Yay... The Cardigans are Back!
Small-talker said on March 4, 2003 13:19:
After a 5-year absence, they’re back. Nina’s solo album was amazing but there’s nothing like an album from Sweden’s finest export. Did you hear their new song? It’s great! I can’t wait for the album [it’s called “Long Gone Before Daylight”]. Do you know the reason why it took so long to make – it’s because they made an entire albums worth of material but scraped it because they weren’t happy, and that fact they done that can mean it has to be one amazing album! I can’t wait!!!
Small-talker said on March 5, 2003 11:37:
do you people see my name and then think “hey, i’ll annoy him”... What was the point of coming into this forum if you want to talk about nothing but Roxette?
The way I see it, you’re all just jealous... coz The Cardigans are still popular, they are credible, they are exciting... whereas Roxette are finished with for sure... and what really boils your blood is that The Cardigans are also swedish and this just shows the cycle of annoying swedish music can be broken, whrereas Roxette have been rediculed from day one!
Did any of that make any sence to you or...
Ooops... now I’ve just remembered the real reason why you reply annoyingly to anything and everything... it’s coz Earth-ian isn’t your primary language, isn’t it... How on earth did you manage to get an internet hook-up all the way from Mars...
We have a contact peopl!!!!
vaxjoe said on March 5, 2003 12:37:
Small-talker: first of all hello and welcome back!
2nd i LOVE the cardigans and cant wait for their new album! :o)
3rd u may noticed that in here there are some ppl that think they are the best music critics...dont pay attention...go on loving the music u like and so should everybody else than cutting down each others music taste!
Jud (moderator) said on March 5, 2003 12:59:
“some ppl that think they are the best music critics” this applies to S-T too, doesn’t it?
He has been “jumping on the neck” of anybody who doesn’t like the music HE likes, so maybe it is you S-T coming from another planet? Here on Earth we normally have different tastes!
I luv the Cardigans, Nina is great!!!
but I can’t stand Bjork - gets on my nerves!
vaxjoe said on March 5, 2003 13:08:
judith:that maybe so but since ppl know s-t is getting annoyed but such comments they do it on purpose just to annoy him..
coyboyusa said on March 5, 2003 13:37:
the cardigans aren’t popular at least not in the usa where they are now called a one hit wonder so there
Santi said on March 5, 2003 16:07:
Quoting user Small-talker: “The way I see it, you’re all just jealous... coz The Cardigans are still popular, they are credible, they are exciting... whereas Roxette are finished with for sure... and what really boils your blood is that The Cardigans are also swedish and this just shows the cycle of annoying swedish music can be broken, whrereas Roxette have been rediculed from day one!”
I don’t mind, they could even be from next door and I still would not like them. It has nothing to do with citizenships. Roxette is not even my favourite band right now though some time (long time) it was. If you hate them so much maybe you should think twice about coming here to annoy us and say those things. But well, we don’t mind, not me at least. It’s such a poor resource, says little about you.
About Swedish music, some friends of the Cardigans called “Kent” have been said by critics and audience in that country to be the best rock band (ever). And I agree, they are just great...
(@To all the music critics around:) ... But in arts, in everything that has to do with TASTES, Truth does NOT exist. Because it’s all about people’s perception, so it’s a very subjective matter depending on every individual and on trends. Subjectivity and truth are opposite. Romans, that had a very big empire used to say that “there’s nothing written about tastes”. Because they realized the tribes and peoples around their empire varied in tastes so much. Even if some people like s-t (it seems) sees uniformity the best, even if I dislike so much things like “jazz” or “flamenco”, I still think it’s good that it’s still around, alive and kicking. You never know when your mind may change about that.
(About my previous post on this thread): Sorry if somebody can’t take a joke.
Santi said on March 5, 2003 16:37:
About me being from Mars: Yeah, cellular technology is developing fast :)
But the only one here who acts like he has seen someone from another planet is you. You sound like if you were abduced. We are good people in other planets :) Don’t act so racist and xenophobe about us, please :) There is people who can help you, I think in your planet they’re called psych.... ehem... :)
And no, my first language is not English. It’s such a shame that someone considers English language to be “Earthian language”. Man, you should learn other languages to know there are other ways of thinking ;)
Vixzter said on March 5, 2003 17:23:
to quote smalltalker (again) : “do you people see my name and then think “hey, i’ll annoy him”... What was the point of coming into this forum if you want to talk about nothing but Roxette?”
the last time I looked at the front page it said The Daily Roxette :P but hey I might have been mistaken, could’ve said The Daily Cardigan ;P
and you’re so right.....what is the point of coming to this forum? really....I’d like to know. ;)
Btw, The Cardigans......Gran Tourismo was ok, but it has some damn boring stuff on it, the new single seems ok but I wouldn’t call it ground braking.
@small again : yea we’re all jealous coz Rox have only sold 45 million+ albums >:P I guesse what The Cardies are doing must be a whole lot better than that! :P
ixtlaner said on March 5, 2003 22:58:
@ Small-talker : sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude! I just reacted spontaneously on Santi’s remark :)
You can see the Cardigans are not my cup of tea, but anyway, I hope you won’t be disappointed with their new album!
boykie19 said on March 6, 2003 12:17:
i used 2 like cardigans.. but i find their new stuff 2 boring... sorry...
lost-little-girl said on March 7, 2003 23:48:
I thought a cardigan was a dog or somthing that your grandmother wore? - have I missed something!
Denstandigaresan said on March 9, 2003 14:15:
I saw them perform on a tv show yesterday. Liked the new song. But the female singer is looking rough nowadays!
Stormkeeper said on March 9, 2003 20:57:
I love their new song and Erase/Rewind.
Planning to buy Gran Turismo cd.
Is it worth it? Are all songs good on it?
Th_Th said on March 11, 2003 08:56:
I do know the Gran-To.... Album and I thought it was great!
Has anyone got a link for their new song to download??
vaxjoe said on March 14, 2003 18:06:
I ve just watched their new video...hmm the song is boring...and what happened to their styling taste?
Stormkeeper said on March 15, 2003 11:20:
if you´re into Swedish music check out “Carcrashes” by Standfast
you can listen to it on
and anything from Stakka Bo
both are worth discovering.
Small-talker said on March 18, 2003 13:24:
gran turismo is an amzing album - 11 tracks, 7 of them are some of the best songs i’ve ever heard!
i’ve just heard some clips of their new album...
Communication [seems likely to be one of the best Cardigans songs I’ve ver heard]
Please Sister [not the best, but good]
And Then You Kissed Me [the BEST SONG I’VE VER HEARD!!!]
yOU’RE tHE Storm [alright...]
pumpkins said on September 15, 2005 10:22:
The Cardigans are still a great band. They are on a par with Roxette.
Cardigans also keep you warm in the winter!
Santi said on March 4, 2003 20:33:
More than a thread this is a “threat” :DDDD