Brinkster for tdr members pix page
zeeshan said on March 19, 2003 20:26:
May I suggest BRINKSTER as the next host of this site?
Currently, the site is hosted on tripod which I guess is not up to the par. Their “STRESS” (technical term) is not as good as Brinkster.
Spooky, when you have some time, please check out they are great! moving the whole site won’t be a big problem at all.
If you or anyone else has any queries, please feel free to contact me either here or email me.
Thank You,
LittleSpooky said on March 20, 2003 04:41:
Well, I created an account through them... and I’m waiting for an email back about a couple of questions I have. I might upgrade to one of the “paid” accounts, I don’t know yet. Zee, would you Messenger me sometime?
LittleSpooky said on March 22, 2003 10:00:
Yeah, this weekend will be updated on Tripod. I’m still waiting for an email from Brinksters on some ?s I had for them before purchasing an account from them.
LittleSpooky said on March 20, 2003 03:41:
Z: Thanks. I’ll check it out this weekend. I have my plate full at the moment with a couple of things regarding work (it’s insurance enrollment time again, and I need to read through my Medical/Dental/Vision information).