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U.s Attack on Iraq

32 replies

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go away....

to offtopic.....

@lawyer: you’re SO right...

BTW, this terrible thing that is happening (U.S. attacking Iraq) is so important that it shouldn’t be in the Offtopic section as Ferdan suggests: it indeed should be THE topic.

1. US is doing the right thing
2. this is an offtopic

The US destroys the Irak without UNO but UNO is good enough for Bush to rebuilt the country after the war and to take care of the homeless people. What a shame is this Bush Government!!


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This topic is already being discussed in off topic re malaka!

@boykie19, eva & daniel:


Q: what if someone would shoot Bush?
A: better today than tomorrow, another human rights violator gone.

Q: what about disarming the US?
A: would be good as Bushdog’s empire is the biggest threat no only to the western but the ENTIRE world they way he’s acting currently

marcus:as u see this Topic exists in Off topic already from long ago. :o)

“like india” ??

yeh people, this is being discussed from long ago here in TDR offtopic, over 10 pages of discussion in total...
Even before the war has started...

daniel_av and other people that think this war is right:
read this article

This war is as illegal, immoral as possible.
Off course Saddam Hussein is not a nice guy and should be removed from Iraq, but this is the wrong way.
No mass-destruction weapons have been found (and besides that: I wanna bet that there are a lot more country’s in the world who have these weapons (including the USA itself), what to do with these country’s: attack them all??).
Bush is a complete moran, ass-hole.
They should replace Saddam AND Bush.

lawyer being the voice of reason.....

firstly is there a need to start another thread about this

secondly its been and done nothing u can really do now is there

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On the radio a Spanish judge called Baltasar Garzón, the same that threatened and arrested Augusto Pinochet, has said this war is illegal.
If I say such a thing, that a war is illegal you can have a different opinion or so, but I guess if Baltasar Garzón says such a thing someone can be arrested for this... or at least should, because Garzón works in international issues.

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Quick fact:

USSR invaded Afghanistan without UN approval.

UK went to war against Argentina over the Falkland Islands without UN approval.

The US went to War with Vietnam without UN approval.

Take care!
Carlos E., New York.

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Not the whole UN, but the Security Concil i believe so. For me, it doesn’t function properly and is flawed.

Carlos E., New York.

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But it’s not that it doesn’t work, the countries have to make it work. And if the USA don’t respect the UN Security Council... I mean, it’s such a no-sense to say they attack Iraq because of mass destruction weapons and violating the UN resolutions when they don’t even do and support like they do the country that violate those resolutions the most (Israel...).

Um, if people attack without UN approval, what’s the reason for HAVING a UN in the first place?? Now, this war is definitely immoral and illegal, and there’s nothing we can do about it, too late. Bush should be removed as well as Saddam and we should be disarmed cuz I agree, the US is acting like a terrorist!!

I hate to say this, for this and this only, I am actually ashamed to be an American, we have turned out to be hypocritical two-faced bastards!! Bush actually ruined our credibility in his greed and stupidity!! The guy’s gotta go!!

There’s nothing wrong with being an American ;) It’s just the government, I think we all understand that.

I guess the US supports Israel, as they always have, cuz they are close allies, and it’s the “spiritual” homeland of the Jewish people, like myself. It would be unheard of to go against Israel, when the two countries are tied together in a tight knot. The Palestinians are viewed as the enemy, that’s why we support Israel only in that area. But I don’t get it, us doing this bullshit “Operation Iraqi Freedom” is like supporting Palestine, when Palestine is clearly the enemy there!! Again, we’re being two-faced!! Arte we going to support Palestine too, my ousting Arafat?? Not that that’s a bad idea, he shoulda been ousted and killed a LOOOOONG time ago!! I guess if Bush wants to cover himself even more, he’s going to have to “free” all Palestinians, which could be awkward, cuz Israel will force us to take sides....

Uh-oh, could be a SERIOUS mess, as Jews like me could be caught in the middle, yikes!!!!!

I know Santi, but the Republican governments have always sucked ass here!! It’s not me, I know...thanks.

Yes, American people after all, are good people like everyone else...
and if we keep in mind that
-Not everyone votes in the elections! (I can’t understand how can people give up that right!)

- And between the people that voted in the elections, they chosed the other guy, Gore i think
but well, who knows why could Bush get in power.

By the way, the one that got more votes in the USA was Al Gore, not Bush... but it seems Bush got more in the right places and well, we all remember that recounting them was sooooo hard that they had to leave it without actually being sure that Bush “won” the elections.

Ferdan: I will post a reply to your comment about why people don’t vote. I started on it, but I’m so tired that I went off on a tanget and everyone here would be calling for the guys with the straight jacket and padded cell for me.

I’ll explain the throught process on that (because I didn’t vote at one point in time, and I’ll also tell yolu why that changed.)

I’ve heard an opinion/theory about how bush won...
in the days of the 2000 election, people gave more attention to other parties, namely Ralph Nader’s Green Party (whos vice president candidate was a woman!!)...
those people who voted for Bush didnt deviate obviuosly. but the lots of people in the Gore camp voted for Nader. so the votes that wouldve won the election for Gore went to Nader. people i guess didnt realize that NAder could never ever win, and in that way, paved the way for the Bush presidency. I dont know how true this is, but its an interesting theory. dont get me started on JEB B. :P

peopel in america don;’t vote because in actualty it is the electoral college that elects the president not the american public...


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