RS After Tourbook
CRIZ said on December 27, 2002 23:55:
well, I didn’t say it’s the FC’s fault...I’m just afraid the books got lost somewhere!
What do you have for problems at the customer office?? Anything happened in the Netherlands I haven’t heard of? Im a regular customer to the post. I have friends all over Europe and NOTHING got lost so far or took sooo much time. That ’s why I’m a bit nervous! Of course I can keep waiting but it would be sad if the magazines got lost!
roxing-Jane said on December 16, 2002 05:40:
I didn’t receive anything until today,..perhaps today..? *hoping* :-)
ally77 said on December 16, 2002 10:42:
Maybe mine will be waiting at home when I get back from STOCKHOLM!!!... I do hope so??.
Iertje_ said on December 16, 2002 10:55:
The tourbooks are being send out today, we’ve been packing them and making them ready for shipment this whole weekend. (well, in my case not the whole weekend because I was ill :( )
The tourbooks for The Netherlands were sent last friday already, so that’s why they might have arrived there already this saturday (or today). (They had to be shipped seperately because the mail service for inside Holland is different)
marcusvandeursen said on December 16, 2002 12:42:
@Iertje; Compliments for the great work you’ve all delivered with this book! Comparing it to the latest Roxette Reviews, it’s really a piece of art. An unexpected surprise! Hope the fc continues like that.
j_adoreMF said on December 16, 2002 18:31:
Awesome tourbook!!! Great stories and pix!!!
THUMBS UP FC team!!!! :-)
LittleGirl78 said on December 16, 2002 22:23:
I haven´t received the Tourbook now.
I would like to have the Tourbook. too.
I wait.
Jud (moderator) said on December 16, 2002 23:01:
Please read Iertje’s message, ... people from Netherlands were sent the tourbook on Friday, everybody else’s tourbooks have been shipped they should arrive to all of you end of this week or beginning of the next one (it is xmas time = post is slow)
royalball said on December 17, 2002 06:52:
Oh yes! I love this After Tour book as well. I love the photos and the stories as well!! I was really amazed by the quality of the book.
I think people are going to be so surpised!
LittleGirl78 said on December 17, 2002 20:51:
@Judith: Thank you, OK, I hope this come befor xmas, why this was a cool xmas-present for me :-)
coyboyusa said on December 20, 2002 00:02:
ok i still havent gotten mine i live in the usa even if it were mailed ground mail i should have it by now..i never recieved a shipping confirmation either
Jud (moderator) said on December 20, 2002 00:44:
again, it is xmas time = post is SLOW :)
So be patient please :) (it is worth it :D)
Iertje_ said on December 20, 2002 08:53:
They are sent out last monday, I don’t think 4 days is that long for postage to outside Europe. And like Judith says: it’s xmas time so mail is slower around this time of year (cos of all xmas cards)
Did any Europeans receive it yet?
roxing-Jane said on December 20, 2002 09:15:
I’m from Germany, and I didn’t recieve it till now. :-(
Desert-Moon said on December 20, 2002 13:57:
Nothing here yet... Canada is too far!
Bonne journée! Have a nice day!
Manuroxette said on December 20, 2002 14:23:
I live in Germany the tourbook didn´t received me till today :-(
Iertje_ said on December 20, 2002 14:48:
Wow... that’s loooong postage :(:(:( Sorry people! I expected it to be thereby now... :(
Please if anybody receives it, let us know!
LittleGirl78 said on December 20, 2002 20:33:
I live in Germany and haven´t received the tourbook, too.
Maybe it come tomorow.
But I must tomorrow on Saturday work from 7.00am at 6.00pm this a long day for me, I hope I get the book tomorrow, that I can me feel like better :-)
roxing-Jane said on December 21, 2002 05:35:
Puh, I’m not the only one in Germany who didn’t recieve the Tourbook.
And I thought perhaps it got lost...ok, I’m waiting for the book,....nanananana..:-)
CRIZ said on December 21, 2002 14:07:
I didn’t receive anything too until now(Germany)...But I have no Idea how they send it...A Prioritaire or the normal way.?? Well, when I send things from here to my lovely dear sis in Poland than a package takes 5 days, a letter 2 or 3 days. Letters in Germany are still delivered in one day...Xmas or not....BUT OF COURSE I WILL STAY PATIENT..I don’t wanna know how much work it is to send away soooooooo many books!! THANX A LOT! Did you girls (and boys??) from the FC by the way already receive the Discographies from Premium Publishing??
It’s really Xmas...waiting for soooo many lovely Rox-things :)
LittleGirl78 said on December 21, 2002 16:44:
two people from the german Forum have already received the Tourbook before 2 days.
And I not today.
But I will patient wait for the book.
Why the german post-office is so daft and slow
rox-girl said on December 21, 2002 18:33:
I received the Tourbook 2 days ago! I don´t know why I got a Tourbook and the other german fans not. It´s very strange!
roxing-Jane said on December 22, 2002 10:33:
Mmmhh..this is really strange.
But perhaps I will recieve it on monday, it’s x-mas time so...
I only say, german post is sloooow..:-)
chantie_ said on December 22, 2002 13:41:
hey all,
the tourbooks should be received in europe this week. The books were not sent using normal mail but with a special remailer service so it can vary from country and even per region in a country when the tourbooks are received!!
CRIZ said on December 22, 2002 14:00:
Thanx Chantie.....I hope the postman will deliver it tomorrow....(hope you didn’t forget me ;))
Jud (moderator) said on December 22, 2002 14:06:
aaah this is starting to become an off-topic thread :P
“how the postal service works in Europe”
people, be patient, that one of your neighbours got it already doesn’t mean that all the post offices all around Germany are as fast and as well organised :P
I haven’t got my tourbook yet, from NL to Austria..while a letter I sent from AT to NL took 2 days... what a wonder :P
and here, add the fact that we are in XMAS time.. for somebody who has ever worked at a must know how it feels :)
pietROxette said on December 22, 2002 15:35:
Yeah, the postal service can sometimes be very werid.
I still haven’t received my copy of the Tourbook, but I can wait a few days before complaining, I know what the postal service is like sometimes. If it was sent on December 15, as it was written on the e-mail confirmation I got from the FC, I can allow a day or two for delivery. Sometimes packages are stuck at the customs, which can cause some delay, too.
However, I’ve ordered the Canadian edition of The Ballad Hits from Canada (since that’s the one without copy protection). The guy sent it on Saturday... and I got mine on Tuesday!!! From Canada to Hungary! Cool, isn’t it?
NigelBarnes said on December 23, 2002 17:14:
Not yet received in the UK but TLFR was received today so hopefully it’s following close behind!
G113 said on December 24, 2002 17:00:
i got mine today, wow GREAT WORK GUYS!!!
i think its fantastic!!!!!!! woohooo extra good christmas this year
LittleGirl78 said on December 24, 2002 19:51:
I haven´t got it mine.
What´s wrong?????????
The Postman is Roxette-Fan and stolen me mine :-(
coyboyusa said on December 25, 2002 05:23:
well its offically x mas and i have no tour book no discography ...bah humbug to the fan club last time i buy from you
G113 said on December 25, 2002 11:25:
i got both , tourbook and book, so im very happy with the fanclub actually, geeez ever thought that it might be down to where you live ?
bout 30% of the people have my christmas cards i sent, and i sent them on the 13th . :-( now thats really sad. Do you guys also get the most of your christmas cards AFTER christmas , lol
CRIZ said on December 25, 2002 13:34:
We had Ice-rain for 3 days now!! No postman was able to come here!!! Somebody above doesn’t want me to get it ....I’m sure...:( *sniff* THAT’S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CRIZ said on December 27, 2002 13:51:
27.12.02....I don’t wanna go on anybodys nerves!!!!
But...hej dear FC...are you sure that you really send away the After-Tour-Books to all your current members? I still didn’t receive it and I wonder what this strange mail-service you chose did with the books! I don’t wanna moan...I got the fantastic Discography today but I still don’t understand where the tourbooks went to...Would be nice if you check! Thanx a lot!
Manuroxette said on December 27, 2002 14:17:
My after tourbooks didn´t received me today. Some fans in Germany become it on monday or tuesday. So the others hab be received today but nothing. I had ordered 3 tourbooks.
Pascal said on December 27, 2002 14:47:
I received it yesterday. It’s great!!!!!
Greetz from Belgium.
LittleGirl78 said on December 27, 2002 16:48:
I haven´t received the Tourbook today.
The FC should say me who was the private deliveryservice, and I make the service K.O.
When come my book?
pietROxette said on December 27, 2002 17:14:
To defend the FC... (hey ppl, make a record of this :-))) The postal service and the customs offices are pretty much overwhelmed these days. Since those anthrax-cases, most packages are opened at the customs office to check if they do not contain anything illegal or dangerous.
When someone finally gets the package, he/she should check the following:
-the timestamp of the Dutch post office
-the timestamp of the customs office, if there is one.
Now, I expect my copy of the TourBook to be shipped on 15 December, as it was written to me in an e-mail from the Fanclub. In case the timestamp on the package has a date after than 15 December, then it’s obviously the FanClub’s fault, since they didn’t ship it at the time they promised and informed us.
If the post office timestamp is okay, you should try to find another stamp on the parcel, the stamp of the customs office. It contains another date, the time when the customs office examined the parcel. It might happen that due to a larger number of international packages around X-mas caused a delay at the customs office and they were unable to process all packages.
Also, I’m not really aware of the shipping method the FC is using. On their site you can only read “TPG Post Mail”, but that doesn’t mean a thing to me. I mean, I don’t know if it’s priority mail, registered mail, insured or what. To avoid a large number of complaints, the FC should really consider displaying a lot more information on the pages of their shop, in connection with orders. These would include if the items is in stock or not, an estimated delivery date, a clear description on the delivery options available, etc. Hopefully these suggestions are soon implemented and people in charge do not take this as a flame but an advice to consider and take.
pietROxette said on December 28, 2002 09:43:
It’s not customers’ office but customs office :-)
The customs office checks if the packages arriving from abroad contain any dangerous or illegal material. Most cases they don’t open the packages, just scan them somehow. If a package is delayed there, it might cause it to be delivered on time.
Iertje007 said on December 28, 2002 11:53:
TPG post service is our national mail deliverer that we use most of the time. I think they tourbooks will have the mark ’16th of december’ on it, since the 15th is on sunday. (the books were made ready for shipping on the 14th if I remember it well). Criz, could you send us an e-mail with your full name? Then I’ll doublecheck in the database when your tourbook was shipped.
Lurifax said on December 28, 2002 12:53:
I live in Germany too and have the same problem! I haven’t received the tourbook yet and I don’t know how this can happen as I have received TLFR which I had ordered at the fanclub yesterday. If I’m right they’ve send it later so how can I get it earlier - even if the last one was send by normal post?
Maybe you could ask the mail deliver service what they’ve done with our tourbooks?
fortuna1895 said on December 28, 2002 13:14:
I live in Germany and I haven’t received the book too. And because I’m a member of the fanclub they don’t send me a confirmation e-mail because I will get the book as a double issue of the RoxetteReview. So I don’t know if they have send me one. Hope they’ve done...
Iertje007 said on December 28, 2002 13:48:
Hi people. If you’re doubting if your tourbook was send, please send me a message at [email protected] and I’ll check for you when it was send.
I can tell you that all of them (exept for the ones that were for inside the Netherlands) were send out on the same date. So it’s up to the mail when it will be received. (BTW The mail service that we used for this tourbook told us that delivery time might vary in the same country, do don’t worry if you don’t have it yet and others do, I’m sure it will arrive very soon!).
Iertje007 said on December 28, 2002 14:11:
Okay, I checked about the mail service we used:
ít’s a remailer service, we brought them the mail (tourbooks) and they brought it to Belgium or France to the airport and remailed it there to the different countries. So the stamp will state the date of the remailing, not the date of when we send it out to those remailers. And this is also why it’s not delivered on the same day and some people are still waiting for it.
GTiG said on December 28, 2002 15:40:
I still haven’t recieved it here in Sweden...
But I suppose it’s just to wait some more... like always. Wait Wait Wait...
roxing-Jane said on December 28, 2002 15:42:
I’m from Germany, and I recieved my After Tour book at the 24th of december.
A really nice x-mas present. :-))
Iertje007 said on December 28, 2002 16:15:
Hi GTi, yep, I checked you in the database as well, it was send out to you. So indeed it’s just waiting...
LittleGirl78 said on December 29, 2002 16:55:
I wait for the Tourbook at Sylvester, tuesday, and if I don´t received the Tourbook on this day, I send a email on the FC and ask for my Tourbook, why I haven´t order this, but I´m FC-Member and I should get it without order. I hope this correct.
I wait and wait and the Postman don´t bring me the Tourbook, menno.
Iertje007 said on December 29, 2002 17:08:
Hi LittleGirl, can you email me your full name? I’ll be happy to check for you in the database if it’s sent to you.
LittleGirl78 said on December 31, 2002 12:47:
I´m so happy.
I have received my tourbook, today :-)
But the tourbook comes from France, this strange why I´m live in germany and the FC is in the Netherlands, how come my Tourbook to France?
roxgirl_germany said on December 31, 2002 15:20:
It has arrived today and it has been the perfect ending to this year. :) Brought back a lot of very nice memories of last year’s tour.
Thanks to everyone who contributed - it is just great!!! I love it!!
Viking said on January 3, 2003 17:07:
My friend and I finally recived it as well today. We live in Switzerland. Great work FC! ;)
Jud (moderator) said on January 3, 2003 19:58:
i met Stefan/Alchemiste (from the FC) yesterday and he hadn’t got the tourbook Austria.. post is sloooow!
G113 said on January 3, 2003 20:42:
in holland i saw today that the post office was warning people not to send death announcement cards in the post cause it will take to long, they are totally overwelmed with letters, so you have to call a special number to send mail that needs to get to people fast, geeeez
coyboyusa said on January 4, 2003 14:52:
i’d love to comment but i still have yet to recieve either it or my copies of the discography ...this is ridiculous it will soon be 3 weeks since it was supposedly shipped out...evebn ground mail doesnt take that long
Iertje007 said on January 5, 2003 10:56:
@Coyboy: we explained it before... it’s a mail matter. They were shipped out all the same day (exept for the Netherlands) so it depends on the remailer service when they arrive at you.
pietROxette said on January 5, 2003 13:17:
Yet it’s still ridiculous that it takes that long. I’m not saying it’s the FC’s fault, but it’s ridiculous that after 3 weeks a package doesn’t arrive here from the same continent. I’ve ordered several other items from the US, Canada, Germany a lot later and they are all here by now.
lonely_girl said on January 6, 2003 11:56:
got it today. I flickered through it and i think it’s worth every penny... love it already. Thankx to all the involved people!!!!
DeLuk said on January 6, 2003 20:48:
(Portugal) Mine just arrived today too! :) Had a peak already and... oh I just can’t wait for later to sit on the bed and read on... and on and on and on!!!... :) First yet: THANK YOU ALL for the wonderful work! What a nice come-back for the Roxette Review oh yea! :)
pietROxette said on January 10, 2003 19:59:
Got it today, finally.
Didn’t yet read it through, but I must say it’s really well done! Now that’s how the FC should be doing ;-)
Jud (moderator) said on January 10, 2003 21:51:
LOL Ier :D
Good that the Tourbook is reaching the people!
paint_me said on January 14, 2003 09:30:
Do anyone know what happened to the tourbook? Can´t find it at the Rox shop, is it out of stock or gone forever? I really wanted it but it seems like it can´t be ordered anymore. :(
Yes I´ve mailed this question to the fanclub but as they don´t reply I try here instead...
Jud (moderator) said on January 14, 2003 10:11:
the tourbook is indeed out of stock.
btw, could you please tell me when you wrote to [email protected] asking the same question? thanks!
Iertje_ said on January 14, 2003 10:13:
I was about to post almost the same message but then I saw yours, Jud! :) LOL
paint_me said on January 14, 2003 10:33:
I sent the mail on Sunday evening to the contact address ([email protected]) listed on the shop´s site.
Too bad you won´t have it anymore... ;(
Edit: I accidently wrote “fanclub” in my first posting, of course I meant “shop”. My mistake. :)
Katuska said on January 14, 2003 19:26:
Why? I know several people who wanted to buy it but they couldn’t since it was no longer available in the fanshop.
Susi said on January 14, 2003 21:11:
If you wanna have some fun, look on Ebay Germany and search for the tourbook!! People are willing to pay 30 Euros and more for it there... ;) (But I’m not surprised anymore cuz the “Rarities”-CD went away for 100 Euros there...)
paint_me said on January 14, 2003 21:22:
Yeah truly strange (and sad) that the book disappeared so quickly from the shop. The fanclub could have made much more cash from it, now “auction-pirates” are doing it instead...
Iertje007 said on January 15, 2003 06:22:
Yep we could’ve made ’more cash’, but we’re not allowed to make profit, so that’s not why we were selling it. We want it to be an exclusive thing. And we didn’t count on that much interest from fans. The problem is, that a re-print will be very *very* expensive...(and selling it now for a higher price won’t be fair, I think)
pietROxette said on January 15, 2003 08:07:
I believe that the FC’s mission should be to provide the fans with Roxette-related material. The Tourbook is excellent, so why is that only a few hundred people could get it? Exclusive thing... come on, this is bullsh*t. Where’s your “ForFansByFans” attitude?
G113 said on January 15, 2003 08:49:
The Book was for members , Its actually just a super review if you wanna call it that . Paying members , got the book for free, well actually they didnt get it at all for free, they paid for it! in their membership . I found out that they always print a few extras copies just to cover those that dont arrive and after that , they sold the rest in the fanshop. Lucky for some. Pietro the Fanclub cannot afford to print 50000 copies and sell , they are a non profit organisation . Besides, being a member means you get reveiws, last year , being a member means you get a tourbook . if they say its too expensive to reprint , dont moan about them, you should just be grateful that you got one, alot of people didnt, and its an exclusive for the fanclub, yes ofcourse it is, THEY MADE IT ! , FOR THERE MEMBERS FIRSTLY, because we pay them for reveiws ! they have to make it for the members otherwise there would be no point of a fanclub dont you think
Jud (moderator) said on January 15, 2003 08:59:
That’s what I also wanted to say, i remember that the FC was making just some spare copies of the reviews to keep them in case some didnt arrive, or if they may need a spare copy later on, you never know. The others, were sold, you can still find them on their shop.
In this case, this is another review, actually it counts as 2, there was a round number of copies done that included the ones to send to members and the ones to keep spare, and they were just selling some, as they sell review number, 35 or 36.
Just that this one has a bit more of success than the review number 37, for example.
In any case, whatever the fanclub will do, it will be wrong, so ...
pietROxette said on January 15, 2003 11:47:
Never said that whatever the fanclub does is wrong.
However, some cases, they way you handle things is in fact, different from how people expect a fanclub to work.
I’m a member of the Bon Jovi fanclub, never paid them a penny but received way more stuffs from them than from the Roxette FanClub.
Anyway, don’t think that people only complain because they do not have anything else to do. They just disagree with the way the fanclub handles certain things. When they express this, you at the fanclub never listen but find excuses. That’s what’s the biggest problem with the FC.
But well, okay, keep this thread for the RS Tourbook only. We had enough ’fc-sucks’ topics so far. (Which has a significant meaning, btw.)
Jud (moderator) said on January 15, 2003 12:01:
I don’t think that explaining the facts as they are is coming up with excuses. And the facts are: There were not more tourbooks printed out just because the same procedure as with other reviews was followed, and nobody expected it would have such demand. *
Now it is too late to go back, and as Iris says, re-printing more tourbooks would be far too expensive, because the quantity would be quite less than the first time, so there is nothing to do anymore, I personally find it a quite waste of time to go and say “you should have printed more” as well as to go on explaining the reason why there were no more tourbooks printed out.
I could also go and say “why didn’t you order it when it was on sale” (the fanshop said it was a “limited stock”), but that would be useless, wouldn’t it?
Maybe for the next time (if there is to be a next time) the FC should carry some kind of survey, but if the response has to be the same as the response the FC gets when they ask for stories for the review, I think they will end up printing up to 50 copies only ;)
* Btw, the demand of tourbooks is *not* that high as it seems.
Jud (moderator) said on January 15, 2003 12:03:
btw, Pietro, I got to the conclusion that for some people complaining here is like a hobby :P
(and I am not meaning it for you, just in case).
ally77 said on January 16, 2003 20:23:
Well I did arrive back from Stockholm but the postman had not delivered me my tour book.... still not got it.... has anyone in the UK got it??
coyboyusa said on January 18, 2003 12:05:
i finally got mine of saturday...oddly enough it has no post mark on it for a date. But may i say a huge congratulations to the fanc lub for suck an incredible effort....just one thing....unlike emi I am sure your computers use spell check :)
BRAVO keep up the good work
ted_roxette said on January 18, 2003 12:23:
hello been talked to th fc. they said that it was hipped but still no book???? what happends
many other swedish fans have got it
ngriffioen said on December 15, 2002 22:00:
Hi there!
What do you all think of the aFTER tOURBOOK? I love it!! It looks professional and I love the photos and stories in it! It’s gr8 to have at least one souvenir of this wonderful Room Service tour! I hope you all ordered it, it’s worth the money!