TBH on USA something fishy is goin on!:/
Heart_2002 said on January 16, 2003 15:13:
I don’t know guys but something strange is going on about the release of TBH and ATAY on the USA.
Lars mentioned that that’s a “long story” so something isn’t going on well...
I do my have my own views but I rather wait to see the truth...
I never liked the American Music scene and to be honest I don’t believe Roxette are gonna make it big there ....it’s too much hip hop and teen pop I don’t see Roxette’s music fit in it...:( i’m a bit sad for the few Roxette fans there who would love to see their music being played there but I don’t know...it’s all about selling and making money...I don’t know if there is a record company believing in Roxette’s music still...:/
coyboyusa said on January 16, 2003 22:48:
as a usa fan this doesnt surprise me at all.....when i saw what edel did...and knowing the artist roster of emi capitol in the states ...i guess i will still be buying imports......
Lars-Erik_Olson (moderator) said on January 17, 2003 01:20:
I’m not sure that “fishy” (which implies dishonesty) or “strange” (syn: unusual) are the right words. Business decisions... caution... the need for advance planning... uncertainy... etc.
I never thought that three months would be enough time...
Markuz said on January 17, 2003 01:49:
hehehehehehe I guess we all knew this was going to happen *lol*
bunny said on January 18, 2003 00:50:
one thing we are sure is that EMI cap’s budget is tight in the US. They dropped to #5 as a record company in the US in terms of sales.
bunny said on January 18, 2003 01:19:
u know what, i just found this on amazon, the album has been delayed till Feb 11 right before Valentine’s Day :-)
List Price: $16.98
Price: $16.98 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. See details.
Availability: This item will be released on February 11, 2003. You may order it now and we will ship it to you when it arrives.
sweet_stalker57 said on January 18, 2003 01:22:
what is fishy is the price of CDs!
I could get some good loving for that amount of $$$!
Mfan28179-Jason said on January 18, 2003 03:46:
This is interesting that the release date has been moved to right before Valentine’s Day (February 11 in the USA) according to Amazon. Hmmm.
japeke said on January 16, 2003 15:17:
Wel, Why don’t you wait for tomorrow, then you get the official news, and who knows, maybe it is positive!