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inherently gay?

23 replies

ok so my friends and i used to make a list liek this to see what is gay and what peopel sterotype as gay so i will start

1.) men dying thier haoir platinum blonde
2.) promiscuity
3.) drug use
4.) a love of classical music
5.) a love of theater
6.) effeminate men
7.) cross dressing


2. Hummm, no
3. no
7. yuk.... hell no

I guess I never learned to be gay when I was young.
Luckily my BF didn’t either.

well i was more or less pointing out stereotypes..i as well was obviously not ” taught” to be gay either cause none of this applies to me either...its just really interesting to see what peopel categorize as gay and what gay peopel think of it :)

Yeah, some narrow minded and uneducated people might have that opinion. Had a dinner yesterday with 6 gay guys, one of them a lawyer, two just graduated medicine, an architect, an owner of a travel agency and the last one administration manager for a fashion company. None of them had bleached hair, neither was anyone cross dressing nor extremely feminine. Maybe some of them experienced drugs (but then again, does that have anything to do with being gay?), they might like classical music, they might like the theater, which I think has more to do with time and being interested in culture than being gay…
You’re talking about the scene..coy, you can talk about every scene and find very similar issues…I think it’s wrong to think like that!

In Spain...

1.) men dying thier haoir platinum blonde >> yeah
2.) promiscuity >> yeah, a lot!
3.) drug use >> nah.. not so much at least
4.) a love of classical music >> uh no, more like schlager music
5.) a love of theater >> mm no
6.) effeminate men >> yes
7.) cross dressing >> mm sometimes.

8.) Men with a great built body :)

still but thescene is what the str8 community identifies as being gay..and in soem ways doesn’t the gay community promote some of those images?

if the str8 scene sees thinks that the hardcore scene represents gay culture...well can’t do much against it. I don’t see the str8 scene representing the str8 culture. There’s the love parade in Berlin, for example, that has a huge str8 following, where basically the same things happen you mentioned about gays...well, this is a small percentage and it doesn’t represent a community or generation.
If we promote it? Yeah, there’s a PERCENTAGE promoting these issues, but I think it depends on your intelligence to see beyond that...

Something I’ve noticed, but only true about 75 - 80% of the time:

Flamboyancy..flambouyancy.. flaming gay I guess would be the description of that. Guys who act really feminine (of course, some guys are that way normally). A softer, gentler voice. Kinda hard to explain that one in text. I do better in person. Language. Most straight men I know do not refer to someone as a “silly bitch”, yet I’ve heard gay men use that term often.

Problem with it all? Hell no. My first SERIOUS boyfriend was bi, with male tendancies (preferred men to women).

I saw a really really REALLY cute, calvin-klein-type boy on the tram some time ago. He was with another guy tho. Why is it that the best looking guys are usually gay?! :P

I’ve noticed that gay guys are usually the best looking, best dressed guys in the street.

I can not understand anything about gays!!!

what do you want to learn...I’ll educate you ;)

Well,since i work in the hairdressing salon,i can pick a gay out of 100.000 straight people :p
My boss is gay,his BF is too (duuh:p) well,he works there too,but,i never saw them kissing :’( :p
i saw them fighting a lot :DD

Well, we haven’t got much gays in Iran! I haven’t meet anyone! But in general I can not feel how a boy can love a boy and have SEX with a boy!!

pretty simple, you’re female and you’re attracted to males right? As a teenager, you didn’t take the decision to be attracted the males, it just happened to be like that, I assume. Same goes for (most) gay guys, you just feel attracted to males and not so attracted to females. It’s attraction or chemistry that is shifted. What’s the difficult part to understand?

In Spain, somehow many gay men believe they’re very creative :D

Well, anyway, some really are, take Pedro Almodóvar... he’s the only Spaniard who’s got two oscars... I think :D

but girls are diffrent from boys. naturally I can not find a girl attractive in that way! boys the same. I think it’s not natural *sorry I don’t mean harm, its just my idea*

Men and Women have diffrent feelings and thats why they can make a match. maybe you’re right then. Maybe its as simple as you said :)

well, Aaso, I see your point. I guess it’s hard to understand for str8 people, especially if they come from very religious countries.
Maybe this helps. I think I knew somehow that I was gay before I knew about sexuality. Or, to put it differently, there are a couple of families around me and I’m certain that some of the kids, between 4 and 8 years old, will ’turn out’ gay, you can feel it already, not because they are more feminine, but there’s something there already...Those kids don’t know much about sex or sexual orientation, but still there’s a part in them developing. Seeing that, I believe it’s natural, they
re not raised differently, they don’t have gay parents, blablabla...

Thank you very much for your explanation. I think I should think a lil more about that :D

Aaso you just think you know whats natural! ;)

Yeah, I am str8, and I belive that people are born gay, like it’s part of their DNA/genetic makeup or it’s part of their brain that develops differently, like certain syndromes.

I mean, many gay people know they are gay from an early age, like 5 or 6, some people realize this later, even when some are even married; you can’t make that part up or fake it, it’s purely natural for them, just like str8 people like me are attracted to girls, a purely natural thing. And who would even CHOOSE that lifestyle?? It’s safer now, yes, the acceptance and tolerance level, but there is still some hatred going around, so why choose it?? It’s a harder life.

I’m not gay, but I sympathize with gay people and I have a coupla gay friends. I sympathize cuz I feel like an outsider too, and different, as I have a mild case of a newly-discovered condition known as Asperger’s Syndrome. It’s not a BAD thing, I’m just wired differently than most people, and appear more intellectual. Kids with Asperger’s are called “little professors”, and we have a strong sense of focus. It’s a mild sort of Autism, yet we are fine, and as kids, we are taught to mainstream ourselves and adapt, overcome our weaknesses, and I am fine. I have capabilities not many people have, but also weaknesses that I have learned to overcome. That’s why I empathize with gays, while I am not gay myself, I feel for them and their troubles.

i think there are gay since born... i think there are gay ’cos of some psicological happening in the childhood too...
There’s people that may “tend” to gay, but they need a trigger...

cos infact we were all the same (boys and girls) inside our mum’s, before developing any sex biologically.

i dunno if im clear

i for myself can say that “one” is gay since his day of birth; it has nothing to do with education or stuff like that; and i don’t think it has to do with the development of the brain; i’m sure homosexuality depends on the DNA. my silly but enlightening explanation for that: i love *especially one certain* men with every cell of my body, not only with the brain; and DNA is in every cell of me ;-)))

i assume husbands have always known about their homosexuality deep in their heart but they tried to live the “normal” life.

i really think it doesn’t matter how you become gay...if you are, you are. learn to get along

omg this thread is so sad...

c;mon becus a guy dyes his hair blonde?? then id say more than half the population is gay

sum ppl r really bored...

i was trying to discuss stereotype that the world has regarding homosexuals not the the whole live vs learn agenda as interesting as it is :)


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