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Help with Roxette WICF performance at the WMA

2 replies

I have this .mpg file of the Roxette performance I recorded while they broadcasted it in the US back in 2000. It’s a huge 50M file. Im looking for some freeware program on the web where i can convert the file into a more compressed format, or smaller size, what have u. Any ideas where i can get such a program?

try realproducer or quicktime pro. MPEG4 compression is very good.

Real Producer is now called Helix Producer and a free version can be obtained from RealNetworks’ website, .
Most people hate (or used to hate) Real Player and the Real format, however, since RealOne came out and they developed the Real 9 codec, they simply kick ass. With Helix Producer you can make awesome quality files with small size. Unlike with some DivX codecs, you don’t have to own a power station to play them without skips. It’s highly recommended.


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