Majdy said on April 1, 2003 09:28:
ha ha ha ha. Just kidding. Happy April fool’s day! :)
david77 said on April 1, 2003 09:41:
Nice way to attract our attention and wishing us a happy day. Hope you have a good day too :)
nelina said on April 1, 2003 10:59:
Every first of April, it’s a custom that people say lies to each other! Have a nice day and a wonderful month!
Santi said on April 1, 2003 11:04:
... in some countries. In Spain that day is 28th of December :D
Btw, good that you choose this Off-topic forum, in the other someone could have tried to kill you :s :D
Stormkeeper said on April 1, 2003 13:51:
I knew it´s April Fools day but when I read your topic I though you´re serious ;)
Roxrider_USA said on April 1, 2003 16:11:
lol!!! Good thing it’s not true.
Carlos E., New York.
wendy said on April 1, 2003 19:03:
Haha,i was so scared to go to work,i thought they would hide a fake spider between my food or so,thank God they didn’t :p
Majdy said on April 6, 2003 07:30:
Of course I won’t ever stop liking Roxette. Don’t worry about that *kiss*
Aaso said on April 1, 2003 09:40:
lolzzzz .... But What’s April fool’s day??
Ya know I surprised because here in my country we have a day which called “Nature day”. Exactly the day is tomorrow. And one of the thing people do on this day is to tell the biggest lie :D
And the one who will tell the most treacky one is thw inner :P