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Angry (:x PART II)

5 replies

ok i DONT understand this!

why did they archive my :X thread?
we were just discussing and noone was flaming anyone!!

What is this?

I think I would like to know too!!!!!!!

Ya know what?? this only reminds me of my own stupid government .... They don’t let us talk. Who knows maybe Iranian goverenment came here too!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought living in EUROPE is more freely than Asia specialy IRAN !!!!! They proved that it’s not true *angry*

Lols.. I share your feelings

Probably some moderater(s) (I don’t mention any names) did not like the subject and did shut it down.

lol i guess cause some peopel got oyt of hand lets restart the thread and see what posting gets it archived again lol

then we will formulate a program that edits out keywords so our posts don’t get archived :)

@ VAXJOE, Yeah I also wondered why they axe your thread!


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