The Look - LP - marie gold Bra ?
Scoll said on June 9, 2003 10:05:
My sister has bought me some LP’s in sydney and is sending them to me here in New Zealand for my birthday. The guy in the store told here that one of them The Look - LP is rare because Marie is wearing a gold bra. Is this true and how rare is it. I wouldn’t imagine it’s that rare ?
Thanks Scoll
rolf_blub said on June 9, 2003 19:16:
It’s a gold bra - very kitch. but I don’t see the speciallness in it... she’s wearing the damn thing on every Look Sharp promo-picture, LOL!
ditroia said on June 10, 2003 02:33:
Well I have the Aussie Look Sharp LP, and Marie is wearing a silver bra. And On My Aussie The Look 12” It’s Still A Silver Bra.
I’ve never heard of an edition with a gold bra.
kiwijazza said on June 10, 2003 11:14:
I believe you must be referring to this one -
It’s the same cover as the LP I’ve got.
P.S. This is on my site. Hehe. :)
P.P.S. Copy/Paste the whole thing for it to work.
regn said on June 9, 2003 11:24:
It’s a Silver bra- A very nice pic