The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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5 replies

I like some of their songs ... I think I can list them in my favourtis after Metallica and Guns N’ Roses...

Is there anybody who is intrested in KORN??
And tell me what do you think about them?

me don’t like ;)

Sorry AASO, I don’t care for Korn’s music at all, not melodic at all, not my taste.

HOWEVER, if you love Korn, you can do so honey, it’s your opinion, and that’s OK if our tastes are a bit different. If we are together and stay together, boy, will we have some interesting music being played around the house, eh?? LOL!! (*+*)

ROXETTE !!!!! :))))))))))))))))))

korn was ok when they first came out their recent lbum is very very very boring i am so eagerly awaiting the new manson album

Do you think Manson can do the new one ??


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