could take photos!
Per and Marie also left the hotel early, according the the door man, in 1995 after the London gig, because of... quoting his exact words... “The hyper Germans”.
Starrox said on June 17, 2003 14:15:
*sigh* Yeah sure, it is always only the fault of the mad German fans and all the others are total angels... *rollseyes*
(And no, I wasn’t one of the fans at either occasion and I am German)
camillarox said on June 17, 2003 14:30:
well I don’t know why you are so surprised now, everybody knows what some Germans have done (and do) and everybody knows what bad image these (few, or not so few) Germans give to all the other German fans. But I could give you names and surnames and most of them are either German or Dutchies ;)
Who stole stuff from Marie’s garden, mail, and even digged in the garbage bags from Per’s home? Who filmed Per some years ago while he was sunbathing in HIS PRIVATE GARDEN? who spends the whole summer holidays at Hotel Tylosand everyday and goes to Per’s place everyday to meet him for the 10000x time? Shall I go on? ;)
camillarox said on June 17, 2003 14:32:
Maybe there are a few people that do such things - okay, but that aren’t “fans”! Fans have respect for the private life of Per or whoever! At least I have respect!
>> u are right I guess, those aren’t fans, they are freaks! :)
felicity-brown said on June 17, 2003 14:45:
@ Lurirox: Okay, my apologies to you, if you were offended. I know that not ALL Germans are like this ...I am in contact (and have been for many years) with German fans. This was just an example...
Kiwein1 said on June 17, 2003 15:34:
I don’t understand this people either!
I like walking around in my “active fanbase” shirt and I don’t feel ridiculous in it, but I would never steal Per’s mail or things like that..and yes I am german, too.
And YES, those people are FREAKS..!
LittleGirl78 said on June 17, 2003 18:04:
I don´t really understand the whole articel, what write they about us germans?
So I´m also a german, but I would never do anything like that, what you called in the postings.
But what write the newspaper? Is something like that happends on the Party?
LittleGirl78 said on June 17, 2003 18:20:
OK. Now I understand, that was a interview from some fans who told theme that the germans are the worse.
Yes, I admid that many germans do such things, but that dutchies, spain, or anybody else either ;)
Not only germans, I´m NOT and my whole german friend also NOT.
I hope the newspaper had make a missunderstanding and you haven´t told it so like they write that.
Denstandigaresan said on June 17, 2003 18:26:
littlegirl... I know for a fact the newspaper didn’t write the quote as it was told to them.
Luciala said on June 17, 2003 19:08:
Oh guys...calm down. Why do you get annoyed by things like that? I did not feel offended at all even though I am German and I have never ever stolen Per’s mail. If some one would ask me “Who are the craziest fans?” I would answer “The Germans” without even thinking about it. Who are the ones looking through Per’s garbage? Germans. Who almost camped outside his house? Germans. Who walked around in “Roxette is a lifestyle”-shirts? Germans.
I am not like them, so what? As long as nobody starts tell “Oh Luciala is acting like a freak” I don’t care...
ted_rox said on June 17, 2003 19:12:
do u know ppl who has stolen stuff etc and even has been written about in the papers
StillFar said on June 17, 2003 19:15:
that’s funny, don’t really get what the problem is. I mean, come on, every person who’s somehow in the public eye will have situations with fans. All the issues told are pathetic...They made millions of $ by selling discs to fans, so if you can’t rebuy stuff for your garden, hire security to protect it...
Kiwein1 said on June 17, 2003 19:22:
@Luciala: I don’t get your point, sorry. In my opinion you can’t generalize all german fans..that’s what you do, isn’t it?
Denstandigaresan said on June 17, 2003 19:22:
Luciala, all I can say is... EXCELLENT post! :)
Some people are taking it far to seriously! SHEESH!
Denstandigaresan said on June 17, 2003 19:27:
I think there are some language barriers here... crazy the way it was meant was, hyper, exciteable etc etc... It wasn’t meant in a nasty way... even though that wasn’t what was said anyway!
Sometimes over the top fans, pi$$ me off no end, but yeah, I understand you’re meeting your idols etc... but honestly, if you acted calmly, quiet etc... I’m sure Per and Marie would appreciate it too!
Like I said previously, they stayed with us a LONG time in london, as they didn’t feel we were in their face I guess.
Liesebieke said on June 17, 2003 19:39:
Well, just like Felicity writes: we were talking in general. We joked and we said about ourselves as well that we are totally crazy! And that’s the truth! I was sharing my room with a German girl, I went into the town with a bunch of Germans, it’s nothing personal! Don’t feel offended about it! WIR LIEBEN
I was waiting in the entrance of Hotel Tylösand when this woman started a conversaation and wrote down evrything I said. I got irritated since she did not present herself. I asked her. She admitted she was a journalist. We were talking. Felicity joined in. I warned her. It’s no use warning Felicity! hahahaha (Sorry Fliss) *blushing*
Kiwein1 said on June 17, 2003 19:45:
From my point of view everything has been discussed now and things are ok as they have ever been..(-:
I was very pleased to meet you Liesebieke and I mean it! You’re a very nice person!
felicity-brown said on June 17, 2003 19:49:
@ Kiwein1 : Are you sure you’re talking about the right person??? She’s one of the freaks!! ;)
By the way, is it you that had your face all over the newspaper the day after the party? Nice pic ehehehe
Liesebieke said on June 17, 2003 19:50:
Herzlichen Dank Kirsten! Schönes Bild von dir übrigens in Aftonbladet. Es ist eine schöne Erinnerung!!
Santi said on June 17, 2003 19:51:
Euh... :| I never wanted to start this :| Sorry everyone :s :$:$:$
Starrox said on June 17, 2003 19:53:
@felicity-brown: Aren’t we all freaks in one way or another? ;-)
felicity-brown said on June 17, 2003 19:53:
ahahaha Yes, it’s your fault, Santi and not my untamed gob! LOL
felicity-brown said on June 17, 2003 19:55:
@ Starrox: Yes, exactly! This is how it all started... I said I was mad, but knew where to draw the line...
Vixzter said on June 17, 2003 19:59:
Thank god I legged it away from the journalist before she took my name LOL :P
Kiwein1 said on June 17, 2003 19:59:
Yes I think it was me in Aftonbladet..being on the same page with Björn and Frida from ABBA..still can’t believe it!
And YES, I really mean Liesebieke! (-;
Liesebieke said on June 17, 2003 20:01:
Well Santi, of course it is because of YOU I got all the blame! *laughs* LOOOOOOOOOOL
Vixzter said on June 17, 2003 20:03:
@Kiwein1: you had a fight with Björn and Frida? cool!....I had a fight with Dimberg ;)
Kiwein1 said on June 17, 2003 20:04:
A fight? Did I miss something? *g*
Sorry I couldn’t express it the right way...blame me for my bad english today...I wanted to say that I feel honoured to have a photo in Aftonbladet on the same page as Björn and Frida do..
felicity-brown said on June 17, 2003 20:04:
This is real fun, eh? See you all, including my German friends, on tour in Sweden :) Much love! *kisses*
Vixzter said on June 17, 2003 20:04:
@Liesebieke: yup its all your fault ;) I saw you talking to her ;) LOL
BTW ...I saw the same woman later on that day in the centre of Halmstad....I wonder if she taped me! ;)
felicity-brown said on June 17, 2003 20:07:
Yeah, I did see some wanted posters around Halmstad ...they were looking for some drunk Brit who had stolen some empty beer cans from PG’s bin...
Vixzter said on June 17, 2003 20:08:
LOL ...... I wouldn’t want empty ones!!!! :P
@Liesebieke: I reckon you could sue for entrapment! ;)
@Kiwein1: I get ya now ;) and saw your pic in the! :)
Luciala said on June 17, 2003 20:14:
but if it’s swedish beer and not import beer...i’d prefer the empty cans
Vixzter said on June 17, 2003 20:17:
I was drinking Carlsberg at the party.
As it was the only stuff I could order without sounding like a total tourist ;)
Luciala said on June 17, 2003 20:19:
I started with Heineken, but there was not enough, so I continued with carlsberg...don’t like it. Well, Germany does not only have the freaks, but also the best beer. Beck’s rules!
Santi said on June 17, 2003 09:06:
Cut and paste in your browser...