josefin said on January 2, 2003 06:30:
Well, I sure think they are :)
On season 4 they are fighting quite hard against the Source, and then on season 5 there’s some really cute things happening .. I looove the last episode from the 4th season btw! ;)
In Finland they’re gonna show that season not until the end of this year. Unfair that is :P
And Paige is very good, because of her I haven’t missed Prue even near as much as I thought I would.
Ricardo said on January 1, 2003 05:36:
I love Charmed from the 1st episode. It was a pitty Shannen Doherthy left the show. It could be cool if Roxette played in the P3 as musical guests or at least if they included a song in the sountrack (like “Crush on you”).
josefin said on January 1, 2003 10:43:
Oh, I’m quite a huge fan of that show! =) (and it’s not that long since I myself were thinking if any Rox-fans liked it)
In Finland they have only showed the first 3 seasons on TV, and when that All hell breaks loose -episode was showed, I just couldn’t help but downloading season 4 from the net .... And now I’ve also watched the first 9 episodes from season 5 ;) Quite a good way of spending Christmas-holiday :)
Piper&Leo are my favourites ;D
And yeah, Roxette on P3 ... :D
Roxoholic said on January 1, 2003 18:46:
Yea, it would be great if Roxette could appear at P3 as music guests. I have also loved Charmed from episode 1. Here in Norway they have just begun to show season 4. It was a shame that Shannen Doherty left but Rose McGowan is just a delight.
Josefine: Are the new episodes any good? ( counting from season 4-5)
coyboyusa said on January 2, 2003 11:34:
i was a big fan still shannen dougherty left now the only thing worth watching ont hat show is a shirtless cole
josefin said on January 2, 2003 20:43:
Leo ... oh, just a perfect angel ;P
It’s kinda weird to be such a fan of such a teen-show :P
At least in Finland it’s most likely watched by teens I think ... and I am already 19 (20 this year, uh!) so I guess I’m not exactly teen anymore .. Or I guess it’s the teen-mind that counts :D (my 15 years old brother hates the show and laughs at me for watching it so desperately... though he also laughs at me for being a Roxette-fan!)
I’ve got these seasons myself, like last spring after taking the final exams at school and having months of freetime in my hands, all I ever did was watching the show, downloading the episodes, watching them all over again ... And now it seems to be quite same with the season 5 :)
But my boyfriend also likes it, so I’m not all alone with my obsession ;P He also likes Roxette now, before meeting me he couldn’t name any song from them, and last year he even attended the concert with me! Yay :D
Roxoholic said on January 2, 2003 21:01:
My friends tease me for watching Charmed and loving Roxette. They say that I can´t grow up because they think that only young kids like Charmed and Roxette. And whenever they say that I just start singing something of Roxette just to piss them off:)
By the way: Does anybody know where I can download season 4 of charmed? -thanx.
josefin said on January 2, 2003 21:58:
My littlebrother actually liked very much of Physical Fascination, when he was about 3-4 years :D Maybe I should remind him about that ;)
And my bigbrother who also laughs at me (mean brothers I seem to have :), was even the one who introduced Roxette to me when I was 7. Since that I’ve been a Fan, but his fanism ended sometime before C!B!B! was out ...
About Charmed&season 4, I got it from Kazaa and now I have it on cds ;) Also those first episodes of the 5th season I’ve downloaded there.
Roxoholic said on January 3, 2003 16:39:
My little brother actually likes Roxette. He likes almost all the uptempo songs but he hates slow songs so he´s not to crazy about the ballads. He thinks the worst song is A Thing About You, wich I just simply love.
josefin said on January 3, 2003 18:58:
Mine doesn’t like any of Rox-songs, at least he would never ever admit if he did ;)
He’s more into Iron Maiden and bands like that + some Finnish bands I doubt any foreign people know of :P
Twilight-Ghost said on January 4, 2003 14:56:
My younger brother likes Roxette too. He sometimes borrows my Roxette CDs. Songs he likes are the ones mostly sung by Per.
I watch ’Charmed’ too. It is one of those TV shows I always watch.
coyboyusa said on January 11, 2003 17:45:
there r plans i hear to put the first season of chaRMED on dvd soon!
Roxoholic said on January 11, 2003 21:52:
I have heard that season 1 is coming out on dvd next month. I hope it´s true:)
Roxoholic said on January 1, 2003 01:42:
I was wondering if there is any charmed fans here? (the TV show, not the norwegian group). just noticed that on there is a flashmovie page and on two of these flashes are Roxette played. It is The Look which is played to describe Prue and there is Dangerous wich is played to describe Phoebe. Kinda interesting though... anyone seen it?