The truth about why Anders left Roxette!!!!
roxyroxy said on November 29, 2002 13:55:
We’ve always wondered why Anders left Roxette...
Now I know the truth!!!! According to a friend of Micke Syd, Per wanted to change Roxettes sound and he thought that Anders had too much influence on the sound! (A sound that we all loved!!!) It was not because of Jennie Löfgren, as people have been suggesting on this dicussionpage. When Per no longer wanted Anders to work with Roxette, Anders found out about Jennie, and started working with her. ( They later became a couple...) Still I want him back in Roxette again! I liked Roxette more when he was a part of them.....
tinytim said on November 29, 2002 14:39:
Remember: Watching to Live-ism, you learn that Per DIDN’T want Anders in the band. He went lunching and Marie hired him.
animalkingdom said on November 29, 2002 14:48:
ha! well that surely was new to me...
anyway, i think anders was great!
Santi said on November 29, 2002 14:51:
@Roxyroxy: Which is the source for that information? I mean, how do you know that? You read it, you talked to the friend of Micke, are you the friend of Micke???
m-cvk said on November 29, 2002 15:11:
I want Anders back!!!! He’s better than CL. I love Anders’ style!
ally77 said on November 29, 2002 15:14:
Yeah roxyroxy is Anders (I think).... stop the rumour mill who the hell are you???.
Santi said on November 29, 2002 15:18:
We know at least he/she is Swedish... or could be, cause saying “change Roxettes sound” didn’t use apostrophe (Roxette’s), exactly as is done in Swedish :DDDD Well, ok, in other languages too :P
Jennie maybe?? :DDD
Winterangel said on November 29, 2002 15:30:
I don’t agree with the fact, that Anders made that Rox sound. He worked with Marie on her album “Den Ständiga Resan” and it sounded totally different (almost the opposite), although he is the author of many of the songs...
Roxette-atic said on November 29, 2002 15:41:
Well, its Pers ( and Maries) band and HE decides who stays and who leaves.
Th_Th said on November 29, 2002 16:01:
Stupid to say it is Pers and Maries Band and HE decides who is going to stay and leave... how come then, on all their concerts Per and Marie introduce the complete Band as being Roxette?
I also have to say that Anders was great, I think Per was maybe also afraid that Anders started to get much more attention, I remember during the Crash BB Tour, whenever Anders came close to the front of the Stage, the fans would freak of excitement, as with Per and Marie, for the rest of the band, fans almost didn’t bother...
sure, anders was the third famous person in roxette...
but maybe he left, so roxette didn’t need to split, as it happened with GT...
but then again, it was a huge dissapointment to me when anders left... he was just so much part of Roxette...
Roxette-atic said on November 29, 2002 16:45:
They dont introduce the whole band as being Roxette- they just present the musicians to the aduience. read on the Roxette cds; ROXETTE IS MARIE FREDRIKSSON AND PER GESSLE. Sure I liked hom to, but I like Christoffer as well.
LittleGirl78 said on November 29, 2002 18:09:
On the RoomService-Tour with the band-presentation from band and the carceral-photos was Christofer great. He´s look on the carceral-photo so real, this funny :-)
Ferdan said on November 29, 2002 19:42:
Lundquist can be a great guy..... but his playing style is boring and weak... can be great in Brainpool or TWATG... but in Roxette his style... hmmmm i don’t think it fits correctly, it lacks of quality. Even compared to the Anders of 1980.
marcusvandeursen said on November 29, 2002 22:26:
must agree... am missing Anders as well... he gave some magic energy to the band in some way... and esp. in videos its an attractive figure to see
Nefatari said on December 2, 2002 14:05:
There have been so many discussions about Anders! And there is almost noone who doesn’t want Anders to rejoin Roxette!
....for some different reasons. Some just like Anders because he’s so handsome, others love him for the way he’s playing the gr8 Warwickbasses!
Anyway ... I’m sure, the style and sound of Rox has changed with leaving-Anders and joining-Christoffer.
I’ve been (and still am) a big fan of Brainpool, and I know their sound ... and some Roxsongs sound like some BRP-songs (listen to the Painkiller-Album!).
I really like Christoffer, since the first time I’ve seen him in 94.
But I guess, Anders was way better for Roxette!
vivien said on December 2, 2002 14:51:
It´s strange.
In the ´80´s Per and Anders shared bedroom on the tours and they went on holiday together.
( According to the swedish G.T. book.)
Why they didn´t like each other anymore....
japeke said on December 2, 2002 20:07:
Start a ’We want Anders, Away with Christopher!’ campaign????
Nefatari said on December 2, 2002 22:29:
I would never start or sign a campaign which would work against Christoffer.
maRUSia said on December 3, 2002 07:25:
I want Anders back to Roxette.
Roxette is not the ROXETTE without him
Jud (moderator) said on December 3, 2002 09:16:
I would say that both sides have their answers to why Anders is not involved with Roxette anymore ;)
Sure some of us liked or loved or prefered Anders for whatever reason, but starting or even thinking of starting a campaign against Christoffer.. I just think it is out of everything...
He is a good musician, you just have to listen to his work with Brainpool, and the most important, he is a person, you know, people have feelings, he is not an object you can choose to “throw away” if you don’t like it...
vivien said on December 3, 2002 11:15:
What do you mean ?
I´ve read in the G.T. book why Anders left Gyllene Tider and then Per and he were angry with each other in a long time .
But later they were friends again.
Did you read in the book why Andrs left Roxette?
I can´t remember it.
HummingBird said on December 3, 2002 14:33:
There could be so many reasons for Anders’ leaving roxette... or Christoffer joining them - the world isn’t just black and white!
And after all I guess Christoffer gave a somewhat new touch to roxette’s music, which is probably what they wanted.
Nefatari said on December 3, 2002 14:37:
I think P&M are really convinced that Christoffer is a good musician. Otherwise they wouldn’t have worked together with him for such a long time!
Santi said on December 3, 2002 15:08:
@Vivien: Oops... I meant why GT split, not about Roxette, sorry, mizunderstood :D
Santi said on December 3, 2002 15:17:
I think most of you don’t get the point...
Anders Herrlin was not replaced by Christopher Lundqvist!!!
I explain myself. How on earth the bass playing can influence so much the sound of a band??? It doesn’t, really. It’s not about playing the bass, Lundqvist does his job more than correctly...
The POINT is that Anders Herrlin was the recording engineer of Roxette!! That way a person can influence the sound of the band, not by playing bass, c’mon!
The recording engineer decides many things, maybe for Per there were too many.
And remember now Per and Marie have turned themselves into producers, something they were never before. I guess Per wanted more control over the final result of the songs... Anders Herrlin was replaced by Michael Ilbert!
japeke said on December 3, 2002 16:23:
My idea about the campaign was a JOKE people....
calm down...
xarrrr said on December 3, 2002 17:37:
hahahah!!! you peeps crack me up... lol.
i love anders. lalalala!
Ferdan said on December 3, 2002 17:44:
yep Santi is right..... but i think the bass has also influence in the sound of a band too.
Santi said on December 3, 2002 22:34:
Ok, could be that the way of playing bass affects the sound of a band, but it a very little way. Actually bass is the less noticeable of instruments...
Now I think of an Oasis song called “Go let it out” where Noel Gallagher (a pretty good guitar player) plays the bass, and the bass line is very good. But anyway, good bass lines don’t make good songs... that’s my opinion. Good songs come before.
the_phantom_roxer said on December 4, 2002 20:25:
@ ali... yeah we know you do! i was wondering when you’d comment on this!! lol!
but yup... anders in luvverly!!
Ferdan said on August 21, 2003 03:26:
“good bass lines don’t make good songs... that’s my opinion.” by santi
ever heard Another one bites the dust? :)
or Under preassure? :)
Now time have passed, and I still think the same...
Lundquist is great for Per solo work, but he doesn’t fit in the best Roxette sound as much as Anders did...
What were the main flaws the fans found in HAND and RS?..... the mix and the sound....
And that means, in part, Anders field. maybe :)
dubacik said on August 21, 2003 07:04:
I am one of the people I want Anders back in Roxette. REALLY!!! I was on Per´s concert in Stockholm also because of Anders Herrlin. I think Anders made always more jokes with Marie on stage than Christoffer...
Kiwein1 said on August 21, 2003 07:17:
And Per wouldn’t have Anders in his band if he didn’t like him anymore.
Joyride007 said on August 21, 2003 07:23:
It was Per’s decision and he had on this say-so and reason.
Rich-UK said on August 21, 2003 08:32:
- thanks for digging this one up, really interesting!
- it seems that there is room for both Anders and Christoffer in the Mazerineras
- I like both of them but think that Christoffer’s influence on Mazarin is a bit overpowering at times
- Anders gets my vote for Roxette bassist!
- best wishes, Rich-UK
Santi said on August 21, 2003 09:17:
You’re right Ferdan, the bass is important, but I still think Anders influenced more as engineer than as bass player. :D
daniel_alv said on August 21, 2003 10:50:
i think onne thing is sure... anders and per is not angry with eachother now, cause then he wouldn’t have been on stage with per this summer...
yellowtigger said on August 21, 2003 11:08:
I think that Anders and Per are friends....they played together with the Solo Mazarin Album of Per....dont you?
mdekort said on August 21, 2003 16:35:
I agree with you Judith, I met Christopher this summer at the releaseparty of Mazarin and he is (as is the rest of the band) a great and nice guy!!!
That day was also for me the first time to hear Anders play live, I must admit, due to all the things going on around Anders, and seeing him for the first time live, I paid a lot of attention to him. But I also loved the way Christopher (or is it Christoffer??) played his bass, not to forget the small guitar, marvelous!!!
So I don’t really have a preference for Anders or Christopher, but I also must say, I love the sound of Joyride and CBB the most. But thenagain, RS was also a great album, what the heck, I love the Roxette music, whatever era!!!!!
gessle-adict said on August 21, 2003 19:14:
I think the bass has a lot of influence on a song, if not, listen to “Wish I could Fly”, the bass line is sort of a sensual thing during the verses. I think that´s the best example. Also in “Sa lange det lyser mittemot”
Ferdan said on August 21, 2003 19:17:
Så lange det lyser mittemot, totally agree that this song has an excellent bass line... it’s pure quality from anders...
Burke said on August 21, 2003 20:45:
’Per was maybe also afraid that Anders started to get much more attention, I remember during the Crash BB Tour, whenever Anders came close to the front of the Stage, the fans would freak of excitement, as with Per and Marie, for the rest of the band, fans almost didn’t bother...
sure, anders was the third famous person in roxette...’
This is actually a very good point. I have never seen it from that point of view. But it’s certainly true that he was a very charismatic and effective performer during CBB. Just remember Dressed for success...
Rich-UK said on August 22, 2003 08:43:
It struck me during the Mazarin shows that when Per introduced the band he gave a lot of emphasis for Christoffer and Helena etc. but only quickly mentioned Anders, maybe to take some attention away from him, interesting... Rich-UK
tevensso (moderator) said on August 22, 2003 08:52:
No no no, this has no truth behind it. Per introduced Anders the same way he has since 1982. No better, no worse. Please, there is no foul play behind this.
Rich-UK said on August 22, 2003 08:59:
Ahhh OK, I haven’t really seen much footage of old GT introductions... but I certainly wasn’t suggesting foul play(!)... more just that Anders has enough screaming girls without a lengthy introduction, which some others seemed to get, that’s all... have a nice day... best wishes, Rich-UK
Edit: well of course there is no foul play otherwise Anders wouldn’t have been a Mazerinera! - it just struck me during the show, before I saw this thread, that as a solo performer, you don’t want a single band member to get much more attention than the others - just my observation, that’s all :-}
Jud (moderator) said on August 22, 2003 09:26:
well why should Per have got Anders to tour with HIM if they are supposed to be angry, or Per jealous at him or whatever other crap???
It’s not that there aren’t bass players enough in Sweden to choose ;)
Ferdan said on August 22, 2003 11:01:
yep, they’re good.... but lack of groove or “swing” (somethinglikethat).... as mentioned, listen to Så lange... and that’s a quality bass line... ;) and playing style.....
anyway, it is just a matter of personal taste.
pietROxette said on August 23, 2003 21:41:
During the Stockholm concert of the Sommar Mazarin tour Per introduced Anders as “the cutest boy in town tonight”. So I don’t really believe Per don’t pay as much attention to introduce Anders as the rest of the band.
gyllenerox said on August 27, 2003 20:59:
I love Christoffer since I saw him 1994. I met him and Anders in Halmstad and they’re both nice guys but I prefer Christoffer don’t ask me why ;o).
carrlin said on October 9, 2003 22:47:
The most important thing for me is that my idol Anders is back on scene with the sound of his bass.:)))) Clap!Clap!Clap Anki!!!
If He’s goodlooking is good for him.
dubacik said on October 10, 2003 06:56:
I totally agree with Carrlin and I think the truth about everything considers Anders and Christoffer know only Per with Anders. So maybe we should ask both of them...
Santi said on November 29, 2002 14:17:
Gyllene Tider split because of Per/Anders relationship was pretty bad... isn’t it?