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Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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9 replies

have u heard this band b4? i really like the song out of my heart......
what u all think?

Yes, I’ve heard of them. The first time I saw them was in a TV show ’Even Stevens’ when they made a guest appearance.
At first I thought, they were just a ’fictional’ band that they are really just actors pretending to be a boy band for the storyline of the show, but later I found out they are in fact real when my friend has downloaded some of their songs for me.

I met the guys from BB Mak a couple of years ago and they seem to be really nice and down to earth.

The album Sooner or Later is ok with Back Here, Still On Your Side and Ghost Of You and Me being the best.

what does BBMAK means? what kind of music?


3 yummy guys great music :)

so theyre not all about music, I´m not surprised
so pathetic

not all about music ..who said that? the write record and prodouce thei won material how are they not about the music?

Theres no even reason to reply your question.

their name is taken from their last names...


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