DBUGGTC in Bryssel?
Roxette-atic said on April 28, 2003 16:05:
According to TLFR the 95 relase of dbugttc in belgium had a black cover?? is it still to be found? If yes, it it hard to find it? Im going to bryssel this weekend and I reallly want that cd to my collection.
Pascal said on April 30, 2003 14:45:
First of all: it’s not Bryssel but Brussels :)
I’m from Belgium too and I have never seen a DBUGTTC with a black cover so I think there must be a mistake in TLFR.
I have the “DBUGTTC with calender” version too.
P-p-p-pelle said on April 30, 2003 14:15:
I’m living in Flanders, dutchspeaking part of Belgium. Never seen of heard about this strange cover in Brussels Capital. The release had a calendar with it, but that’s it.