TDRMembers Pix Page
LittleSpooky said on March 1, 2003 06:45:
Is dead. I’m sorry folks. All the pix that are there, that’s all I’ve got. So, since no one wants to send me their information OR their pix... I’m not going to bother with some of the ideas I had for upgrading / updating the page.
Fun while it lasted.
zaine said on March 1, 2003 13:45:
yeh, keep it going, it’s cool!
I wanna send a piccy but so far can’t as i have no scanner/digi camera etc. you can’t give it up, what does that show about roxers?!? Lol
Aaso said on March 1, 2003 14:29:
2 Little Spooky... HI did you got my pic and info?? I’ve sent you twic !!! I think I am so lucky....
Stormkeeper said on March 1, 2003 14:33:
zaine I have no scanner either but I went to local library to scan. Good luck finding a place to scan:)
LittleSpooky said on March 1, 2003 19:50:
Aaso: What is the email address you’re sending it to me from, and no, I haven’t gotten any photos from TDR lately. The ones I have gotten are from Pogo, and I know who those belong to.
If you don’t have a scanner, use an icon or a pic from a site that you think represents you best. I’ve said this repeatedly in the past, but everyone’s chosen to ignore it. It’s up to you people, not me. I’m just doing the technical work. YOU have to send me the photos...
wendy said on March 1, 2003 22:15:
OK,i have no scan,but,i was just looking to some p!nk-pics,and look what i’ve found :
I’m just her twin :O Damn,this was pretty scary :D
Majdy said on March 2, 2003 08:54:
hey, little spooky, please keep that page alive. I’ll send you my pic. but could you tell me where to send it?
LittleSpooky said on March 3, 2003 02:59:
My email
Everyone keeps telling people to send it to my email. It’s in my profile
harriej said on March 6, 2003 19:15:
What is the website’s address?
If I can find a recent picture, I will send one to you.
vaxjoe said on March 6, 2003 19:32:
hey spooks! long time no ok here promoting ....well actually im shit ...the person i was hangin out with for the past 8months is leaving back home to the states...i feel lost as many of my friends moved this winter away! and hes like my best friend...however i cant show im sad cause hes already too vulnerable...and its killing me...i have to hold myself till hes gone and then break down
how are u?
harriej said on March 6, 2003 19:40:
I have send you an e-mail with a picture and some info about me. You can put it on the website if you want.
carbon_boy said on March 7, 2003 05:37:
Its a VERY cool idea - at least we know who we’re chatting to, flaming ;o), etc. then. So come on guys - send ur details and a pic - im going 2!
LittleSpooky said on March 7, 2003 07:00:
Wishin I was anywhere but here man. Email me would you? I have a ? to ask that doesn’t need to be aired here :o)
Th_Th said on March 7, 2003 13:05:
Hi there, well I have submitted my pic, how long does it usually take for the pic to be uploaded onto that site??
Aaso said on March 7, 2003 13:26:
hi! Little Spooky! i sent you my pic again!! I hope it could be in your mail box this time!!!!!!!!!! I think I have prob with my browser.... nice time
LittleSpooky said on March 8, 2003 23:30:
Carbon: What’s the email address that you sent from? Is it different than posted here?
Th: I’m gonna work on it later tonight. I’ve been a bit out of sorts all week this week with some politics at work that will affect my working conditions.
Aaso: Got you. I’ll upload it and that way it’ll be on the server soon.
Th_Th said on March 10, 2003 13:32:
hi spooky ;-)
When is my pic going to be included? ;-)
Cheers for the effort of making such fun things avaiable for us.
Aaso said on March 10, 2003 14:02:
Zee I’ve cheked it last night...! maybe you have prob with your browser.
carbon_boy said on March 10, 2003 15:07:
Hi Spooks, thats my work email addy. Ive added it to my TDR profile.
Will check the site now.
zeeshan said on March 10, 2003 18:59:
Aaso: The site ain’t working neither at office or at my home. Maybe she should consider having an index.html page rather than a Fans.html
I am typing the following address
am I missing something? Spooky I need some heavy dose of information :)
Th_Th said on March 11, 2003 08:51:
I never had any problems with this link, but there is one thing I am wondering about, the link I always access didn’t get updated in soooo long, so I am actually wondering, if I actually do have access to an old one?? Or is this the correct one, with Bunny being the last one that added his pic?
Aaso said on March 11, 2003 14:01:
I think she should give the Add again !!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey Tara please write the address again ......:)))))))))))))))))))
Stormkeeper said on March 11, 2003 15:36:
Is there really some new pixs added? I can´t see any difference. What do you mean her´s and her´s hair looks nice? I can´t see any new pixs.
Roxrider_USA said on March 12, 2003 17:31:
Yeah, i don’t see any new pictures either. The last time i went to the page Bunny was the last picture and his pic is still the last one.
Carlos E., New York.
LittleSpooky said on March 13, 2003 03:39:
Carbon: Okay boss, uhm, I’m not familiar with your work address, so give me the name that came with it.
*bends over and moons the crowd*
I’m sorry if real life has interferred briefly =Þ
LittleSpooky said on March 13, 2003 03:45:
Carbon: Scratch that. I found it
Th: I seem to be having trouble with yours because you sent it as a document rather than a jpg or bmp file extention. I’m working on correcting that (I hope). If not, please resend to my account as a .jpg or .bmp file extention instead of a .doc
LittleSpooky said on March 13, 2003 04:43:
And yet another post *lol*
Zeeshan: The reason I don’t do the index.html is because the addy would have looked like this:
Which I have found in the past to be difficult at best to deal with. Why it is you are having problems, I do not know. Is your browser set to “Accept All Cookies”? If so, then I don’t know what to tell you.
I’ve considered purchasing a separate page for it, however, $$$ is the key and I don’t have a lot of it with my Dental Bills and a few other things. So... for now, that’s on hold.
While I’m thinking about it, this is who all I have Bios from. If the list is not correct, please TELL ME NICELY *grins* and then resubmit. I cleaned out the email account because I was rapidly approacing 10 MB for storage space.
Majdy (MRoxer)
Patricia — these are people on the list / on my hard drive that I will be adding soon (probably as soon as I’m done messing here). If you’re name’s not on the list, you didn’t send one, or it didn’t come through. TH: I HAVE YOURS... I’m just waiting on a new pic because yours won’t show because you sent it under the .doc extention and I need a .jpg or .bmp. Okay?
vaxjoe said on March 13, 2003 04:46:
but really?
:D lol sorry i just couldnt help it hehehe
*kisses spooks and dances away*
carbon_boy said on March 13, 2003 05:23:
Spooks: Cool, I see Im up! Whats the deal with the bio’s requested? Are they on a different page? gr8 work btw!
LittleSpooky said on March 13, 2003 05:31:
Carbon: Yeah... scroll down to the bottom of the Page and you’ll see the link for Biographies.
vaxjoe said on March 13, 2003 06:42:
i noticed that all the gay fans are goodlooking hehehe u know what they say :p
vaxjoe said on March 13, 2003 08:20:
spooks dont be so hard on yourself :) as a famous person says (me) “noone is ugly u just need to find the right styling!” ;o)
LittleSpooky said on March 13, 2003 08:27:
*lol* Trust me Vax... this mutt’s hopeless. *yawns* Almost time for bed... getting another hole drilled in my head tomorrow. They’re putting the post and crown in on my tooth....
vaxjoe said on March 13, 2003 08:29:
ouch! i hope it doesnt hurt..much...
and dont kill anyone there :p
sweet dreams *kisses*
purplemedusa said on March 13, 2003 08:30:
’Ro-Sweety(Carbon), ur looking good! IS it a recent pic... (not like a certain Greek boy’s?)
LittleSpooky said on March 13, 2003 08:37:
*noses the Greek back*
Novacaine is a WONDERFUL invention.
See everyone tomorrow
Th_Th said on March 13, 2003 08:39:
Just because you don’t have the body of Christina or Britney, who look like being starved their whole lifes, it doesn’t mean you are not beautiful. I think, you have got such a pretty face! :-)
Being a Guy myself I know how Guys talk about Girls, this migh be really blunt now, but a Guy would rather kiss a big girl with a beautiful face, than a skinny girl, with a face of a dog! lol
purplemedusa said on March 13, 2003 08:59:
Yes, how many months ago was that?! (Just teasing u, baby!)
purplemedusa said on March 13, 2003 09:08:
NO YOUR NOT!!! I don’t think you have a recent picture of me tooooo... will have to do something about that & at the same time post it on the Picture Pg....
U = monster... pfff! Ur a puppy!
vaxjoe said on March 13, 2003 09:13:
yeah i have some nice pix of me from the summer but ican never be bothered to scan..maybe i’ll do it today after work...not that i look sooo different from the pic on spooks page ..just different hair ..
how bout u blonde bubbles? :p
purplemedusa said on March 13, 2003 09:21:
I forgot what I wanted to say... oh yes... no, I’ll have to make a deliberate attempt to take a couple of snaps of lil ol’ blond me... (and If I don’t go now, I’ll have a very wet seat & pair of Levi’s!)
Majdy said on March 14, 2003 02:26:
Hey, Spooky thanks for putting my pic there. C’mon people send your pic!!
@Zee: Hey send yours too, everyone want to see you too!
carbon_boy said on March 14, 2003 05:36:
Hi guys. Thanx for the comps Vax, Spooks and Miss Medusa!
Yep, its a very recent one - taken about 4 months ago - if u can call it that recent ;o)
Btw, yes, gay guys are always good-looking, but heck, where Im from all the hot guys are straight.... LOL! If u girls wanna hook up with some really hot guys you need to move to South Africa!
LittleSpooky said on March 14, 2003 05:58:
Thanks Carbon... and what do you propose I do? How’s the transit system there? Any woman drivers? *chuckles*
carbon_boy said on March 14, 2003 06:07:
Yea, ofcourse! We’re the most democratic country in the world now! I’ll send u some pix of hot SA guys and friends of mine. ;o)
carbon_boy said on March 14, 2003 06:21:
Hey Spooks, sent u a bunch of pix of my friends. I have no idea what u like, but at least there’s a wide variety of good-looking guys in there. Hehehehe.... ;o)
Chat later!
zaine said on March 15, 2003 14:38:
hey I did send you a pic and bio and you replied but I’m guessing it’s one of the ones deleted?!? I will resend again later today. Thanks, btw spooks. the page is cool and I’ll bet Per would be glad to see all his handsome fans!!!
LittleSpooky said on March 15, 2003 21:47:
Zaine: I have your pic... sorry. You didn’t get deleted, I was wondering who I missed on the list that I wrote.
You were that person. Sorry *lol*
LittleSpooky said on March 17, 2003 01:58:
*feels bad about that*
You remind me of people I hung out with in high school though... and that’s a good thing :o)
Majdy said on March 17, 2003 03:16:
hey just wanted to say that all GUYS here are handsome. wow, I can’t believe that. I show that page to all my female friends, and they are all think the same thing.
Aaso said on March 17, 2003 04:43:
Yes they are ... I think so... But all the girls are pretty too!!! Don’t you think so??
Roxrider_USA said on March 17, 2003 18:34:
Thanks very much pretty girls. :-)
Be safe.
Carlos E., New York.
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 20:51:
I guess and hope that the next pic Tara is gona receive will be from me :) here I come people. I hope I won’t scare you all.
Also, TARA oh honey please remember to put a warning note on above my picture as...
“The following picture is not suitable for people with heart problem or who are emotionally sensitive”
*shy shy* :S
wendy said on March 17, 2003 20:53:
Ooh,then i can’t........ never mind.... *shy* :p
Euh,my pic is sent also :DD
Ok,this feels strange..... I hope you’ll like me,or at least,don’t think “oh,god,what is she ugly” :DD
wendy said on March 17, 2003 21:00:
Weird huh? :S
Let’s see it like this : Wow,we’re gonna be famous!!!!!!!
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 21:54:
not a bad idea wendy. I just sent spooky my pixies! Lets see when I will see them online. Oh boy oh boy oh boy.. I mean come to think of it, I guess it is going to be the first time anyone here is gona see ME AND YOU. I mean some roxers here have already seen each other but some of us have been hiding under rocks. Finally we are about to unveil our visual identities! BTW.. Wendy I really wana see u :)
I hope spooky gets time to do it. She works and then she has has life too. It is such a great job she is doing!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH SPOOKY!
zeeshan said on March 17, 2003 21:58:
LS must be at work right now. You seems to be here even as I type this. ARE YOU?
powerpoplarry said on March 17, 2003 23:27:
I now want to send mine to the page, but where do I send it??
zeeshan said on March 18, 2003 01:22:
LittleSpooky said on March 18, 2003 04:39:
Zee: Yeah buddy, you gave me a cardiac arrest. DAMN YOU FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zeeshan said on March 24, 2003 20:17:
So what happened to the PIX PAGE? any update? I am asking because I can’t seem to access the page.
harriej said on March 24, 2003 21:41:
I don’t see an update and can access the page.
so maybe something wrong with your connection?
Mfan28179-Jason said on March 1, 2003 06:47:
I understand. No point in spending more time with the design if nobody else is going to send their picture. In any case, it’s nice to have the page for the few people that did send them in.