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I hate Mondays.

56 replies

Does anyone else? I work retail and it seems like every person that is not that bright is out on Monday. There is nothing like explaining the same information 3 different ways to the same person in 5 mins and still not have them “get it”.

But I figure, if we got rid of Mondays, then Tuesdays would suck and so on. :P

I work on the paper and I have saturday break, but then I have to go to work again at Sunday, so I HATE sundays :P

I think the reason why people hate Monday, because they have sunday break and they HATE when it’s over too soon...

I work 7 days a week so it’s definately not the break from Sunday.

Thougn, I think it’s every one else that gets breaks over the weekend and on monday they are too slow that makes it unpleasant for some other people *shrugs* :/

I like Monday the 5th May & 26th May as it is BANK HOLIDAY so I get the day off from my crappy job!

It’s just another manic monday..........

I hate mondays,since i have to go to stupid school,and,i don’t go anymore,my boss doesn’t know,so,i have to hide :’(
OK,i just walk over the street,like a normal human being,i don’t care if my boss see me :p

Oh I had a good Monday...Went shopping to a bigger city :)

Yeah, this is my topic! I also work in retail, and today was horrible! It’s amazing how many idiots there are!

Well, right now, I work in retail too, but in stock, so I don’t face customers at all, hehe, but Mondays are OK where I work. I don’t mind my workplace actually, except I wish I was paid more, will be seeking a second job least at my job, I can blast the tunes, and today, I played TPH!! This guy in the guitar department, I played him ON on a break, and he was able to figure it out on the guitar, right away!!

I HAVE YOU BEAT! I drive a bus and they are OUT ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT DON’T MATTER WHAT DAY OF THE WEEK!!!!

LS: lols!!

Yeah I HATE mondays too. SATURDAY ROCKS!!

oh yes! I LOVE saturday! I could take a nap ALL day long and eating ALL my fav foods!!! oh, it’s still wednesday now...

and I also like the end of the month no matter what day it is, because it’s my PAYCHECK day!

haven’t done an honest days work in years.
don’t plan on starting any time soon.
not sure what day it even is. :p

sweet-talker: really?
*smile people it´s Tuesday now*

It’s Tuesday, but guess what??! I already had a few idiots!

The company that I work for provides live customer support for various webpages. (Basically, I get paid to chat all day LOL! - Well I do other things, office manager, trainer, supervisor, head consultant... AKA - Company slave.)

Anyway... Like messenger the program does something liek this

Jackie: Hello how mayI help you?
Visitor: Yes I would like ot know about.

Well someone today goes to me “HEY!! Stop calling me Jackie damnit!!!! My name is Robin!!! what the hell is your problem!!!!”

At least, they corrected themselves and then go “Oh... your name is Jackie.”

Might be the lack of caffeine.... THREE CHEERS FOR COFFEE!!! ;)

Anyone else in retail, let’s start a book... - STORIES FROM RETAIL HELL -

yeah but I don’t sleep in much, cause the surf is up! :)

Hey Jackie?

The good news is: It’s Wednesday

The bad news?: IT’S WEDNESDAY

After working in a petrol (gas 2 some of you) station for 4 years I know what its like. I can’t honestly say there was one day where I didn’t get abused by a member of the public.

I compiled a list one day of idiot things people have done during the day, I had about 100 things on this list and that was just one entire working day! I should put these stories on the internet, you’d all laugh your heads off ;)

Why is it....when you work in retail....people believe its their right you what they like....treat you like a peice of shit ...and think that you cannot possibly have any ounce of inteligence in your body because you work in a shop.

BTW ....mondays aren’t so bad anymore....maybe coz I no longer have to serve people at 6am in the morning ;)

LOL!! Vixie... Stories from Petrol Hell.. ;) I miss those. :)

Good news for today I work late... bad news for today, I don’t get off until 1am. Grrrrrr!!

I work from home so I can’t really complain THAT much. But one of our workers up north in our office is quiting so I know that is going to screw up my schedule.

*sees Friday in the Horizon* Almost there!!!!

Definately, this Saturday I am off!!! I am vegging!

I lost my entire list of petrol station funnies when my hard drive died a while back. Bummer.....coz I think alot of ppls on here could relate to it LOL ;)


Off course!!
Who doesn’t?

Happy Monday everybody! ;)))
How was your weekend!

@stormkeeper: mine very boring:(((
saturday- cleaning the house. Sunday - preparing work for monday and tuesday. Not a very exciting weekend.

Weekend sucks and it is 12:48am Monday morning and guess what?! I am working!! And then I’ll go to bed and at 5pm Monday afternoon, I’ll be working again! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I am also on drugs now... flu. :/ Though, making things better. ;)

Oh shit it’s 8.29am and I am in work at 10am... ended up on the really crap shifts 10-6.... hate that shift as by the time I get over the evening is over........................... However on the bright side.... only 3 days left then I am off for 8 days......

*sleepy grumble*

@$#@ Monday again

Oh hey! IT’s MONDAY again!! WOO HOO!!! *gets gun*

I have a nother reason to hate Mondays... You gotta love it that the 1st second you start working some problematic person with about 40 questions calls you. When I start working I really don’t get into it until about an hour after I start. So It was really unnessesary the questioning so early in the day. I think they sit by the phone counting down the seconds until the office opens.

This day is almost over...I wanna go HOME!!...I can’t take it anymore...etc.etc.

In the past six months that i have been here in the US, whenever i go out to eat, i always asked for a Coke, since that is my preferred beverage. Then the waiter would say ’sorry, but we only serve Pepsi’
Yesterday i didn’t bother asking for Coke, and instead ordered a freakin’ Pepsi. Then the waitress said ’ oh, i’m sorry, we only have Coke’

What is the topic of this thread again?

I also hate mondays, you have to wake up early after partying all weekend

Tiny, topic was hating mOnday Did your coke incident happen on a monday? ;)

Monday almost over.
almost weekend.

see how i live?@!?!? :P

’Coke’ incident could have been Monday. Could have been Tuesday. Could have been Wednesday. Could have been Thursday. Could have been Friday. Could have been Saturday. Yes, it was Saturday.
Thanx for helping me remember :-p

That Coke vs. Pepsi post made my day :DD many thanks.

It’s tuesday now...

This should be a topic Pepsi or Coke!:)
I want Coke....even on a monday.

I like coke better.

I drink too much Coke every day that´s why my teeth´s a mess.

I don’t drink, i don’t smoke, i don’t eat meat. I’M ALLOWED TO DO ONE UNHEALTHY THING EACH DAY.
Oohh, i LOVE coke!

Okay, and i never ever do any kind off exercise...
Well, no that’s not true. I went out to get the paper this morning:) It was all the way down the driveway! God, can’t the paperboy be nice for once and drop it by the frontdoor? Really!

Only one unhealthy thing? WHat fun is that?!

....I’m a very b-o-r-i-n-g person...

A healthy boring person!

Tiny you are very very very funny! That Coke vs. Pepsi happens to me all the time. Actually no… Diet Coke vs. Diet Pepsi! Regular kinds are tooooo sweet for my taste. And I know the diet ones are cancerous they say but I guess there are enough chemicals we deal with during the day that not drinking diet coke once in a moonlight doesn’t make any difference.

I should add that I hate every day of the week as I work 5 days a week. Saturdays I’m just catching up on things I had to do during the week but didn’t have time for and Sundays I’m looking forward to working on Monday! So basically every day of the week sucks! But hey look at it this way… Mondays are good cause the countdown begins: 5-4-3-2-1 yey Friday and the weekend starts!

Diet Coke causes cancer? Oh my God, oh my God, I’m gonna die. I’m gonna die. You have no idea just how much of the stuff i consume daily. Oh, my God. But i’ll probably be dead before the end of the week in any case since i accidently bumped my friend’s car....

hey Tiny, its saturday, are ya dead yet, hope not!
I personally hate Sundays. Like Vix, I have a retail job. The question I get asked most often ’when sitting on the counter next to the till, reading company paperwork, is....

Now, wait for it........

’Do you work here?’
Can you believe that? Why are people such **sholes?

Vix, and all of you, in order to combat dumb assed customers try the following:

pretend to speak a limited amount of english

Send them in the direction of a completely irrelevant store (we always send the rudest ones to a fetish store in town!)

Give them the number of your HQ/helpline, but give them the extension number of the most frustrating operator (one that can’t speak english either)

Tell, the offending persons kids/mates to F*** off when they are out of earshot

PS-if you are worried about CCTV just ’accidently’ tape over the tape the next morning, this always works.

Alternatively, just loose the head and get laid into them with your hockey stick.

I have never been fired, but I no longer work sundays ;)

I hate tuesday...

I love Monday today..... it is bank holiday....

I will hate Tuesday tommorow as back to work after having 14 days off as holidays.....

Phew..... can’t wait.........

tiny bubbles how much diet coke do u drink a day??
i had a friend who used to drink like 12 cans a *that* is probably bad. but then again 12 cans of anything a day is bad for you....

My monday has been really really good so far. Insulted Aschrum I don’t know how many times.:-P
Damn i am in a good mood. Madly in looooooove. (Not with Aschrum! YUK! ) Whoa, just did it again. This day is getting better and better.

i hate any day where i have to get up early for work .5 am and i work shifts

I did a twelve (12) and a half hour shift today... *passes out and grumbles* Mondays suck.

yesterday was the BEST MONDAY I “EVER” had. I mean it.


really???? Why??? :D

Yeah, why?? *acting all innocent..*

Beats me!! *acting all innocent..*


Fuck Mondays this whole week has sucked... 12 hr shifts, training and a city I don’t like. *SOBS and snaps her heals together* I wish I were home!! Or whatever Dorothy says. :P

hey jackie relax take a deep breath


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