Op Freedome Syria next?
zeeshan said on April 17, 2003 08:30:
tevensso (moderator) said on April 17, 2003 09:28:
Be careful with this topic. We’ll allow it for now, but if anything, and I mean ANYTHING starts in here it will be shut down immediately.
Ferdan said on April 17, 2003 10:12:
“and we re getting tired of these topics...in the end...who cares, no matter what we do or say u cant stop or change whats meant to happen”
so? we can learn from it so we can teach our children and they’ll avoid it in the future...
it’s simple, but no one can see it... everyone thinks in now and in oneself.
vaxjoe said on April 17, 2003 10:14:
dont u know history repeats itself? wars will occur as long as humans rule this planet
coyboyusa said on April 17, 2003 10:14:
i really hope not..this is ridiculous now...if he even thinks about going into syria i will be against it
Ferdan said on April 17, 2003 10:17:
“What’s forgotten in the past, it’s meant to be repeated in the future”
that’s why history repeats... but it can be avoided.... teaching about it.
vaxjoe said on April 17, 2003 10:18:
what i was trying to say is that since the same mistakes are repeated (wars) we dont really learn from history do we?
Ferdan said on April 17, 2003 10:23:
you don’t get it... you’re still thinking with the “i” and “we”
vaxjoe said on April 17, 2003 10:26:
No you re wrong especially on this subject i think only with “they”
coyboyusa said on April 17, 2003 10:31:
lol now we are bickering over pronouns...if we want to discuss how we never learn from history bosnia is a perfect example...genocide in europes own back yard and neither the eu or the un did a thing till hundreds of thousands of peopel were exterminated...there is a prime example of the we, he she , they never learn from history idea
Ferdan said on April 17, 2003 10:38:
they never learn cos they never been well taught
how many times have you seen people discussing about this kind of subjects as we’ve been doing?
posting tons of info and opinions, etc...
most of us will make a lot of opinions out of this discussions, and in my case i´ll teach the worth ones to my children one day... they’ll “fight” for what they will consider wrong.
We, our generation, or people of our time are already screwed... but we can save the future yet
Ferdan said on April 17, 2003 10:50:
you didn’t seem to have faith in human race...
and that is wrong... dunno if you’re catholic, but catolicism sucks... specially when it says that humans are born in sin..... how stupid.
We corrupt each children... they’re born “clean”
zeeshan said on April 17, 2003 11:28:
Tenvenso: Thanks... but please do describe “anything”.
Also, I would like to “Request” everybody out there to show the TDR Team that we can have a dicussion without the flaming-factor. I will try my level best to avoid such heating posts, I hope u all will understand my point.
zeeshan said on April 17, 2003 11:37:
Ferdan: Me Agree on all that you have said above. Great to know that many people here on TDR have some BRAIN! I will try to learn from you guys! :)
Vaxjoe: Our ultimate task should be to keep on trying. Sure it is easy to sit back and let things “happen” but that means that we are all hopeless now. No Vax, I believe there is always hope. Look what CoyBoYUsa just said.. even he is against it. This means we DO have some hope.. people can STILL turn and see what is happening out there!
Coy: Welcome to the NO-WAR-CLUB then!
coyboyusa said on April 17, 2003 11:40:
faith in humanity? this is the same humanity that has built more implements of mass destruction than found cures for diseases. The human element is severely flawed...i think we also have to realize that in 90% of all instances politcians and firgures of states declare wars..not the average person. the simple fact is we are a child race...we value things such as wealth power and control of resources over that of the human condition and as long as that continues...peopel will still die, gewnocide will continue and the cycle will go on...so yah i have VERY little faith in humanity
coyboyusa said on April 17, 2003 11:43:
oh and zee my dear don’t misinterpret my comment about me being anti syrian involvement...i still support the decision to enter iraq...disposing saddam probably but not definately will give greater push towards an israeli/palestinian settlement. I am againt the overall chaos and virulent anti-american violence that would evolve should bush decide to go after syria. If they are harbouring saddam hussein its up to the un to decide what to do now...he is by definition a war criminal and it is up to the un war crimes tribunal to see fit how to get him...we need to focus on reparing iraq and turning her over to her own peopel
Roxrider_USA said on April 17, 2003 13:40:
I will only comment this time in this topic:
@coy: That’s the way to go! Support you!
Carlos E., New York.
coyboyusa said on April 17, 2003 15:41:
thnaks carlos power to the people may the world know peace :)
Aaso said on April 17, 2003 19:49:
They said Syria is not our next target, actually Syria is not a target but Iraqi people. We wanna change their life! We wanna increase their standard of living! :D You are all misunderstood friends :DD
zeeshan said on April 17, 2003 20:22:
I hope that what you are saying is right. Yes, I don’t think that there will be an attack on Syria any time soon.
coyboyusa said on April 17, 2003 22:34:
hopefully but i think he really needs to be in north korea more
Ferdan said on April 18, 2003 03:01:
I said i have faith in humanity... the only government people that’s used atomic weapons on people is the American, and they’re not humans.
” this is the same humanity that has built more implements of mass destruction than found cures for diseases.”
UK is the second biggest spender on military in the world, with around 35 billion of U$S in military.
Guess who’s the first one?... yeh, the US with.... listen....... 350 billions!!!! 10 times more than the second most powerfull military in the world.
Is that fcking necesary??... you have people dying in the streets without medical care... and your government is spending over 30% of the budget in military.... and some sources say it really goes over 40%...
Now I understand the cause of your view on humanity.
zeeshan said on April 18, 2003 07:44:
Iran also has oil.. they are also in the que. But I guess Iraq is good enough for Mr. Bush and Dick right now.
Aaso said on April 18, 2003 19:51:
Cuz Norwey is in Europe and Iran and Iraq are in middle east! European union is more powerfull or Asians??
vaxjoe said on April 17, 2003 08:35:
its “Freedom”
and we re getting tired of these topics...in the end...who cares, no matter what we do or say u cant stop or change whats meant to happen