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will per sign....

23 replies

I just read this “OH YES, PER IS SIGNING MAZARIN CD’S IN ÅHLENS IN HALSTAD ON MONDAY!!!” will he sign it in any other place too?
i.m not sure if i.m there at Monday

Per will sign at Åhlens in Halmstad, Åhlens in Stockholm and then also in Göteborg and Malmö. More details to come soon in TDR’s new Gessle-interview.

Just a question out of curiosity: Is there something saying “the more autographs from Per the better”?? I wouldn´t like to have handwriting on all my records no matter who did them. One or two personal ones is fun, but then it´s enough... in my opinion... :)

and i don’t have any signed records!

when will he sign in Göteborg

The signing in Halmstad is 16th june, it said so on posters in the shop yesterday. :P as for the others....i dunno.

The 16 June? It´s my first day in Halmstad. Witch time will it be? Oh, I can´t believe it. That´s so great.
Edit: Witch Date will he sign in Stockholm?

It’s midday from memory...............

I wonder when swedish-dvd will enter the discussion :D

in halmstad it will be from 12 up to 13.30 h .....

strange time but long time *smile*


anyvobe who knows about the other cities

but now when they posponed the release i wont get it until friday, then i can’t get it signed next week...

@stormkeeper; lol!

was busy this week...haha!!! :)

would be great to get myself signed though....oh no i’m not released yet, :p

someone know if he will sign att skivhugget in Göteborg?
He wont sign at bengans or åhlens

I´ll be there too.( In Stockholm)
I don´t really interested in autographs, it´s just a piece of paper, but it´s so great to see Per.

how many signatures do you need?? he already signed stuff for you in Halmstad and I bet in many past ocasions.. and yes, I don’t like to have a cover signed.. I always look for other places in the booklet so the cover isn’t “spoiled”.

@Camillarox: I don´t get this “hysterical” signing obbsession either. What´s the fun to have everything signed? At least the stuff doesn´t get more worth or anything because of an autograph. I even skipped to buy stuff I thought was “destroyed” because of autographs.

no I don’t get it either, I have enough with some special items, that’s all. I don’t get it either that one has to have 10 thousand pictures with Per or Marie.. isn’t one or two enough? freaky ;)

@Camillarox: Well, it is the same within all fields, not only Roxette. There are always some people who are a bit freaked out. There are even people who are paying money for old newspaper articles of Per&Marie on Ebay!!

And speaking about signing, an item that is signed many years after it’s released only looks stupid in most cases. Because signatures change over the years...

tevensso: and?

AND if a Pearls of Passion is signed today instead of when it was released it’s not the same, which means it’s worth less. (Not meaning it’s not nice anyways of course.)

ah, ok!

tevensso: I don‘t agree. I think it maks it more special and eaven cooler to have. Imagine having Per‘s autograph when GT started up for example. I‘ll bet it has changed in the past 20 years.

Ok I see your point about the Pearls of passion example.


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