The Daily Roxette

Roxette World Tour 2011 schedule
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RS Tourbook UK??

6 replies

Has any UK fans yet got the promised Room Service Tour Book... I have not got mine yet... I have sent the fanvlub an e-mail today to check out what happened?.

I got mine before Xmas - very good it is too (sorry that rubbing it in!)

all tourbooks were sent in December, they were packed and sent on the same days, for everyone (both people who ordered it and members that were entitled to get it)...

@Judith: I´m a member of the FC and I have a big problem.
Until today the tourbook have not recived me.

@roxtom: could you please send an email address with your name, address... and customer ID from the fanshop if you have it to [email protected]?

fc people will look into the database then.


@Judith: Who were entitled to the tour book?
Only, a friend of mine who was a member over 3 years ago got one, I was a member a while before her.
I know I’m probably not entitled to one, but if I was... I have moved! :(:(:(

the members who had payed to receive 4 reviews and were still having 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 reviews left to receive.

This tourbook is like a review, but since it has a bit more of double of pages, it counts like 2. Still, the members that were just having 1 review left to get, got it anyway.

Also, this goes to everyone, if you have changed address since the time you became a member (99, 2000, ...), you should update your profile in the fanshop, to make sure that the reviews reach you. If you don’t remember what your customer ID is, you can write an email to [email protected] and we will help you out.

@DSR: please, write an email to [email protected] with your name, address, customer ID if u remember it and we will take a look at it.


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