Does Marie actually play the Guitar??
Th_Th said on January 10, 2003 16:33:
I was wondering if Marie actually plays the Guitar at all? I mean, I know she plays the Piano really well, but does she play the Guitar? I know she had a Guitar in her hands on many concerts, especially during the Joyride tour, but to me it never looked like, she was really playing it herself... maybe I am totally wrong... and please someone tell me what you know about this. I always thought, she just had a Guitar in her Hand on many conerts, because it looked much cooler like that. I know for example, that she didn’t play the Guitar during the C!B!B! Tour... did she play the Guitar during Room Service?? Does she play it when she is working solo?? Please, someone tell me, I would really appreciate any comments on this, as I have been wondering about this for more then 10 years now.
Santi said on January 10, 2003 20:22:
The things she does with that guitar on Joyride and The Look videos... I can say she didn’t.
Maybe now she’s learnt something... I dunno that :o
Santi said on January 10, 2003 20:57:
Euh... Efter Stormen is before those videos... right? :S
Oops... then I don’t know, but she didn’t even place her hands in a right way :S
Santi said on January 10, 2003 22:19:
Actually for her solo records they have to hire studio musicians because neither Marie nor Mikael play it. I know Mikael is multi-instrumentalist and sometimes he plays most instruments, but few times (if any) he plays guitar. They usually hire that Staffan Astner (that was on Äntligen toor toor) or Max Schultz...
I even think Per does play guitar, but on the concerts his guitar is unplugged. You can’t hear it at all, in Johannesburg concert ’95 (the one on video) you can only hear it on Listen to your heart (I hope) with the acoustic. The rest he just “plays” what Jonas or Micke are playing but you only hear 2 guitars, not three :O Even when he’s with an acoustic guitar :(
Anarem said on January 11, 2003 19:34:
I have wondered about this for a long time, too :-) Good to know that I’m not the only one who thought that!
I think that Marie can play guitar, just not as well as Jonas Isacsson... or even Per. :-) Playing at home and composing a tune is a lot different from playing in front of thousands of people, or in front of a camera.
spacedog said on January 11, 2003 20:32:
Exactly my opinion. I think she plays good enough to compose, but of course she hires professional guitar players for recording sessions because it sounds a lot better!
Stormkeeper said on January 11, 2003 21:38:
she shouldn´t pretend to play guitar on concerts if she doesn´t know how to play it, that only makes her look like a fool.
NickNL74 said on January 12, 2003 04:23:
First discovering she (still) doesn’t have a driverslicence.. now it seems she can’t play the guitar.. euhm.. is there more I should know off? ;-)
NickNL74 said on January 12, 2003 04:28:
Although what stormkeeper sais makes me wonder.. I can;t imagen Marie faking during a live concert.. that would make her look a fool INDEED, so I’m more to believe that she actually can play the guitar. but in the end.. does it matter? At least she can sing (or is it so that someday we’ll discover someone else singing backstage for her?) ;-))
Neh.. the girl can sing.. most certainly!!
Anarem said on January 12, 2003 05:48:
Geez, you know, the next thing we’ll find out is that Marie isn’t a real blonde!
Mambo said on January 12, 2003 12:57:
Marie isn’t really blond (everywhere)?
and i find out that now....joking
Anarem said on January 12, 2003 16:04:
The cuffs don’t match the collar. :-)
In the end, I don’t think it really matters whether she’s pretending to play the guitar on stage or in the videos– she just looks really hot with a guitar slung around her. As for looking foolish, I think that the Joyride video (Per and Marie on an airplane wing), or the Real Sugar video (Per and Marie playing with these ugly puppets) make them look even more silly. I would rather have Marie playing fake guitar than Roxette making another stinky video with puppets or airplane wings. :-)
wedge_31 said on January 12, 2003 22:46:
what do you mean? The puppets are the best thing about “real sugar”!
Jud (moderator) said on January 12, 2003 22:52:
what about Marie in the water with plastic ducks? :DD
goetz said on January 12, 2003 23:58:
In the Tourism-credits of the look and joyride marie isn‘t listed. The songs are taken from the same concert as the liveism-video.I know they played four times in sidney and the video containes material of not only one gig but the joyride and the look videos are the same recordings with the fitting scenes as the tourism songs.
Anarem said on January 13, 2003 03:43:
Plastic ducks are silly. :-)
Marie Fredriksson dripping wet, yummy :-)
NickNL74 said on January 13, 2003 03:48:
to Wedge 31: Get outta here.. you’re really serious about the puppets in real suger? I’ll have you locked away for that, beware!! *grin* No honestly.. they might as well had left those missfit muppets in that dusty corned where they had found them.. i think it’s one of the biggest mistakes they have made (ever) just when they were well on their way back to some higher grounds again.. those puppets must have damaged their credibility in some way :-( Too bad..
Hope Marie will recover soon so she can start bossing Per&Co. around.. see what that might achieve.. Yea.. the woman seriously needs to kick some ass! Go get em babe ;-)
NickNL74 said on January 13, 2003 03:54:
short supplement: according to me Marie’s jeans were the best about real sugar..
NickNL74 said on January 13, 2003 03:56:
as for Santi: “Euh... Efter Stormen is before those videos... right? :S
Oops... then I don’t know, but she didn’t even place her hands in a right way :S”
Maybe she had em in a sort of black BMW position ;-)
Now I’m really outta here (for now at least)
Anarem said on January 13, 2003 04:15:
The Stars video was really fun to watch (again, Marie in the water, yum yum) but they should have gone easy on the eye makeup on Marie in the first part of the video, before she married that homeless guy who used to be Per. :-)
Th_Th said on January 13, 2003 09:05:
Well, if you think the Airplane wings are stupid, just think about it this way, it might be stupid today, but sure 12 years ago, they won the MTV music award for best video for this Video with, as you put it “stupid” airplane wings...
of course, it is kinda stupid today, but sure it was the bomb 12 years ago...
Anarem said on January 14, 2003 01:30:
Actually, even back then I thought the Joyride video sucked tea bags. I found it cheesy, low-budget and not that innovative, compared to other videos that were running at the time. It’s just my personal opinion.
xuseam said on January 14, 2003 02:19:
Since she writes songs, I think Marie can play guitar. Maybe not very well.
Th_Th said on January 14, 2003 09:41:
Well, I think Marie is just the bomb, even though she doesn’t play the Guitar that well... I must say though, the Guitar really suits her! :-)
spacedog said on January 14, 2003 10:24:
But that girl DOES play the piano! How I admire people that can play the piano!!!! *sigh*
Santi said on January 14, 2003 11:44:
You don’t need to play any instrument to write songs, not even guitar. With a flute you can compose anything :D
Piano for me is....... boooooooooooooooooring :S
spacedog said on January 14, 2003 11:49:
When you listen to Marie’s music you can hear that she had musical training. The melodies she uses, the chords - you can’t do that so easily on flute... ;). For example I en tid som vår and Drömmen have a very tricky and interesting chord sequence.
Santi said on January 14, 2003 11:53:
I don’t say she doesn’t know music or she doesn’t play piano.
But she can compose a whole song with the greatest harmony just “in theory”. Without the need of any instrument. Music is in your brains before it’s in your mouth or fingers.
Th_Th said on January 14, 2003 14:41:
I think it is really cool how she playes the Piano in the Fading like a flower Video!!! She rocks!
Twilight-Ghost said on January 14, 2003 15:13:
It’s either I was blind or have a really bad memory. But I don’t remember her playing the piano in Fading Like A Flower video.
Did you by any chance meant ’It Must Have Been Love’???
She played the instrumental part in IMBHL video.
And you’re right she really ROCKS!!!
But I can tell she didn’t really play it. I know as talented as she is she probably knows how to play the song, but maybe the director just told her not to bother on actually playing it but just make sure the timing is correct.
I know how to play the IMBHL song on the piano (I have the Roxette music sheet exactly the way they recorded it), my favourite is the ’instrumental part’ (the part she has suppose to have played on the video). But I can tell she didn’t really play it because I noticed there were three notes there, and she played the notes as if they were close to each other. While in reality, those notes are actually very apart, so your hand needed to do a little stretch to play it. While Marie didn’t extend her hand at all.
But of course if you didn’t know how to play that on the piano yourself you would be deceived because she got all the timing correctly. Which just proves she could in fact really play the piano.
@Santi: How could you say the piano is boring. It is not. It is probably the most versatile instrument there is. By the way, a keyboard can sound like any kind of instrument.
Th_Th said on January 14, 2003 16:29:
Hi Twillight Ghost:
Marie is playing the Piano in Fading like a flower Video.
I also know, that Marie is not the most professional Piano player, I [play the piano myself and therefore I know, that Marie is not a professional piano player. But she still rocks! Her music is still the bomb and she still is the Greatest Star around.
I love the Piano and think itis the best instrument.
anna-marie said on January 14, 2003 17:41:
Marie can play the piano, I don’t know how well, but she can.
There are so many performances where she plays the piano and remember all the concerts of Roxette and solo.
And the guitar thingie: Mmmhh...I think she can play a “little” guitar, but not more.
I’m not sure for 100%, but when I remember right, there isn’t any cable at her guitar in the “live-ism” video.
(Hope I explained it right) I’m not an expert, but all the other guitars had an cable. should anyone hear any sound of her guitar without cable?? *thinking*
@Anarem: I’m absolutly your oppinion with the “Stars” video...:-)))
But she had to freeze to death...poor darling...
wendy said on January 14, 2003 17:54:
Piano is so beautiful,Santi :p
I dunno she plays guitar,i always thought she faked it in “the look” video :s
Santi said on January 14, 2003 21:46:
The solo piano Marie keeps on playing in concerts sounds boring... Piano played like in Michael Nyman’s Soundtrack to “the piano” I love it.
But I find that instrument boring most times. But that’s just a point of view.
T.G.: I know pretty well what a keyboard is, I have a synthetiser 1 meter away from me right now, and I play it (not well, but I know where every note is and I know how to play with both hands...). But whenever you can get the original sound is lots better than any canned synthetiser one...
Th_Th said on January 15, 2003 08:41:
Well, some people here mentioned, that they are wondering about MArie and Per not having a cable on thier instruments when playing live... this doesn’t have to mean, that we can not hear their instruments! Technolgy nowadays alows you, to play your guitar without a cable and still it is conected to the whole soundsystem... And I always thought the reason for that is, because MArie and Per do much more dancing and jumping around and if they would have a cable attached to their instruments, they could easily trip over it...
Santi said on January 15, 2003 11:14:
In Per’s case is not about cable, is about 3 guitars on stage and you hear just 2. The same with Marie if she ever “played” guitar on stage. You don’t hear it.
Twilight-Ghost said on January 15, 2003 14:30:
@Santi: I know, it is alright to have an opinion. I wasn’t saying you were wrong. I guess sometimes piano could be boring for other people when it is played very slow.
I play Michael Nyman’s stuff too. He is good. I have the music sheet and the soundtrack but I’ve never seen the movie. Have you??? I’ll rent it one day.
Also, of course I agree that sounds coming from real instruments is better than the synthesizer sounds. “Original” of anything is always the best.
But I was just merely pointing out how a piano/keyboard is versatile, that’s all.
Anyway, whether Marie could play the guitar or not, or play professional piano or not, to me she ROCKS either way.
Also, in that ’Stars’ video. Why did they get that guy to play the homeless guy that Marie is going to marry. Why didn’t they just made Per to do it.
Or is it going to be too weird for them? I mean it would just be ’role playing’. They’ve done the ’role playing’ before on their previous video clips like ’Neverending love’ or ’Chances’.
I only saw Per in the beginning of the ’Stars’ video.
I wanna see more Per on video clips. I’m not saying I’m tired of seeing Marie all the time (I love seeing her) I’m just saying I want to see more of Per too.
@NickNL74: The puppets wasn’t so bad.
Th_Th said on January 15, 2003 15:14:
Well, at the beginning Marie and Per also used to flirt on stage, as part of their Show on Stage, and that also changed... how they played in videos was different too, but don’t forget, ones you get married, it all changes, you whole view of things changes completely, I am married myself now and could never imagine flirting with someone else but my wife, even if it wold be just on stage. This is how my wife and I feel, and she is in the Show Business herself... so, maybe Marie and her hubby just feel the same way and Per and Asa too.... who knows...
and I really think, if Marie would have married Per in the Stars Video, it would have been to weird, of course newspapers would have start rumours about their relationship, that they used to be an item... or whatever... it was just a wise decision to replace Per for an actor that looks much more alike to Maries real hubby...
Twilight-Ghost said on January 15, 2003 16:45:
I agree and understand. Per and Marie are not actors, what they do on the video or stage may not be seen as merely ’acting’ or ’role-playing’ but can be considered as something serious.
If actors find it hard to kiss (among other things) the person they are not married to for movie/TV, why subject Per and Marie to the same thing while they don’t have to. Actors have no choice - it is their profession.
The reason I suggested that because I only saw Per in the beginning and then he morphed into someone else. So, I thought why didn’t he just played that guy all along. So, I guess there are so many reasons why.
I mean on other video clips like YDUM where there was a limited appearance of Per, I thought it’s because there are no role for him to do. And I thought in ’Stars’ he could have done the homeless guy role. But now I understand it will be just too weird because they are both married.
Also, I think it is sweet that you are so devoted to your wife. The world would have been a better place if there are more guys like you. I totally agree, once you are married, you shouldn’t flirt with anybody else. You should only have eyes for your spouse.
SisterDarkness said on January 16, 2003 02:56:
Speaking of Roleplaying, you have to admit that the Neverending Love video when she comes over and sits with him, you crack up.. It is SOOOOO Funny to see their expressions!!
Can Marie play guitar, she said she composed ES on guitar as for The Look when they do it live... I believe she has her fingers on the “A” Chord and the Look you can pretty much play a “bass” riff with the “A” chord.. depending on how your guitar is tuned.
Besides, and you can shoo tme over this... Notice that Per’s electric guitars the volume is never high up? You hear Jonas but not Per.... Interesting huh? ;)
NickNL74 said on January 16, 2003 11:26:
Don’t worry.. I don’t tend to scare anyone off.. especially new ones. I’m just a friendly guy who likes to joke around once in a while ;-)
But - if necessary - not afraid to kick either sometimes *hehehe*
All in all quite healthy, you know.
NickNL74 said on January 16, 2003 11:31:
@Twilight Ghost
Ok, I must admit, the first few time those puppets we’re funny, but after a while they started to irritate me.. They had better taken some better styled ones.. these were too dull. I still like Marie’s jeans better ;-))
clerk said on January 16, 2003 11:57:
About those puppets, they should have used the Muppets.
About playing the guitar, she probably plays a good campfire tune...Cumbaja my Lord, cumbaja...:)
Anyway I really don’t have a clue......
anna-marie said on January 16, 2003 12:27:
Oh yeaah!
Marie’s Jeans looks really cool, or shall I say sexy? :-)))
Th_Th said on January 17, 2003 14:52:
It seems like, whatever Marie does, she has got some certain professionalism about it, I think, even though she doesn’t play the Guitar for instance, she stil ha got this professional glow about her, when she has got the Guitar in her hands...
well, I guess I didn’t make much sense here now...
spacedog said on January 10, 2003 18:37:
I think she does! In the Äntligen-booklet she says that she composed Efter Stormen on guitar, so she must be at least a bit able to play it :)