homepages aout the releaseparty
ted_rox said on June 16, 2003 09:26:
anyvone who have maked any homepages about the releaseparty with meetings etc like harrej (sorrry if the name is spelled wrong)
harriej said on June 16, 2003 17:51:
@ted: it is Harriej
m-cvk said on June 16, 2003 19:55:
Vix: I like your pictures! Hope you have more ;-)
As soon as I’ve got mine, I’ll try to upload them somewhere
Vixzter said on June 16, 2003 20:08:
Thats the best I have...although theres a few of me on Tylösand beach the next day ;) but I’m pretty sure no one would wanna see them ;) plus they were took on one of them disposable cameras...and I don’t have a scanner ;)
I suck ;)
wendy said on June 16, 2003 20:09:
Wow,on Vix’ page you can clearly see that he wears a cross around his neck,I JUST LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that’s what i call “style” :p
xarrrr said on June 16, 2003 20:40:
i got a cross for my birthday.... totally gessle inspired!!! LOL!
xarrrr said on June 16, 2003 12:52:
i wasnt there, but i made a special page for it on my site with links to articles and stuff like that.
just go to Per Gessle and the Mazarin Release Party.
Hopefully i’ll get some great pics of Per at the signing next week! woohoooo!